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Thread: First Test Cycle - Slow Gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Guidoville, New Jersey

    First Test Cycle - Slow Gains

    Hey Guys,

    About 5 weeks ago I started taking a generic testosterone blend (Propionate , Phenyl Propionate, Cypionate, Deconate) dosed at 400mg/ml, and I take 800mg of the blend a week . It's my first cycle and it's a bulker.

    My Stats:
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 216
    Body Fat% : 19%

    Bench: 245 (8-5 reps, 4 sets)
    Squat: 225 (5 reps, 4 sets)
    Deadlift: 275 (6 reps, 4 sets)

    My Training Split:

    Sunday: OFF

    Monday: Chest (4 sets per exercise 8-10 reps)

    Bench Press (always first , the following are switched up each week)
    Incline Press
    Decline Press
    Incline Dumbell Press or Cable Flies or Dumbell Flies

    Tuesday: Back (4 sets per exercise 8-10 reps)
    Deadlift (4 sets 5-6 reps)
    Cable Rows
    Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs (supersetted with Standing Lat Push Downs till failure)
    Barbell Rows
    Dumbell Rows (supersetted with one armed cable isolated lat pull downs till failure)

    Wednesday: Shoulders (4 sets per exercise 8-10 reps)
    Standing Shoulder Press
    Front Raises supersetted with rear delt raises
    Dumbell Shoulder Press
    Upright Barbell Rows
    Seated Smith machine Shoulder Press

    Thursday: Legs (4 sets per exercise 5-6 reps, mine are pretty weak)
    Leg Press
    Front Squats
    Dumbell Lunges

    Friday: Arms
    Dumbell Curls supersetted with Rope Pushdowns
    Incline Bench Dumbell Curls supersetted with Single Arm Cable Extensions
    Concentrations Curls supersetted with Skullcrushers
    Pull ups supersetted with Dumbell Kickbacks

    My problem is that I'm seeing very modest , if not just "natural" gains despite having a high calorie, high protein diet divided into 6 meals a day , and working out everyday with an awesome trainer 5~6 days a week . I'm only gaining about about a pound or so a week (so I've gained 6lbs so far , and I'm a complete endomorph) . It's also worth noting my sex drive hasn't increased , my strength has only modestly increased by a couple lbs or reps, and I have gained very little size, if at all through the cycle.

    Where am I going wrong here ? Is there a possibility that my gear's fake ? This is suppost to be my best cycle cause it's my first and I feel like everything's going to hell .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    You are 21 and running 800/week for your 1st cycle, I think there is a lot you are going wrong with.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Your too young. Do u understand the risks involved At your age? Not to mention there's a lot of other things your doing wrong

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    world wide
    Hey bro you're gonna get the same answer from everyone here. You're too young and doing too much.

    But to answer your question and this is not related to gear but just lifting in general... if youre not making gains you either are not eating right or lifting right. How many calories and protein are you taking in every day? How heavy are you lifting? Trainers don't always train you to look like a bodybuilder. Look at your trainer. Is he huge? If he's not then you have to ask yourself "is he training me to look like him?"

    You can make gains whether naturally or on a cycle as long as you eat and train right. If you don't all the AAS in the world will do absolutely nothing but give you problems... especially at your age.

    Do yourself a favor bro. End your cycle, PCT and go natural for a few more years.
    Last edited by cb714; 09-10-2011 at 01:47 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Guidoville, New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    But to answer your question and this is not related to gear but just lifting in general... if youre not making gains you either are not eating right or lifting right. How many calories and protein are you taking in every day?
    I get in around 200g~300g of protein a day. I do eat about 6 times a day, and I'm always full after each meal and never, ever hungry.

    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    How heavy are you lifting?
    My Stats:
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 216
    Body Fat% : 19%

    Bench: 245 (8-5 reps, 4 sets)
    Squat: 225 (5 reps, 4 sets)
    Deadlift: 275 (6 reps, 4 sets)

    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    Trainers don't always train you to look like a bodybuilder. Look at your trainer. Is he huge? If he's not then you have to ask yourself "is he training me to look like him?"
    My trainer's a pretty decent size mid 20's , he's 6 feet, 235lbs , and 7~9% bodyfat. He looks like an amatuer bodybuilder and he's been lifting since HS . Also since we're friends he trains me for free, and he completely understands exactly what I want to accomplish through training with him, which is to gain as much muscle I can leanly .

    Quote Originally Posted by cb714 View Post
    You can make gains whether naturally or on a cycle as long as you eat and train right. If you don't all the AAS in the world will do absolutely nothing but give you problems... especially at your age.

    Do yourself a favor bro. End your cycle, PCT and go natural for a few more years.
    Of course you're 100% correct . However, being totally honest, I don't wanna waste years my life doing things naturally that with gear get get done in a few short months months. That's why I shelled out $100's of dollars for gear, pct, food, supplements, gym memberships, ect. I'm just doing this to look good for girls, not to be a world class powerlifter or super star pro athlete .

    It's not exactly encouraging to just sit on the sidelines naturally , while seeing 18 year olds at my gym bragging about what gear they use and seeing them totally explode each week either. . .

    Seriously I'm just seeking advice on why I'm not getting anything better than just seemingly "natural" gains on this cycle despite being 5 weeks in .
    Last edited by mooseboy92; 09-10-2011 at 11:12 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooseboy92 View Post
    I get in around 200g~300g of protein a day. I do eat about 6 times a day, and I'm always full after each meal and never, ever hungry.

    My Stats:
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 216
    Body Fat% : 19%

    Bench: 245 (8-5 reps, 4 sets)
    Squat: 225 (5 reps, 4 sets)
    Deadlift: 275 (6 reps, 4 sets)

    My trainer's a pretty decent size mid 20's , he's 6 feet, 235lbs , and 7~9% bodyfat. He looks like an amatuer bodybuilder and he's been lifting since HS . Also since we're friends he trains me for free, and he completely understands exactly what I want to accomplish through training with him, which is to gain as much muscle I can leanly .

    Of course you're 100% correct . However, being totally honest, I don't wanna waste years my life doing things naturally that with gear get get done in a few short months months. That's why I shelled out $100's of dollars for gear, pct, food, supplements, gym memberships, ect. I'm just doing this to look good for girls, not to be a world class powerlifter or super star pro athlete .

    It's not exactly encouraging to just sit on the sidelines naturally , while seeing 18 year olds at my gym bragging about what gear they use and seeing them totally explode each week either. . .

    Seriously I'm just seeking advice on why I'm not getting anything better than just seemingly "natural" gains on this cycle despite being 5 weeks in .
    very skewed thinking, srsly, to look good for girls?! you want to spend years with depression and impotence associated with low testosterone? the girls will just love that. cos thats very real and very possible.

    have a re-think

  7. #7
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mooseboy92 View Post
    I get in around 200g~300g of protein a day. I do eat about 6 times a day, and I'm always full after each meal and never, ever hungry.

    My Stats:
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'11"
    Weight: 216
    Body Fat% : 19%

    Bench: 245 (8-5 reps, 4 sets)
    Squat: 225 (5 reps, 4 sets)
    Deadlift: 275 (6 reps, 4 sets)

    My trainer's a pretty decent size mid 20's , he's 6 feet, 235lbs , and 7~9% bodyfat. He looks like an amatuer bodybuilder and he's been lifting since HS . Also since we're friends he trains me for free, and he completely understands exactly what I want to accomplish through training with him, which is to gain as much muscle I can leanly .

    Of course you're 100% correct . However, being totally honest, I don't wanna waste years my life doing things naturally that with gear get get done in a few short months months. That's why I shelled out $100's of dollars for gear, pct, food, supplements, gym memberships, ect. I'm just doing this to look good for girls, not to be a world class powerlifter or super star pro athlete .

    It's not exactly encouraging to just sit on the sidelines naturally , while seeing 18 year olds at my gym bragging about what gear they use and seeing them totally explode each week either. . .

    Seriously I'm just seeking advice on why I'm not getting anything better than just seemingly "natural" gains on this cycle despite being 5 weeks in .
    LOL, good luck with that. There is a lot more to it than that and with gear it still takes years to do it right and gain much more than water weight or anything you wont loose as soon as your cycle ends. You also risk stunting any growth you have left (fusing your growth plates) NO you are not done growing no matter what you think. You risk ED, limp dick and no one is going to tell you they have or have had it but you will know when you get it and your girl dumps you and tell everyone you know you cant get it up.

    You are not thinking about things right. Yeah it sucks when you see people making gains you arent but if you got your diet 100% spot on you would be making gains 2x what you are not I bet and all natural, nothing to worry about.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Guidoville, New Jersey
    Fine, I'll stop my cycle and start my PCT today . Pretty humbling being back on square 1 now. Any thoughts on why I wasn't making any signifigant gains so at least I don't make the same mistake in the future ? Or do you guys think the gear is fake ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    It doesnt matter if it's fake or not and being humble is a good thing, it shows some maturity and willing to take a bad situation and try to turn it around to make it right. You will be much happier concentrating on diet and spending the money on food with better results both short and long term. If people would concentrate as much on diet and routine/form they would see much better results. I know, I played around for years thinking I was eating good and working out right. Not until I found this board did I realize what I had been doing wrong and things started happening quickly.

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