Well its a week past my 8 week cycle of Test E 500mgs, Tren E 500mgs and EQ at 800mgs. Went from 202lbs at 13.2% bf to 224lbs at 11.9%. Thrilled with the results. I have dropped down to 218lbs this week, losing some water weight. My strength went through the roof! My gyno flaired up pretty bad even with Aromasin. I have been running Nolvadex at 40mgs/daily for a little over a week and its making a big difference. Im cruising for one more week before I start my next 8 week cycle. This next go round I will be upping the Test E 750mgs, Tren E 700mgs, Masteron 500mgs and Anavar 80mgs/daily for 6 weeks. I also start HGH 2 iu's a.m. and 1 iu evening starting this week. Going to run the HGH for 12 months minimum. I cut all my food intake in half this past week until the end of this week. I am hungry 24/7, like a double edged sword, hate when im eating all the time and hate when im not eating all the time?? But, as of now really happy with results and will be posting pictures once this transformation is complete.