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Thread: Need advice on a cycle. Ten Acetate, Test Prop and Anavar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Need advice on a cycle. Ten Acetate, Test Prop and Anavar

    Hey all,

    I need some advice. I have done a few cycles before, mainly sus and deca, had great results.

    I am now happy with my gains and stripped weight down and am cut at just over 82Kg. I was going to start a course of Tren, Test and anavar.
    If any one has hit this cycle let me know how it went.
    I am going for a small dosage of around 1ml tren, 1ml test every 5 days and 40mg anavar ED.
    I want to try and keep my abs out as got a photo shoot in 3 weeks and wanted to know what the water bloat is like on these???
    Also if water retention is a problem, how I can shift it in time for the shoot???

    All help is appreciated!!!!!!

    Cheers All


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    first u certainly cant do Tren acetate every 5 days not test. it has to be everyday or every other day max
    and we need specific number of cycles with what u had and if u did PCT , because tren is really some heavy stuff
    and stats bro stats. length weight. BF% age

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Before I hit Deca and Sust. I started with 1ml of deca on Mon and 1ml Sust on Thursdays. Upped that after 3 weeks to 1.5 then after another 2 weeks to 2ml. Ran course for 12 weeks. Ran PCT on first cycle. Did same cycle second time and PCT. Third cycle I did same but added Dianobol and must admit PCT wasn't the best as I was all over the place. I know it was a mistake!!!!
    I am not looking for monster gains on this cycle, more to just stay hard and put on some lean size!!!! Was planning PCT of Nolodex by gaspari, Trib terres to raise test levels and a natural test booster.
    I am 5" 10" and 83Kg carrying about 10% bodyfat. Am 28
    Do you reckon Tren is too hardcore for what I am after then???
    My mate has hit this course and looks good, but he is worried as last injection was 4 weeks ago and he is waiting for his size to disappear!!! All water has dropped of him but he says he is waiting for all the muscle to dis appear. Surely if he is eating right and traing hard he should keep the body he has now, or will it slowly disappear?

    Cheers for your reply and any help is appreciated.


  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Your cycling is all wrong and your understand how steroids and esters work is way off. You really need to read the profiles of the drugs your intending to use and do alot more research.

    What have been your previous cycles?
    what were the results?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    my previous cycles were as above, I hit sust and deca. I did 1ml of deca on Mon and 1ml of Sust on Thursdays. Upped that to 1.5ml and then to 2ml. Did cycle for 12 weeks. Results were good, i gained a lot of size. I have done that cycle 3 times!!!!

    Reason I ask about this cycle is a friend in the gym has just done it. He has come off 4 weeks ago and lost all the water. He did lose size but looks really good and cut, he says he will just keep losing mass but if he diest and hits gym surely he will keep his body???

    Any advice, even on better cycles, would be appreciated. Will read up on the Cycle I mentioned. Have done research but obviously not enough.

    Thanks for reply.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    1ml or 2 ml means nothing without knowing the strength, mg/ml 200mg per ml? 150mg per ml? 100mg per ml? etc. As said, if it's Tren A it needs ran Every Other Day (EOD) or it wont stay consistent in your system and you dont want to run tren without test. No need to go from 1ml up to 2ml. Keep it steady from start to finish.

    It's important you understand what you are taking, how to take it properly and what the side effects will be or might be.

    What are your stats?
    body fat
    experience working out
    cycle experiences

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