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Thread: How to LOWER your testosterone levels?

  1. #1

    Question How to LOWER your testosterone levels?

    I have naturally low testo (and every symptom there of), but not low enough for the doctors to care, and for me it's very important to be able to get legal testosterone. So, to be able to get the doctors to prescribe testosterone to me, I have to lower my levels a little so that they are low enough for a prescription.

    I have asked this on other forums, and got the advice to try 50 mg Tren Acetate e7d for 3 weeks, but I would like some more opinions on this.

    It's very important to me that the doctors won't be able to find any evidence in my bloodwork that I have been messing around with my levels. It's also important that my testo lvls wont get suspiciously low. Somewhere around 5-11 nmol/L would be perfect.
    My actual levels are 15nmol/L. On my last blood work I managed to get it down to 11 by consuming licorice and vodka everyday for 1 week and not sleeping the night before the test, but I find this method unreliable and if I'm not mistaken, it will show on my bloodwork that I have been drinking.
    I did the previous bloodwork at a general practitioner, so they only checked testosterone, but now my doctor wants me to see a specialist, and I presume that the bloodwork they will have me do will show a lot more than just my testo levels.

    It would be great if someone here could help me!
    Thanks in advance!!!

  2. #2
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    If its low I wouldn't mess with it. Wait and see the specialist and see what they say. TRT is for life, so its always best to get it on the up and up.

  3. #3
    Well thats the thing, my levels are low but not low enough for the doctors to prescribe anything. There is kind of a "grey zone" where your testo could be sufficient or low depending on how sensitive you are etc, and I'm smack in the middle of it. I have been moderately depressed, problems sleeping and no libido for almost 2 years. I have seen both therapists and psychiatrists and tried numerous drugs with no result. I am tired of this now, and have decided to take matters into my own hands.
    I have managed to test low once, and now all I have to do is to test low again and then I can probably get a subscription. So, if anyone have any advice on how to safely lower testo levels (and by safely I mean in a way thats hard to detect), please tell me!

  4. #4
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    100mg shot of deca will shut u down.

  5. #5
    Ok, but isn't it traceable? How long before the bloodwork would I have to take it?

  6. #6
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    loosing more than a stone a month shuts you down happened to me rebounds a bitch u get low test symptoms i.e trouble maintaing erections depression no libido at all this was at 18 it sucked then rebound was a bitch horny as **** constant hard ons and rage baby hhahaha try eating small portions 5-6 times a day only eating meats (always grilled) and fruit like bananas and apples to supply natural sugars to prevent diabetes no carbs at all or sugar this will lower ur test bcause when loosing sevre amounts of weight i.e i lost 3 stone in 6 weeks your body thinks its starving even tho its not so its shuts your test down bcause ur body has no need for it as its concentrating on preserving ur life and body rather than building muscle this diet with training mma and gym 7 days a week or something similar will shut you down bro it cant b detected bcause theres nothing to detect but ur test will b low hope this helps mate

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlex View Post
    loosing more than a stone a month shuts you down happened to me rebounds a bitch u get low test symptoms i.e trouble maintaing erections depression no libido at all this was at 18 it sucked then rebound was a bitch horny as **** constant hard ons and rage baby hhahaha try eating small portions 5-6 times a day only eating meats (always grilled) and fruit like bananas and apples to supply natural sugars to prevent diabetes no carbs at all or sugar this will lower ur test bcause when loosing sevre amounts of weight i.e i lost 3 stone in 6 weeks your body thinks its starving even tho its not so its shuts your test down bcause ur body has no need for it as its concentrating on preserving ur life and body rather than building muscle this diet with training mma and gym 7 days a week or something similar will shut you down bro it cant b detected bcause theres nothing to detect but ur test will b low hope this helps mate
    FYI, nobody is going to take advice from someone who can't even use punctuation.

    OP, I would go for a very low dose of Nandrolone.
    It won't throw off all your other numbers like using orals, cycling injectables, or drinking would. And it would only be detectable on an AAS test, which no doc is going to do.

  8. #8
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by dlex View Post
    loosing more than a stone a month shuts you down happened to me rebounds a bitch u get low test symptoms i.e trouble maintaing erections depression no libido at all this was at 18 it sucked then rebound was a bitch horny as **** constant hard ons and rage baby hhahaha try eating small portions 5-6 times a day only eating meats (always grilled) and fruit like bananas and apples to supply natural sugars to prevent diabetes no carbs at all or sugar this will lower ur test bcause when loosing sevre amounts of weight i.e i lost 3 stone in 6 weeks your body thinks its starving even tho its not so its shuts your test down bcause ur body has no need for it as its concentrating on preserving ur life and body rather than building muscle this diet with training mma and gym 7 days a week or something similar will shut you down bro it cant b detected bcause theres nothing to detect but ur test will b low hope this helps mate

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    FYI, nobody is going to take advice from someone who can't even use punctuation.

    OP, I would go for a very low dose of Nandrolone.
    It won't throw off all your other numbers like using orals, cycling injectables, or drinking would. And it would only be detectable on an AAS test, which no doc is going to do.
    So pretty much what Slim said then? One shot of 100mg deca. How long after the injection should I wait before I do the bloodwork?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrmagic View Post
    So pretty much what Slim said then? One shot of 100mg deca. How long after the injection should I wait before I do the bloodwork?
    Yeah. But 100mg is too much and will completely shut you down.
    I'd go with NPP instead of Deca and do shots of 10-20 mg while getting my levels checked several times through bloodwork without going through the doc.
    But in all honesty, I doubt you know enough about this stuff to pull it off correctly.

  11. #11
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    ah the grammar nazi's are at it again and im the skin head hahah ah right so you think that punctuation cancels out life experience grow up you looser seriously so what if iv bad grammar and punctuation?!
    dec11 unfortunetly its true dude i found out the hard way your body bounces back but only once you get off the diet

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlex View Post
    ah the grammar nazi's are at it again and im the skin head hahah ah right so you think that punctuation cancels out life experience grow up you looser seriously so what if iv bad grammar and punctuation?!
    dec11 unfortunetly its true dude i found out the hard way your body bounces back but only once you get off the diet
    Your advice was also stupid. Starving yourself? Really?

  13. #13
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    dieting causes low test??? WTF???

    I guess nobody is getting a nut during precontest cutting?? lol....

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Yeah. But 100mg is too much and will completely shut you down.
    I'd go with NPP instead of Deca and do shots of 10-20 mg while getting my levels checked several times through bloodwork without going through the doc.
    But in all honesty, I doubt you know enough about this stuff to pull it off correctly.
    ^^ Thats why I need you guys to tell me what to do :P I'm trying to learn, but since I'm really only going to take one small dose one time, and not take a lot over a longer course of time like you guys, I don't really see how I will be able to mess it up too much
    I will probably only need to get my lvls checked one more time, so all I really need to know is what to take, how much to take and when to take it, and I should be good to go.

    I think I've figured out the what= Nandrolone or Deca and the dosage somewhere between 50-100mg...but I'm still not sure about the when. I will be notified weeks before I have to do the blood test so I will be able to plan ahead.

  15. #15
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    first of all its due to rapid weight loss smart guy the bodies not designed to fluctuate weight rapidly causing the brian to shut down all un-necessary systems you dont starve read it again 6 meals smaller portions no sugar or carbs all un-necessary weight falls off i never mentioned starve urself i train like a man possed and with this diet lost 3 st of unneeded fat read before you insult someone RAPID WEIGHT LOSS.
    exevious same to you learn to read smart guys if your going to insult me or a fact then at least understand it

  16. #16
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    dont go shoot deca to lower your test,, find another doctor if you are having prbs with your sex drive, etc. You dont have to be out of range to be prescribed test. You start taking crap to lower your test and all your other values will be screwed up. PS i ran 300mg wk of deca by itself and it did not shut me down

  17. #17
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    take a shot of triptorelin 5mg. that will more than def get u below range

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    dont go shoot deca to lower your test,, find another doctor if you are having prbs with your sex drive, etc. You dont have to be out of range to be prescribed test. You start taking crap to lower your test and all your other values will be screwed up. PS i ran 300mg wk of deca by itself and it did not shut me down
    What? You mean you didn't feel shutdown, right?
    Because there is no way it didn't shut down your HPTA.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlex View Post
    first of all its due to rapid weight loss smart guy the bodies not designed to fluctuate weight rapidly causing the brian to shut down all un-necessary systems you dont starve read it again 6 meals smaller portions no sugar or carbs all un-necessary weight falls off i never mentioned starve urself i train like a man possed and with this diet lost 3 st of unneeded fat read before you insult someone RAPID WEIGHT LOSS.
    exevious same to you learn to read smart guys if your going to insult me or a fact then at least understand it
    Dude, how can you question anyone's intelligence when you can't even use a ****ing period?
    Dieting is not a sure thing at all. And what do you think is going to happen when he goes into the doctor's office after dropping 20lbs? His doc is going to test him for aids, cancer, and every wasting disease, then tell him to eat more. No HRT there.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    What? You mean you didn't feel shutdown, right?
    Because there is no way it didn't shut down your HPTA.
    From my exp ONLY, i have run 2 deca/winny only cycles for about 10 wks along time ago. I never had any problems seen with little or no test. If i was completly shut down i would of been miserable. If you have a study that shows deca always shuts down the HPTA please provide because i dont believe that.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    From my exp ONLY, i have run 2 deca/winny only cycles for about 10 wks along time ago. I never had any problems seen with little or no test. If i was completly shut down i would of been miserable. If you have a study that shows deca always shuts down the HPTA please provide because i dont believe that.
    I've seen the study, but I don't feel like hunting around for it. A single shot of 200mg of Deca shut down all participants for around 12 weeks.
    And you can't always tell if you're shut down, though I assure you that a blood test would have shown 100% suppression.
    Some guys can function just fine for a while so long as they have some sort of androgen in their system, even if it isn't test.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I've seen the study, but I don't feel like hunting around for it. A single shot of 200mg of Deca shut down all participants for around 12 weeks.
    And you can't always tell if you're shut down, though I assure you that a blood test would have shown 100% suppression.
    Some guys can function just fine for a while so long as they have some sort of androgen in their system, even if it isn't test.
    i dont doubt your statement but what your telling me is technically anyone who runs a deca cycle would have to continue test injections for another 10wks instead of the normal 2 that is used on this forum?

  23. #23
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    hell the cheapest and easiest way would be to get OTC SD orals and run 10mgs ed for a week.... thats not enough to need liv support... and apparently there is no concern about PCT... cause he is try to shut down.

    start day 1
    run till day 5

    see doc on day 8or 9. should get you a script....

  24. #24
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    no what he is saying that it takes the body about 12 weeks to fully recover from a deca injection. It binds to the AR more than test, which leaves more test to be aromatized into estrogen which then suppresses natural test production.
    I bet you didnt have any issues because you also ran Winny, which is a DHT so that prevented the common 'deca dick' and with the deca in ur system, you still had some androgen in your body doing enough to keep everything going during ur cycle. And i bet you did a PCT right? well pct helps restart your test production.

    and to the OP, just take a 5mg shot of triptorelin or leuroprolide, they are GnRH agonsts which will suppress your LH and FSH values to well below normal, if thats what you are wanting to do.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    i dont doubt your statement but what your telling me is technically anyone who runs a deca cycle would have to continue test injections for another 10wks instead of the normal 2 that is used on this forum?
    No PCT drugs were used in the study.

  26. #26
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    There are LHRH agonists out there that lower testosterone in women. Not sure if it would work the same for men. Google should provide your answers as the goal of everyone here is the exact opposite, we want to raise testosterone

    Do a search for it bro, I'm sure you'll find it.

    Worst case, switch up docs or go to one of those anti-aging clinics, they'll hook you up.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    No PCT drugs were used in the study.
    regardless, how would pct combat the effects of suppresion/shutdown of nadrolone? If your shut down from deca any pct drug will not get rid of that effect. Same as why you dont use pct while you still have test in your body.
    Last edited by chuckt12345; 09-13-2011 at 07:51 AM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlex View Post
    first of all its due to rapid weight loss smart guy the bodies not designed to fluctuate weight rapidly causing the brian to shut down all un-necessary systems you dont starve read it again 6 meals smaller portions no sugar or carbs all un-necessary weight falls off i never mentioned starve urself i train like a man possed and with this diet lost 3 st of unneeded fat read before you insult someone RAPID WEIGHT LOSS.
    exevious same to you learn to read smart guys if your going to insult me or a fact then at least understand it
    3 stones of fat? What were you the michelin man?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    regardless, how would pct combat the effects of suppresion/shutdown of nadrolone? If your shut down from deca any pct drug will not get rid of that effect. Same as why you dont use pct while you still have test in your body.
    Because the nandrolone decanoate is only active for 3 weeks or so after your last shot. This is why you'd wait 3 weeks after your last shot of deca before starting PCT. Sure, you have some suppressive metabolites circulating for months after, but they just hinder/slow recovery and do not prevent it like active nandrolone (well, dihydronandrolone, really) will. It isn't that it kept them fully suppressed with no chance of recovery for 12 weeks, but that it took about 12 weeks for their HPTA's to recover. Had PCT been introduced after 3 weeks, the process would have been expedited.

    You're way overthinking this.

    If you want your mind blown, any ester of test at a decent dose will shut down the HPTA in a few weeks. And this stuff applies to everyone. Sure, we may differ in the way we react or feel shutdown, but our HPTAs all have the same general response to these drugs.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 09-13-2011 at 10:29 AM.

  30. #30
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    Very good questions, and answers.
    My $.02
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    I've seen the study, but I don't feel like hunting around for it. A single shot of 200mg of Deca shut down all participants for around 12 weeks.
    AR cited 100 mg in the profile (which included a rather cloudly chart), but didn't clearly reference the source. You'd have to sift through his references for validity.

    And you can't always tell if you're shut down, though I assure you that a blood test would have shown 100% suppression.
    Very true, especially when it occurs quickly, as in the case of aas use.

    Some guys can function just fine for a while so long as they have some sort of androgen in their system, even if it isn't test.
    I hate to beat a dead horse, but 'true' again. The negative feedback loop still registers androgens as valid sex hormones. Contrarywise, some guys get complete ED from running Deca only, so we see very specific individual's a paradox.
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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Because the nandrolone decanoate is only active for 3 weeks or so after your last shot. This is why you'd wait 3 weeks after your last shot of deca before starting PCT. Sure, you have some suppressive metabolites circulating for months after, but they just hinder/slow recovery and do not prevent it like active nandrolone (well, dihydronandrolone, really) will. It isn't that it kept them fully suppressed with no chance of recovery for 12 weeks, but that it took about 12 weeks for their HPTA's to recover. Had PCT been introduced after 3 weeks, the process would have been expedited.

    You're way overthinking this.

    If you want your mind blown, any ester of test at a decent dose will shut down the HPTA in a few weeks. And this stuff applies to everyone. Sure, we may differ in the way we react or feel shutdown, but our HPTAs all have the same general response to these drugs.
    ok that sounds good,, when you said shut down for 12 wks i was thinking the study was implying you were shut down for well over 3 wks or at least suppresed to a point that pct wouldnt do much good.
    another ?,,, if you say any decent amount of test will shut your HPTA down, would all your hormones associated with HPTA like LH register 0 when you got blood work done?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    ok that sounds good,, when you said shut down for 12 wks i was thinking the study was implying you were shut down for well over 3 wks or at least suppresed to a point that pct wouldnt do much good.
    another ?,,, if you say any decent amount of test will shut your HPTA down, would all your hormones associated with HPTA like LH register 0 when you got blood work done?
    Yes. Your testes stop producing testosterone because your pituitary ceases LH and FSH production.

  33. #33
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    OP, if your test is low, but your physician doesn't want to put you on TRT, go one of those Men's Health/Anti-Aging clinics. They'll retest you there and most likely put you on TRT (if you're levels match low test symptoms). If you shoot yourself with 100mg of deca and go there and they test you at like 25ng/dl then they're going to make you go to an endocrinologist before they treat you.

    But if you go on TRT, mind you, it isn't cheap.

  34. #34
    a natural way to lower it is long distance running not sure if you like running but im talking like cross country kinda running like 4 times a week but you will lose a significant amount of strength and mass, its been published in medical journals that this kind of "cardio" causes test levels to significantly lower i read that in a muscle and fitness magazine i still have the magazine if anyone whats what journal it was published in i believe it was over in the U.K tho

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by tanner225 View Post
    a natural way to lower it is long distance running not sure if you like running but im talking like cross country kinda running like 4 times a week but you will lose a significant amount of strength and mass, its been published in medical journals that this kind of "cardio" causes test levels to significantly lower i read that in a muscle and fitness magazine i still have the magazine if anyone whats what journal it was published in i believe it was over in the U.K tho
    That's basically what dlex suggested...though you probably couldn't make it out since he can't type a proper sentence or paragraph to save his life.
    Either way, his doc would note any drastic changes in body weight and all that, so overtraining is not going to cut it.

  36. #36
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    Find a doctor that will treat your symptoms, no your numbers. Also, there are numerous nationwide clinics out ther that will be eager to help you.

  37. #37
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    Watch a lot of barbera Striesand movies,eat tofu, and vote democrat, That will destroy your test

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobloat View Post
    Watch a lot of barbera Striesand movies,eat tofu, and vote democrat, That will destroy your test

  39. #39
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    hahah razr i ****ed up the muscles in my back in a scrum in a u19 rugby match wen i was 17 dude borred into my neck for bout 8 scrums in a row and on the 9th reset he hit a nerve in my neck buckled my legs i got knees to the head on the way down and my torso and legs ended up in different directions wit 15 other dudes on top of me got up cudnt stand straight went to the docs and found out the muscle was torn and notted into shit wasnt able to stand for awhile so i wasnt training for months so went to 16 st started doin mma in college about a year later hitting the gym went on a fighters cutting diet and dropped the 3 stone in 6 weeks was a bit to much i went to a stick ha im 5'10" with fairly broad shoulders so i looked ridiculous

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlex View Post
    hahah razr i ****ed up the muscles in my back in a scrum in a u19 rugby match wen i was 17 dude borred into my neck for bout 8 scrums in a row and on the 9th reset he hit a nerve in my neck buckled my legs i got knees to the head on the way down and my torso and legs ended up in different directions wit 15 other dudes on top of me got up cudnt stand straight went to the docs and found out the muscle was torn and notted into shit wasnt able to stand for awhile so i wasnt training for months so went to 16 st started doin mma in college about a year later hitting the gym went on a fighters cutting diet and dropped the 3 stone in 6 weeks was a bit to much i went to a stick ha im 5'10" with fairly broad shoulders so i looked ridiculous
    Im not going to call you stupid for not usuing punctuation but it most certainly would make reading your post far easier.

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