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Because the nandrolone decanoate is only active for 3 weeks or so after your last shot. This is why you'd wait 3 weeks after your last shot of deca before starting PCT. Sure, you have some suppressive metabolites circulating for months after, but they just hinder/slow recovery and do not prevent it like active nandrolone (well, dihydronandrolone, really) will. It isn't that it kept them fully suppressed with no chance of recovery for 12 weeks, but that it took about 12 weeks for their HPTA's to recover. Had PCT been introduced after 3 weeks, the process would have been expedited.
You're way overthinking this.
If you want your mind blown, any ester of test at a decent dose will shut down the HPTA in a few weeks. And this stuff applies to everyone. Sure, we may differ in the way we react or feel shutdown, but our HPTAs all have the same general response to these drugs.