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Thread: First cycle help

  1. #1

    First cycle help

    I have been wanting to start my first cycle for a while now, but have been very indecisive. I've been trying to do as much research as I can, and I do not plan on starting until I am 100% certain I know what I'm doing. The problem I'm having is I can't find the specific answers to what I'm looking for. So now I'm turning to you guys for help.

    I'm 5'10" 195lbs with a body fat % of about 15-18%, seeing as how I've let my diet go the past couple months.

    I am an MMA Fighter, my goals are strength gains and fat loss, with minimum bulking.

    The two cycles I have been considering are either a Test prop/var cycle, or a Equipoise/var cycle. As far as dosage I am thinking 600mg total/per week, trying to keep it low to minimize bulking. I'm thinking somewhere between 6-8 weeks.

    Here is my reasoning behind the 2 cycles..
    -I like the anavar because a lot of people seem to get good cutting results off of it, also it is easier on your joints than winny
    -I like the equipoise because of the raise in rbc, increasing endurance
    -And I like that Test prop, because most of the threads I read always say you need test for the base of your cycle

    My confusion would be running a cycle with no test, which a lot of people disagree with. And also a lot of people don't recommend test prop for your first cycle

    Any suggestions/opinions I could get would be much appreciated. I'm all ears. Also help with dosage's and pct would be great. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    How old are you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    if u ask u r fishing (%
    You haven't done nearly enough research because those are poor choices for a 1st cycle, especially the 2nd one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    Alot of people will also say your bf is too high to cycle,if you train in mma and good diet you should have no problem losing bf i.e fasted cardio in am on pads/sparring in pm?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Cellar Dweller
    Another MMA fighter that is inadequate with himself? I hate you guys so much, your are the worst kind of tool. Don't fight if you don't deserve to win. Hope you grow tits to go along with your impressive self image. Sorry if im being harsh but I believe juicing to get an advantage over someone in a physical match is the most cowardly and dishonest thing you can do next to gay incestrial rape. But to each his own right? With this said you'll probably do them anyway and in this most douchiest of situations if I were you I'd run a cycle of winstrol and prop at proper dosages and cycle length as well as pct, I believe if you wanted to be a skunk and juice that this would give you the strength advantages you seek as well as not to hard of a first cycle. At your stats you sound like a stocky build I think with a proper propionate dose you wont get bulky just great fat loss and strength gains. But what do I know im just an everyday schmuck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by schering View Post
    Another MMA fighter that is inadequate with himself? I hate you guys so much, your are the worst kind of tool. Don't fight if you don't deserve to win. Hope you grow tits to go along with your impressive self image. Sorry if im being harsh but I believe juicing to get an advantage over someone in a physical match is the most cowardly and dishonest thing you can do next to gay incestrial rape. But to each his own right? With this said you'll probably do them anyway and in this most douchiest of situations if I were you I'd run a cycle of winstrol and prop at proper dosages and cycle length as well as pct, I believe if you wanted to be a skunk and juice that this would give you the strength advantages you seek as well as not to hard of a first cycle. At your stats you sound like a stocky build I think with a proper propionate dose you wont get bulky just great fat loss and strength gains. But what do I know im just an everyday schmuck.
    tell us how you really feel

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    back to the south I go...
    I hate these forums so much. I swear. You're 4x's more likely l get hated on than get any actual advice. And advice does not ONLY consist of "that's a bad idea". If it's a bad idea, then offer a suggestion.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Cellar Dweller
    Quote Originally Posted by JCMMA33 View Post
    -I like the anavar because a lot of people seem to get good cutting results off of it, also it is easier on your joints than winnye's and
    Don't start complaint about earning something again now come on, everything can't come easy ya know. Are you an only child? Come from money? Or just extremely lazy and the stereotypical definition of the worst kind of american always looking for immediate painless and always without repercussion results? Come on your supposed to be a fighter your already thinking g about juicing and your gonna be weary of some joint pain so you come up with these cycles? Dude you need to grow a pair before you make whatever is in your sak shrink up from steroids your obviously not ready to handle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Cellar Dweller
    Quote Originally Posted by NewbFromCali View Post
    I hate these forums so much. I swear. You're 4x's more likely l get hated on than get any actual advice. And advice does not ONLY consist of "that's a bad idea". If it's a bad idea, then offer a suggestion.
    I gave advice. A reasonable winstrol and prop cycle, am I gonna dose it and give it a length? No, you guys need advice not a hand to hold. DO RESEARCH! I also gave some harsh constructive criticism something for the OP to think about.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011
    back to the south I go...
    Quote Originally Posted by schering

    I gave advice. A reasonable winstrol and prop cycle, am I gonna dose it and give it a length? No, you guys need advice not a hand to hold. DO RESEARCH! I also gave some harsh constructive criticism something for the OP to think about.
    You're not the only hater in the thread. Your constructive criticism is also know an a very subjective opinion.
    And I'll commend you on your suggestions. But not the approach. People come here for advice and information. Ridicule is not on their list. Just sayin. I work with professionals and when someone isn't acting like one, we let them know.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Cellar Dweller
    Touche' and yea I was harsh but I don't consider anyone professional that is lazy or lacking pride. There is nothing honorable about winning g due to synthetic advantages. I know my point is clear and with that said I will try to not be such a dick god knows I lack certain qualitive features.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Cellar Dweller
    And im not a hater I just got a personal beef with faggy cheating MMA boys.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    The OP is only 22 so he dont need cycle advice.He only needs to know the dangers of cycling and how to eat right.So lets work on that!

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