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Thread: Is my test e legit?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Is my test e legit?

    26 yrs old
    14-15% bf

    So I am on my first cycle going the traditional route with the dbol and test e. I am now on my 31st day. I have been injecting the test e twice per week at 600 mg/wk all in quads and just dropped the dbol yesterday, which I had been running at 50 mg/day. I just upped my last injection which will equate to about 850 mg/wk since I am experiencing little to no sides and not feeling much. My gains on the dbol have been great up to this point (gained about 40 lbs total of water/fat/muscle and started cycle around 12% bf). Anyway, today I did a chest workout after having dropped the dbol and it sucked tbh. Strength was the same at most as the 3rd week in (so no gain over 4th week), aggression and stamina were down as well. I have been feeling lethargic, lower libido and aggression than naturally with some erectile dysfunction, few to no sides (just very minor acne and testicles at about 75% of normal size), and minimal strength gain over 4th week.

    Basically, is this normal coming off the dbol to have a down week until the test kicks in better or what? My source has had no complaints from this brand of gear and the supplier is verified. Just wanted some opinions on my gear being legit or not and what to expect over the next few weeks. If it turns out to be bunk, should I start pct or run a low dose of dbol to keep gains until I can get legit gear (maybe a week or two)? Thanks for opinions!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well I dont know who told you Dbol and test was a good starter cycle.But it is usually just test.You are running it to high to begin with.Why you raised it to 800 is beyond all common sense.You are feeling lethargic most likely do to your estro being high.When all else fails educate before you medicate.Use some Adex .25ED

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Can you have high estrogen without getting gyno or tender nipples? The lethargic feeling and low libido are quite strong so I do believe that's what it is. Could the high estrogen keep me from feeling the effects of the test e? I have liquid aromasin on hand. What about .5 ml eod to start with? I haven't used it yet as side effects were minimal, but this decreased aggression and low libido are killing me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Yes you can have high estrogen without gyno or tender nipples. Mine was 10x to high. My libido was OK also. Start taking the aromisin.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Could the high estrogen be preventing me from really feeling the effects of the test e?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    100% yes it can and will limit what you feel from the test because it knocks your test down big time. My test should have been around 1800+ but was only 800.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Thank you, I will try the aromasin immediately.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I would start at .25 EOD

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you may feel shitty cause you put on so much weight. 40lbs in 4 weeks is not healthy and you just upped your dose of test? It takes time for a body to adjust.

    You almost added an addition 25% of your old body weight. I'd seriously lower the test and ad an ai. This is why people get screwed up and steroids get a shitty name.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    You gained 40 lbs in 4 wks???? Is that even possible??

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by nusa View Post
    You gained 40 lbs in 4 wks???? Is that even possible??
    It's possible, I've seen numbers near that before, but honestly I've never seen any of them even get close to what anyone would consider gains kept.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Yes, I swear I gained 40 lbs in a month. My weight is holding at the moment, not really going up or down. It's becoming so hard to gain any more since my body is not used to being this heavy. I think I will have to up my calories to about 6500+ to continue to gain weight. Very difficult. Keep in mind, I'm 6'3" and this was a virgin cycle and I know how to eat right so I will gain way more than most. I took .5 ml of the aromasin last night. Had a great workout today and aggression was way up so we will see. Obviously could be placebo effect at this point, but time will tell. I'm going to stick to the higher dose of test and the .5 ml eod of aromasin. I can't explain enough to everyone how my body always responds better to high doses, keep in mind I do weigh over 250 so higher doses are necessary for me. BTW, I'm not a fat 250. Body fat is under 15%.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I need some opinions on this. It has been about another week, I have been taking .5 ml eod of aromasin, and taking in about 6000 calories a day. Basically, my weight has remained roughly the same maybe up one lb. Strength has stayed the same or gone up a little bit on all lifts, nothing crazy. Testicles are still at maybe 60-70% of full size, not much if any smaller. It seems like I've lost a lot of water weight during the week with possibly some muscle gain, not exactly sure though. It still seems next to impossible to gain past 253 no matter how much I eat. I have some new test e on the way. I have further upped the dose of my current test e since I'm confident it's underdosed. My opinion is that my test e is pretty heavily underdosed. Libido and sexual function has been better, not crazy maybe similar to when I'm natural at best. I still feel overly tired quite a bit for some reason even after 9 hours sleep. I just want to see what everyone else thinks based on my results so far. My plan is to just switch to the new test e at 750 mg/wk and run it to the end of the originally planned cycle (about another seven weeks). I almost want to inject about a gram (not a full gram b/c of underdosing, maybe half that imo) of my old test this week on top of starting the new stuff as a sort of frontload since my test levels are still not very high b/c of the underdosing. What are your opinions and recommendations? Thanks!

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