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Thread: So much information.. How to weed out what you don't really need? Advice please

  1. #1

    So much information.. How to weed out what you don't really need? Advice please

    Ok, So i've been lurking on here for a while gathering information, but I really honestly don't have that much time anymore. With my new job, my life is picking up at an incredible pace. I would like to know what exactly to purchase and what type of cycle (if any) to run. I've been working out for three years but I don't seem to put on muscle, just lose weight.

    MY current stats:
    Age: 28
    Ht: 6'4"
    wt: 210
    BF: 16%
    Goals: Maximization of muscle gain and fat loss while keeping side effects to a minimum. I have also heard that the products usually boost your energy. For me this would be great seeing as i come home absolutely drained and could definitely use the boost.

    I started back up training two weeks ago after a 7 month break due to surgery (slowly but surely)

    I digress, in all honesty there are so many different types of steroids on the market, it's like one big jumbled mess to me. This will be my first cycle, What products should I really look into to start gaining good muscle mass while cutting fat? Should I just cut fat down to 10% first?

    My diet will consist of 450g of protein and at least 1000g of carbs/day. I will work out at least 5x/week with 30 min cardio 3/5 days. Now with that being said, how long should I run a cycle for and what (if any gear) should I use? With the winter months coming up, I'm going to absolutely consume and dedicated my life to this and my job until the summer.

    As of now my plan looks bland because I honestly have no direction. I just want to get pointed into the light before i just ask a random dealer, I don't want to get my system all screwed up. I feel like i might be jumping the gun a bit, but I think it's time for me to make some drastic changes in my life.

    Any advice?

  2. #2
    I also want to add that I am liable to anything I decide to do with my own body. The information given to me will simply be assistance to help make my mind up. I will hold nobody responsible but myself. I would just like to hear from a vet or two and cross-reference their info and make any decision i might want to make from there on forth. I appreciate your criticism
    Last edited by Umbral; 09-14-2011 at 05:58 PM.

  3. #3
    I think most vets will tell you to focus on your diet, and just train hard. You need to have at least a year of consistent effort before adding gear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Welcome to burger king, may I take your order, please?
    Quick way = fatty failure.

    Not your fault though. How about you dedicate some time into researching,instead of asking a complete stranger what you should put into your body.

    I suggest lsd/dust/k combo. It really sends you deeeeeeeep. Vein that shit too.

    Im a dick cause im bored...but really.....use your head, i know reading sucks cause its boorrring but, you can manage.

    Educational forums are awesome, check out the steroid profiles, diet sections, lifting sections, sweet search function and you'll have all the answers you need.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    You just came baclk from 7 months off at the gym.
    You need a lot more time to get back into it.

  6. #6
    I just don't have the time. I have to make money, I just got another job and would love to do the research needed. Too much info, and not enough time. I'm hardly even home let alone on the internet anymore. I want to dedicate my time to working out and working. Thanks anyways, wish me luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
    I just don't have the time. I have to make money, I just got another job and would love to do the research needed. Too much info, and not enough time. I'm hardly even home let alone on the internet anymore. I want to dedicate my time to working out and working. Thanks anyways, wish me luck
    well then work out and eat right. You dont need steroids when you are just getting back into it.

  8. #8
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Sounds like you shouldn't be using anything at thing point. When you are ready, just research what you need. For example, use the search function and look for "beginner cycles". More importantly, get your diet and training right. Otherwise you will waste your money, be disappointed with the results and will be putting your health at risk.

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