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Thread: Wanted - Steroid Help

  1. #1

    Exclamation Wanted - Steroid Help

    Hi Guys

    I have posted on here before but i want to firstly thank everyone who has helped me to make the right choices.

    I have chosen to listen to all of your advices and will do a 12 week cycle of Testosterone Enanthate, basically what i am looking for is advice on making my first shot as i have looked on the web and have not found out exactly how much of the "1ml amp containing 250mg of test e" i should take, i do not want to overdose and want to do this safely..

    Many thanks


  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    simple you tube/google search, and it was obvious you were fishing before

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What are your stats?
    what is your cycle, is it 500mgs per week?
    How long have you been training?

  4. #4
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    He had a thread about a week ago with a messed up diet it appears that the OP chose to not take the advice given.Research is the thing bro appears you want to be spoon fed info.Sorry we are hear to help not baby sit.You have a lot of work before you.I suggest you get started.

  5. #5
    Hi Marcus300 my stats:

    Height: 6ft 3
    Weight: 168 pounds
    Bodyfat 11.3%

    My cycle would be of first 5 weeks at 500mg, 6,7,8 week jump to 750mg, 9,10,11 week back down to 500mg and then on final week 250mg

    I have been training for a few years now, putting on weight but finding it hard even though i exceed the calories for a typical man, i take whey protein with 2 raw eggs and creatine as supplements. Work out pretty much every day for around 1.5 hours.

    I did do an 8 week cycle before of Dianabol 10mg, Nolvadex 10mg and Clomid 50mg. Milk thistle used for liver reasons as advised. My gains from this was i put on about 2 stone during those 8 weeks which was amazing and my body size increased and generally feeling alot healthier and stronger. Have been reccomended to try the Test E on its own for 12 weeks.

    Any advice gratefully received

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattbellamy View Post
    Hi Marcus300 my stats:

    Height: 6ft 3
    Weight: 168 pounds
    Bodyfat 11.3%

    My cycle would be of first 5 weeks at 500mg, 6,7,8 week jump to 750mg, 9,10,11 week back down to 500mg and then on final week 250mg

    I have been training for a few years now, putting on weight but finding it hard even though i exceed the calories for a typical man, i take whey protein with 2 raw eggs and creatine as supplements. Work out pretty much every day for around 1.5 hours.

    I did do an 8 week cycle before of Dianabol 10mg, Nolvadex 10mg and Clomid 50mg. Milk thistle used for liver reasons as advised. My gains from this was i put on about 2 stone during those 8 weeks which was amazing and my body size increased and generally feeling alot healthier and stronger. Have been reccomended to try the Test E on its own for 12 weeks.

    Any advice gratefully received
    stop posting your email over the forums would be a good start.

    you need to sort out a diet before you even contemplate AAS

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattbellamy View Post
    Hi Marcus300 my stats:

    Height: 6ft 3
    Weight: 168 pounds
    Bodyfat 11.3%

    My cycle would be of first 5 weeks at 500mg, 6,7,8 week jump to 750mg, 9,10,11 week back down to 500mg and then on final week 250mg

    I have been training for a few years now, putting on weight but finding it hard even though i exceed the calories for a typical man, i take whey protein with 2 raw eggs and creatine as supplements. Work out pretty much every day for around 1.5 hours.

    I did do an 8 week cycle before of Dianabol 10mg, Nolvadex 10mg and Clomid 50mg. Milk thistle used for liver reasons as advised. My gains from this was i put on about 2 stone during those 8 weeks which was amazing and my body size increased and generally feeling alot healthier and stronger. Have been reccomended to try the Test E on its own for 12 weeks.

    Any advice gratefully received
    You need to sort your diet out before you do anything, at 168lbs at 6ft 3" you really need to learn how to eat to grow. It would be pointless in using steroids because you dont have a diet to support any new tissue so you will lose everything gain after the cycle. Steroids are not the answer for you at this stage food is. Head over to the diet section and post your daily diet and lets us all re-design it to suit your goals.

  8. #8
    Hi Songdog, i have looked into dietary plans as i was advised before and i am currently doing this. My diet has never in any way been messed up at all, i eat lots of protein, healthy food to maintain physical endurance and work out almost every day, the problem is it is taking too long and i just need a booster to help my motabolism. I have done my research its just i was reccomended to try using the test e for now, i do want to be helped this is why i have come here to get help from experienced people like yourselves. I do not want to do the wrong thing!! i want to do it the right way and the safest way!

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattbellamy View Post
    Hi Songdog, i have looked into dietary plans as i was advised before and i am currently doing this. My diet has never in any way been messed up at all, i eat lots of protein, healthy food to maintain physical endurance and work out almost every day, the problem is it is taking too long and i just need a booster to help my motabolism. I have done my research its just i was reccomended to try using the test e for now, i do want to be helped this is why i have come here to get help from experienced people like yourselves. I do not want to do the wrong thing!! i want to do it the right way and the safest way!
    then do what three of us have already advised you to do cos sure enough you're gona get some 21yr old gimp coming on and telling you what you want to hear and thats not the way to do it.

  10. #10
    But it takes ages to get any weight on me.. Seriously guys i probably eat over 3500 calories per day if not more (thats just a guess) i drink plenty of water. I exercise nearly every day. Im afraid if i eat too much i will get too fat which thus means i will find it harder to lose the fat and turn it into muscle. I dont know what else to do.. i have always over-eaten.Never let myself starve. I have been checked out at a doctors incase i had a low thyroid and he advised i was perfectly fit and healthy. I just need something on top of what im eating as a boost to my system. I dont like being a slim guy its seriously annoying, i know that when i was on my previous cycle it did no harm to me and made me alot heavier which i have been able to maintain...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattbellamy View Post
    But it takes ages to get any weight on me.. Seriously guys i probably eat over 3500 calories per day if not more (thats just a guess) i drink plenty of water. I exercise nearly every day. Im afraid if i eat too much i will get too fat which thus means i will find it harder to lose the fat and turn it into muscle. I dont know what else to do.. i have always over-eaten.Never let myself starve. I have been checked out at a doctors incase i had a low thyroid and he advised i was perfectly fit and healthy. I just need something on top of what im eating as a boost to my system. I dont like being a slim guy its seriously annoying, i know that when i was on my previous cycle it did no harm to me and made me alot heavier which i have been able to maintain...
    i give up...............

  12. #12
    Dont give up on me this is what this forum is for, to help people, i know you think you are helping me by changing my diet onto something a bit more over-generous but i am following this diet so i am taking your advice.. put it this way you didnt get the way you are now without steroids so something must have made you want to take them?..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattbellamy View Post
    Dont give up on me this is what this forum is for, to help people, i know you think you are helping me by changing my diet onto something a bit more over-generous but i am following this diet so i am taking your advice.. put it this way you didnt get the way you are now without steroids so something must have made you want to take them?..
    you have your priorities seriously mixed up and only a cretin would layout cycle advice to you right now

  14. #14
    I have my priorities mixed up? How do i? Please explain?

  15. #15
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    Hey Boss,

    I'll send you an email this evening or tomorrow when I get back from work.

  16. #16
    Thanks Oregon

  17. #17
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oregon View Post
    Hey Boss,

    I'll send you an email this evening or tomorrow when I get back from work.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattbellamy View Post
    Hi Songdog, i have looked into dietary plans as i was advised before and i am currently doing this. My diet has never in any way been messed up at all, i eat lots of protein, healthy food to maintain physical endurance and work out almost every day, the problem is it is taking too long and i just need a booster to help my motabolism. I have done my research its just i was reccomended to try using the test e for now, i do want to be helped this is why i have come here to get help from experienced people like yourselves. I do not want to do the wrong thing!! i want to do it the right way and the safest way!
    "Lots of protein" doesn't cut it as sound. Post exactly what your portions are, the calories, fats, carbs, proteins, etc for each item you eat during the day. Actually, you should do this for your entire week. I say this because what you eat today isn't what you're most likely going to have tomorrow. When you go through this, you'll find you're not actually eating as much as you think you are. And that's why you're 168lbs.

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