What is the steroid that i can run it without test ?
What is the steroid that i can run it without test ?
up up up
Trestolone Acetate. Why would you not want to run test?
cause am ready to hair lose
and test will make it fall directly also i have acne on my back al ready
so with test !! every thing will be worse
Anavar might be a good option
Anavar is only mildly supressive, i didnt have any issues at all when i ran my first cycle, var only. that being said you still should run a light pct. take a look at this link for more hair related info http://www.hairloss-research.org/steroids.html
Give it up. Aas isnt for you. Every aas you take will shut you down to diff degrees depending on what you take. If you're sensitive to sides & are looking for something that will not shut you down, go to your local gnc.
already gave u my opinion, no i wouldnt suggest primo and deca, id suggest anavar. then again thats without knowing anything about you and your stats, you might want to do more research first
If your prone to MPB every steroid you use will make things worse, even if you run one of the mild ones for your hair you will get other sides what wont be pleasant. If I remember right your only very light around 160lbs so to be very honest with you your wasting your time with steroids anyway because your going to lose all gains after the cycle because you dont have a diet to support new tissue, so your going to shut your test down and lose your hair for nothing......Sort your diet out forget steroids at this stage.
^ you can still make your dram body you just might not be best to use AAS .
Keep working at it you will build a nice body if you keep training , you won't if you stop ..
Trust me, its all in the food at your size and age you can build alot more mass if you just learn how to eat to grow. I use to force feed for yrs until I reach my idea size if you cant eat the right foods in the correct amounts your wasting your time, once you master your food intake watch the scales increase.
Perhaps a sort of hijack, but how do you search for "hair replacement therapy"??
I accept that hair loss is a very likely side effect, and am weighing the +/- accordingly. I've met guys who have had hair replacement, and it looks good to me. There are several different kinds though, any ideas toward the best choice?
diet and program
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