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Thread: what steroids should i take for athletic perforance?

  1. #1

    what steroids should i take for athletic perforance?

    Hey guys,

    Just wondering what would be the best performance enhancing steroids for athletes? Would anybody know a suitable steroid for Australian Rules Football? A sport which is quite demanding physically and also requires extreme endurance.

    What steriods and cycles are suitable?
    Is there a drastic improvement?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    whats your stats bro??

  3. #3
    I'm 5'9. 86kg. i can run 3.5km in 13minutes. looking to increase fitness, stamina, strength is good as im stocky build. i want to increase my pace and leap.

    are you familiar with aussie rules?

    thanks bud

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by angel159 View Post
    I'm 5'9. 86kg. i can run 3.5km in 13minutes. looking to increase fitness, stamina, strength is good as im stocky build. i want to increase my pace and leap.

    are you familiar with aussie rules?

    thanks bud

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Putting aside age and all the other factors, these posts about use of steroid cycles for a specific sport always confuse me. When you take a steroid you see gains followed by losses during PCT, when using steroids for bodybuilding you can manipulate diet and excersize etc. to minimize the loss during PCT. Competetive builders have other choices of either staying on with blast and cruise or using other approaches since many need to compete basically year round. Cyclists may use some test etc for a tough stage in a multiday event.

    However the point I am making is that for the casual athlete the use of steroids is not a good idea as the "season" for most sports is way too long to consider staying on ( you need to address a miriad of imbalances caused by continued usage any time you stay on) so what you wind up with is minimal gains during the period of usage followed by dramatically decreased performance after cessation of usage.

    Save the AAS for those who are being well paid to take all the risks and deal with all the problems of usage of AAS in any endurance sport.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    steroids enhance your training/diet results. They dont (by themselves) make you stronger, faster, run longer, etc. Its all about how you train and how you exercise the muscles.

  7. #7
    im 25. thanks guys for the help

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    There are plenty of options, but test alone would be the best idea, since you obviously are new to AAS.
    You'll gain plenty of strength and mass off that, without losing endurance.

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