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Thread: Pregnancy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell


    My wife and I are expecting a baby and I was wondering since I had gear in my system when the baby was concieved are there going to be any problems the doctors really cant give me any answers so I thought I would throw it out to the board

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I have 2 buddies that i have trained with for along time now and both just had baby girls. Both have been on stuff now for a few years. Perfectly healthy.

    Way to go! Congrats!Only problem is that you will lose about 1/2 the sleep you get now and your wife will NEVER let you go to the gym. I am speaking from experience. I have a 2 month old and have to lie to get out to the GYM. LOL

    Good Luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    pureanger...congrats man..good on ya. Elkins man you gotta talk to the missus and sought this whiole training shit out...does she wear the pants!

    Now I got 4 kids now with like you one on the way and it/he/she was conceived straight after my last cycle and I tried to do like yourself find out info about it and found fuckall...I ask my GP and he didn't know shit, so I asked around a bit more and the general consensus I got was that the gear dosn't really affect the individual spermies or it dosn't chemically change them so you really have nothing to fear.

    I had net-buddies who also had the same problem and their kids all turned out fine....relax dude all will be cool....



    P.S Get A Dog Up Ya!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    hey man congratulations I also have a buddy who was on it and he has a 2month old son that is perfectly healthy but he is a strong little guy he can already do pussups on his own... hahaha
    just kidding but there is no probs with him. so dont worry

    and elkins man do you should not have to lie to your woman to have to get out of the house I also have a 3 month old son and my wife complains a little but I do it anyway you have to draw the line somewhere.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Miami, FL

    Thumbs up

    Both my uncles took gear for about 5-10 years each. They were both freaking out when there wives got pregnant but it all turned out ok. My cousins are healthy as can be. Actually each of them have 4 kids and all of them came out ok. Congrats and enjoy.

  6. #6
    Mike Guest
    First off congratulations on the kid bud - name it after me alright? LOL

    Second - to end this post - There is ABSOLUTELY NO problem with you having gear in your system - the baby will not be affected, don't go popping GH though - otherwise you're kid will be fine and I hope you guys have a healthy beautiful baby. Congrats again!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    MIke thanks ill definatly name it after you maybe he/she will grow up to be big LOL

  8. #8
    Mike Guest
    LOL well if it's a girl dont name her after me - that COULDN'T be pretty LOL

  9. #9
    Congratulations on the little one, bro!
    I don't think you have a thing to worry about, though. Babyzilla (my boy) was concieved while I was on a HUGE sus/deca/dbol/winny cycle, and at 8 months old is bigger and stronger than any baby I've ever seen. I don't think that the juice had anything to do with it, but this is an 8 mo. old baby that can do a chin-up on the smith bar. No lie, man. My wife let him get hold of it and kept her hand right below his butt without touching it, and he pulled himself up until his collar bones were even with the bar.
    Good luck, and believe me, you will never have more respect for a woman than when you watch her go into labor and delivery.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I go with Quads sentiments there bro watching your little un being born is amazing and you never forget that no matter what happens,just one tip Womens strength increases by 100% Don,t hold her hand b,c she,ll crush it trust me bro I know!! lol



  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Thanks fot all the help i really appreciate the responses

  12. #12
    Hehehehehe...Billy Boy, did you ever think you would see a woman turn PURPLE? That is some really scary shit, man.

    He's not kidding about the strength increase, either. I am three times my wife's size, but I was on the edge of begging her to let my hand go.
    Best of luck to you, man,

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