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Here is a suggestion , if u r welling to eat 1200 cals for weeks
Y dnt u do a PSMF
90% protien / 5% carbs /5% fat
Carbs come only from veggies and fiber / fat from fish oil and fat in meat
Take 1.5 g of protien per lbm , take an appetite supressants , and u r gd 2 go
Search for Lyle mcdonalds rapid fat loss and u will know everything about it ,
A man at ur weight could possibly drop 7-8 pounds of actuall fat in 2-3 weeks , with WO add to that the benifits of the gear , and fat will me in days
Currently I'm doing this at 22% BF using test E and Clen , and losing a pound a day , and strength is staying the same , problem is with energy during WO , my heart pumps like crazy , it's like running 5 miles
Gd luck