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Thread: Can I make a cutting cycle out of what I have on hand?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Can I make a cutting cycle out of what I have on hand?

    I am currently at about 20% body fat, 200 lbs. 34 Yo.

    I have the following:
    Test Cyp

    Note: I am on TRT of 200mg per week. I have been netting out at about 1400 cals per day for the last week. Over eating a bit but running/walking it off in the evenings.

    Using what I got, can I build a decent 3 week cutting cycle?
    What I am thinking:
    300 mg of test cyp per week
    125 IU of HCG per day
    100mg of ephedra in a ECA stack.
    1200 Cals per day.
    25mg of tamox EOD

    I am eating clean and high protien, but still with some carbs.


    How much fat could I realistically lost in that time frame? My goal is to spare lean mass by using this stuff during a hard cut.
    Last edited by nwjt; 09-17-2011 at 05:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I am currently at about 20% body fat, 200 lbs. 34 Yo.

    I have the following:
    Test Cyp

    Note: I am on TRT of 200mg per week. I have been netting out at about 1400 cals per day for the last week. Over eating a bit but running/walking it off in the evenings.

    Using what I got, can I build a decent 3 week cutting cycle?
    What I am thinking:
    300 mg of test cyp per week
    125 IU of HCG per day
    100mg of ephedra in a ECA stack.
    1200 Cals per day.
    25mg of tamox EOD

    I am eating clean and high protien, but still with some carbs.


    How much fat could I realistically lost in that time frame? My goal is to spare lean mass by using this stuff during a hard cut.
    really in order to help you i will need to see your excact macros and this probably will need to be moved to the diet section

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Instead of that, can you tell me the macros I should have and how I can use my gear to my advantage, if possible?

    Currently on my diet this week Its been about 100-120 g or protein, 100-120g of carbs, 50-60g of fat, with 60g of the carbs sugars. HOwever, I started slower this week and need to adjust the macros, I tend to eat way too much sugar. What do you suggest for macros?

    Also can you help with the gear questions?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Instead of that, can you tell me the macros I should have and how I can use my gear to my advantage, if possible?

    Currently on my diet this week Its been about 100-120 g or protein, 100-120g of carbs, 50-60g of fat, with 60g of the carbs sugars. HOwever, I started slower this week and need to adjust the macros, I tend to eat way too much sugar. What do you suggest for macros?

    Also can you help with the gear questions?
    i really need to know what you are eating how often how many meals per day are you working out how long are you doing cardio how many days per week?

  5. #5
    Here is a suggestion , if u r welling to eat 1200 cals for weeks
    Y dnt u do a PSMF
    90% protien / 5% carbs /5% fat

    Carbs come only from veggies and fiber / fat from fish oil and fat in meat

    Take 1.5 g of protien per lbm , take an appetite supressants , and u r gd 2 go

    Search for Lyle mcdonalds rapid fat loss and u will know everything about it ,
    A man at ur weight could possibly drop 7-8 pounds of actuall fat in 2-3 weeks , with WO add to that the benifits of the gear , and fat will me in days

    Currently I'm doing this at 22% BF using test E and Clen , and losing a pound a day , and strength is staying the same , problem is with energy during WO , my heart pumps like crazy , it's like running 5 miles

    Gd luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Working out 3 days a week weight lifting.
    Cardio I try to do everyday, less on lifting days. The amount depends on how much I need to burn to hit my target calories. So I burn 200-400 depending on where I am at, for 200 I either do stair stepper or walking, if I need 400 I resort to jogging at 5.5 mph.

    Here's What I have eaten today:
    3 egg whites
    1 total protein shake (110 cals, 20g of protien per serving)
    I ate a burger king tender grill plain, just chicken breast and the breat: 380 cals
    Yoplait light yogurt, 100 cals
    I had a Keebler "rite bites" 100 calorie snack, choc. covered pretzels.
    63 g of protien,
    90g cargs
    15g of fat
    747 cals

    I will eat some cold cut turkey on one slice of wheat bread for supper, and probably have another half of a protient shake after my workout tonight. Today I am netting out at 800 cals to make up for some cake I ater yesterday and my brothers birthday.

    Suggestions are helpful.

    I know its not the best, but I have been cleaning my basement all day, lots of movement and my blood sugar dropped too low.

  7. #7
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    The problem with this is putting your body into starvation mode from carb depleting. if you are not careful you will just gain all the weight back when you introduce carbs back to your body. Either way good luck.

    Quote Originally Posted by fizzaall View Post
    Here is a suggestion , if u r welling to eat 1200 cals for weeks
    Y dnt u do a PSMF
    90% protien / 5% carbs /5% fat

    Carbs come only from veggies and fiber / fat from fish oil and fat in meat

    Take 1.5 g of protien per lbm , take an appetite supressants , and u r gd 2 go

    Search for Lyle mcdonalds rapid fat loss and u will know everything about it ,
    A man at ur weight could possibly drop 7-8 pounds of actuall fat in 2-3 weeks , with WO add to that the benifits of the gear , and fat will me in days

    Currently I'm doing this at 22% BF using test E and Clen , and losing a pound a day , and strength is staying the same , problem is with energy during WO , my heart pumps like crazy , it's like running 5 miles

    Gd luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    You need to be eating 6 meals a day with protein and carbs with the first 4 meals and protein fats with meals 5 and 6. you need to be eating fibrous greens at least 3 times a day. I know dieting is difficult but its the only way to really do this right. You can accomplish your goals easily with the proper diet!

    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Working out 3 days a week weight lifting.
    Cardio I try to do everyday, less on lifting days. The amount depends on how much I need to burn to hit my target calories. So I burn 200-400 depending on where I am at, for 200 I either do stair stepper or walking, if I need 400 I resort to jogging at 5.5 mph.

    Here's What I have eaten today:
    3 egg whites
    1 total protein shake (110 cals, 20g of protien per serving)
    I ate a burger king tender grill plain, just chicken breast and the breat: 380 cals
    Yoplait light yogurt, 100 cals
    I had a Keebler "rite bites" 100 calorie snack, choc. covered pretzels.
    63 g of protien,
    90g cargs
    15g of fat
    747 cals

    I will eat some cold cut turkey on one slice of wheat bread for supper, and probably have another half of a protient shake after my workout tonight. Today I am netting out at 800 cals to make up for some cake I ater yesterday and my brothers birthday.

    Suggestions are helpful.

    I know its not the best, but I have been cleaning my basement all day, lots of movement and my blood sugar dropped too low.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thanks. I want to know how to use my gear to my advantage.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    honestly without correcting the things in your diet the gear will not help.

    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Thanks. I want to know how to use my gear to my advantage.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027
    The problem with this is putting your body into starvation mode from carb depleting. if you are not careful you will just gain all the weight back when you introduce carbs back to your body. Either way good luck.
    PSMFs are diets used to cure obsety , the higher ur bf is the longer u will stay on and ressist it , starvation mode doesn't happen in weeks or a month an it takes time to happen , plus it depends on ur bf
    And the weight regained will be water weight cuz during this diet u won't be eating any carbs so u will be mostly losing water weight

    At the end it's all about cals , if u burn 2000 cals daily and consume 700 that's a 1300 cal deficit , so he should figured it out
    Average person with average diet can make a daily deficit of 1000 cals by excersice and limiting cals in diet , with PSMF ur cal deficit is greater , and dnt forget also advantage of TEF eating 700 cals of pro is better for weight loss of eating 700 cals of fat , and u will also keep muscle mass if u consuming all that protien

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    honestly without correcting the things in your diet the gear will not help.
    Assuming there nothing wrong with my diet. how do I use the gear to boost my fat loss?

    I havent posted enough information fo you to determine if my diet it ok, and I am not asking about diet. I understand why you asked about diet but lets assume I know how to eat. I am asking about how to use the gear, which is why I posted here instead of in the diet section.

    I do appreciate your help though. And I do eat 6 times a day in the manner you suggested. I can control fat loss and gains just fine with diet, and I want to enhance if with my gear, if that is possible.

  13. #13
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    May 2010
    Guys, Here's what I already know:
    eating less cals than I burn = weight loss
    Wrong diet = Lean mass lost

    I want to:
    Eat A LOT less than I burn AND maintain body mass using drugs I have on hand. Can you help?

    For example, using the cycle I mentioned, eat 800 cals per day and keep my LBM as a possible. This of course assumes the correct macros but I will figure that out elsewhere.

    I want to use the gear I have to maximize my fat loss assuming I have the right diet, and lets assume I do.

    diet isnt hard, high P, low carbs.

    I KNOW there are better drugs for cutting but I wont go there. I want to use what I am already taking. If it wont do any good then there's my answer. I really dont know if test and HCG can enhance a cutting routine or not.

    If not, then it is completely diet and thats my answer. I can figure the diet out, done it before.

    I'm down from 35% bf with my LBM going way up.

    I am loking for a "hard cut" cycle with the gear I have. Any takers?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Thanks. I want to know how to use my gear to my advantage.
    stop trying to use gear to fix your horrible diet. if you want to cut fix your diet plain and simple

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    stop trying to use gear to fix your horrible diet. if you want to cut fix your diet plain and simple
    I didnt give you my diet so how do you know its horrible? The part I posted is not a bad diet at all, short of the snack but given the amount of work I did today it was zapped no problem.

  16. #16
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    Ill make another thread and ask the question differently. My mistake.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I didnt give you my diet so how do you know its horrible? The part I posted is not a bad diet at all, short of the snack but given the amount of work I did today it was zapped no problem.
    Because thats a sample of your diet. And your 20% bf. Thats all the info i need to know to tell your diet is off

    3 egg whites
    1 total protein shake (110 cals, 20g of protien per serving)
    I ate a burger king tender grill plain, just chicken breast and the breat: 380 cals
    Yoplait light yogurt, 100 cals
    I had a Keebler "rite bites" 100 calorie snack, choc. covered pretzels.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Ill make another thread and ask the question differently. My mistake.
    cause your not getting the answer you want?
    Your 34, act it and take the correct advice even though it may not be what you like to hear

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Please delete this thread. 20% body is not bad, considering 4 moths ago I was at over 35%. Bad diet maybe but I had very low T so who knows. 35 -> 20 doesnt mean my diet is STILL bad, but that maybe it was at one time.

    Thanks for the personal attack. Goes well with the moderator badge.

  20. #20
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    i have low t also and was of trt for 9 months. but keep making excuses. Take advice from people who know more the you.. You are NOT eating correctly. But use more drugs and chemicals thats answer. Sorry if my honesty hurt your feelings.

    if you went from 35 to 20 great job. but just cause your diet is better then it was doesnt mean its good

  21. #21
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    I think you assume way too much. But I think I asked the question wrongly. I understand why get into diet but its not my question. I made a new thread hope to keep it on track.

    I know a lot about diet and working out, but not much about drugs which is why I am here. Its why this board is here.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Please delete this thread. 20% body is not bad, considering 4 moths ago I was at over 35%. Bad diet maybe but I had very low T so who knows. 35 -> 20 doesnt mean my diet is STILL bad, but that maybe it was at one time.

    Thanks for the personal attack. Goes well with the moderator badge.

    I would think 35% down to 20% in 4 months is solid progress... what is your weight? Maybe hold off on the cycle for another couple of months to see how much lower you can get it w/o cycle. If the diet is clean and you keep up the progress you should be low teens... Then hit the cycle, I think you'll be much happier that way.

    My $.02

    - LL

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    This board is here for those of us to give good advice that are passionate about nutrition and bodybuilding! I really do not think you are going to get the advice here that you are looking for. Good luck guys I am out.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoneLifter View Post
    I would think 35% down to 20% in 4 months is solid progress... what is your weight? Maybe hold off on the cycle for another couple of months to see how much lower you can get it w/o cycle. If the diet is clean and you keep up the progress you should be low teens... Then hit the cycle, I think you'll be much happier that way.

    My $.02

    - LL
    My current weight is 200, I hit a low 176 but with a lot less LBM. THen back up. I am already on TRT at 200mg, its all I have been using except some HCG here and there to keep my nuts bigger. I undrestand what you are saying and I plan to do what you say, but I am curious if there is a way to utilize the drugs I have to mnaximize my progress. Might as well given I am already injecting for medical reasons. But maybe thats the wrong idea?

  25. #25
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    I should have read through the entire thread.... I don't think you are eating enough!! Jim had some solid advice below... even still, 35% - 20% is good, just don't want to see you start sacrificing muscle mass that you may already have because you're body is starving.

  26. #26
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    Thanks for the encouragment. I know how and what to eat I am honestly just curious of test and HCG can be used to enchance what I am doing. Thats it! If not so be it!

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    20% is better than what you were mate. but still classed as overweight/fat.

    get it down to sub 15% then maybe think about gear.

    you need your diet sorted too. its pretty crap.

    dont take offense... just act on it

  28. #28
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    Read my blog
    HCG is for 2x a week or e3d, not ED.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Thanks for the encouragment. I know how and what to eat I am honestly just curious of test and HCG can be used to enchance what I am doing. Thats it! If not so be it!
    Personally, I would hold off, save up some more cash and get some winstrol. Then once I'm in the lower teens and have brought my body back out of starvation mode, run a cycle. I would also make sure you have some PCT on hand... especially if you have never cycled before.


  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoneLifter View Post
    Personally, I would hold off, save up some more cash and get some winstrol. Then once I'm in the lower teens and have brought my body back out of starvation mode, run a cycle. I would also make sure you have some PCT on hand... especially if you have never cycled before.

    there is no need to have pct if your are on hrt already

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoneLifter View Post
    Personally, I would hold off, save up some more cash and get some winstrol. Then once I'm in the lower teens and have brought my body back out of starvation mode, run a cycle. I would also make sure you have some PCT on hand... especially if you have never cycled before.

    I appreciate the suggestion but I am not a "roider". I am on 100% legal trt and I wont go beyond that short of upping my does a bit to enhance my fat loss, if I can ever figure out if it would have an effect.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    HCG is for 2x a week or e3d, not ED.
    It depends, my script says to use 250 IUs 3X a week. SO instead I am using 125 IUs Ed except sundays.

    Why? Because this is how the HCG diet proponents use it. So given my low cal diet I am trying it that way.

  33. #33
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    Read my blog
    lol, the HCG diet is sub 500 calories and for women. its also a money scam from most places.

    stick with 3x a week as ur script says, doing it ED wont make it better.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    lol, the HCG diet is sub 500 calories and for women. its also a money scam from most places.

    stick with 3x a week as ur script says, doing it ED wont make it better.
    Maybe but I am am highly subjective to the placebo effect I agree about the HCG diet but I figure why not try ED its the same dosage almost per week.

    Theres also ALOT of contradicting information on how to use HCG too.

  35. #35
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    Read my blog
    the life of HCG in the body with accordance to stimulation of test in the leydig cells is 72 hours. It follows the fashion of natural pulses of LH in the body.

    and the contradicting info is old vs new on hcg usage in men. now they are using it 2x a week at 250ius for maintanence of spermatogensis during suppression.

  36. #36

  37. #37
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    Theres some serious trolls on this board. Guess thats what people do after roiding since it didnt really get them what they watned.

  38. #38
    Try using the search engine.......because obviously you know more than everyone here!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Whats a search engine?

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