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Thread: Neck/back Issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Neck/back Issues

    Any of you bros out there ever have neck/back issues.. c6/c7 particularly? or upperback/neck in general? Have an MRI set up for tuesday. Cervical and spinal cavity with contrast.. Ive been letting this go for a while (stupidly) and now the pain in my back and down my arm is getting tough to deal with.. right as i was getting ready to start my bulk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Check out the injury section. Several in there. Yeah I'm thinking that is what caused my shoulder issues?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yes I got the same thing.Turns out my Doc wouldnt listen after my rotorcuff surgery when I asked him to do a MRI of my neck.So 2 years and 2 surgerys later they check my neck out.3 blown discs same as yours + 1.I have the same pain I will be getting shots shortly in my spine.Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Wow... Sucks i wish i didn't put it off... Im suffering in the gym big time because of it at this point.. my left side cant move nearly as much weight as it should. What did you do as far as training goes?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Yes I got the same thing.Turns out my Doc wouldnt listen after my rotorcuff surgery when I asked him to do a MRI of my neck.So 2 years and 2 surgerys later they check my neck out.3 blown discs same as yours + 1.I have the same pain I will be getting shots shortly in my spine.Good luck.
    Wow, sounds to close to home. Well I'm getting some xray done this week on my back then to see what can be seen since it was my back/neck that went out first just prior to the shoulders and I have not had that much pain since..... My L5-S1 ruptured.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
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    Same deal here I was juicing heavy and at 56 was doing the full rack on the lat machine like an idiot. Well a couple of days later I started having this tingling/nubness running the full length of my right arm and went to see the Doc for the first time for this as well as some other problems that may have confused the issue. Anyway he sent me for all this labwork and never even mentioned the possiblity of a c6/7 injury fortunately I googled my problem and that is the first thing that came up its been about 2 months now (out of the gym for 6 wks) and the pain has finally deminished almost completely. I have been keeping my lat work in the 100-140 lb range despite the fact that I could do 50% more easily, even at that light weight the first couple of times I worked out I could feel a slight recurrence of the problem, since then I have been being very careful to control the weight and not to let the weight go to full extension where the shoulders round forward as this seems to be where the problems occur for me.

    PS Lovbyts, been there and done that...ruptured L1,2 and 3 way back when I was 30 took years to rehab my back without surgery, they wanted to fuse them all and I was not willing to go that route.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 09-18-2011 at 11:27 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    New Orleans
    Yep had the same exact thing.. Have c4-c5 and c5-c6 fused.. I had the surgery 3 times.. the second surgery the doctor strectched the c5 nerve and caused bilaterial damage and I could not move my arms for over a year..
    I have a ruptured disc in my back but only recieve shots for this... Heavy cycles when i was young and lifting way to heavy caused the failure of my vertebra.
    Sucks but its part of life and if you let it go to long you could get nerve damage permently.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    deep left field
    Hey Jersey, I pinched a nerve in my neck about 6 months ago. Excrutuiating pain for 2 weeks. Total duration of pain 6 weeks. No strength in right arn..had to sleep flat on back. I thought it was a trap pull at first. Doc said it was pinched nerve and I should get an MRI which costs about 800 dollars here in the US even with insurance. Went online and saw that most pinched nerves do heal themselves depending on severity. I iced it 3 x a day until the swelling went down. The swelling puts pressure on the nerve thus the pain. No lifting at all for 3 weeks. It still bothers me at times. Lower back...been there too. Slipped disc 20 years ago. Check out the injury section as stated. heat for nerves and discs. See a doc. the spine is not to be taken lightly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Same deal here I was juicing heavy and at 56 was doing the full rack on the lat machine like an idiot. Well a couple of days later I started having this tingling/nubness running the full length of my right arm and went to see the Doc for the first time for this as well as some other problems that may have confused the issue. Anyway he sent me for all this labwork and never even mentioned the possiblity of a c6/7 injury fortunately I googled my problem and that is the first thing that came up its been about 2 months now (out of the gym for 6 wks) and the pain has finally deminished almost completely. I have been keeping my lat work in the 100-140 lb range despite the fact that I could do 50% more easily, even at that light weight the first couple of times I worked out I could feel a slight recurrence of the problem, since then I have been being very careful to control the weight and not to let the weight go to full extension where the shoulders round forward as this seems to be where the problems occur for me.

    PS Lovbyts, been there and done that...ruptured L1,2 and 3 way back when I was 30 took years to rehab my back without surgery, they wanted to fuse them all and I was not willing to go that route.
    I hear you. I ruptured L3 & L4 back in 1985 and finally did surgery in 2005. It was a good choice. I could only walk for 5 min at a time before that and after as long as I wanted. I ruptured L5/S1 in 2007 and was paralyzed for 2 weeks. Got back 85% after surgery. I had no choice. They want to fuse me also but I wont have any of that until I have no choice and I'm a long way off from that I hope.

    Mine was not due to heavy cycle. Mine was due to heavy lifting being young and dumb, 5' 8" 165lbs doing drywall carrying double, 4x12 5/8 sheetrock 240lbs multiple loads trying to keep up with the 6'2" guys...

    Hmmm I was doing lat pull-down 2 days before my cramped up also. Like i said, worse pain since the L5/S1. Strange how it can effect the shoulders like that, exactly like rotator cuff injury.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 09-18-2011 at 10:02 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well my pain just kept getting worst.I tryed npp it helped.But I finally got approved for my neck shots.I took time off from training beacuse I just cant sleep at nite.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Same here. C6-C7 And c1 C2. Had disk replacement surgery. Lost size an strength in my right Triceps due to nerve damage. I took about a year but I'm now balanced out again. Definitely check out disk replacement instead of fusion.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Damn this ****in sucks... just have to get bloodwork done this week (for the contrast) then im goin in for the MRI... Im a complete idiot for letting this go.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    why do you have to get blood-work for the contrast before the MRI? To see if you are allergic? I guess I am lucky I am not but also never had a test, they just stuck me and that was it. LOL My MRI is Wednsday but only for teh shoulder, not the back. Ill get an xray soon, that will show if there is a need for MRI.

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