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Thread: Need Advice for steroid use!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Need Advice for steroid use!!!!!!!!!!!

    well, i have been researching alot about steroid use and other stuff... i have been working out for almost a year with my diet and workout plan... but i am not quite happy with my success but i had some success im not saying that... but i have alot of friends at the gym taking dbol + testa and that kind of stuff and gaining more strength and weight in 4-6 weeks than i did in almost a year : ( so i started researching about steroid use at the age 18-19 and 90% of the people online dont recomend it. I can see why but what teen dosent want to be fit and muscelar at he's age. Soo i want your advice how 6 week cycle of 30mg per day of dianabol will affect my life in the future and of course i will be doing a good pct with nolva + hcg + zma + zinc and testo stack to stack my natural testateron back to normal. But everyone i keep talking to say if you start young you will have serious proplems in the future so please guys tell me the real thing i know 4sure that you will not die or rot your from steroids if you use them right.. =) so tell me everything i need to know

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    It will be pointless at your age. You will get alot more if you learn how to eat to build mass. You have a high amount of natural testosterone and you would be better using it rather than shutting it down and causing yourself problems what would result in the oppersite your looking for.

    The answer isnt in a tablet or injection at your age, its all with your diet and training!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    i agree with marcus300 , Your way to young to screw your own ability and potential . Train hard and get to your natural size that your body will dictate . At the end of the day what you gain on AAS now will only be lost at some point, You need a good foundation to fall back on before you even think of AAS .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Miami, FL
    Don't follow your friends down that road man, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Anabolic Steroids isn't something you do to get shredded for Becky's pool party next weekend, it's a lifestyle. You have to LIVE the gear. To execute a good cycle you need hardcore dedication in all aspects. It's not easy. The eating, the training, the not going out with your's not fun. If you don't do it this way, you'll surely run into any myriad of problems both long and short term. Furthmore, you and your buddies' endocrine systems aren't fully developed, and shouldn't be tampered with by using hormones to alter your results.

    Beyond that, you've only been working out for a year. Your body isn't ready for the increased stress and weight loads. You'll end up tearing something or screwing up your joints. I had been working out for 10 years before I even began to think about getting on gear.

    Don't be the stereotypical kid and do it just because it seems like the fast way to do things. Your friends will pay the price when they come off the gear, I promise you.

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