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Thread: Scar tissue?

  1. #1

    Scar tissue?

    I've ran many cycles over the years, and have recently been put on TRT. Unfortunately, I only ever injected into my Delts, and as a consequence, I believe I've built up some serious scar tissue. Anyone else have a similar problem? I have 0 post injection soreness in there, but actually getting the needle all the way in, and pushing the plunger, is very difficult. I've recently started injecting into my theighs. As a bigger muscle, will they be able to resist the buildup of scar tissue better? Glutes is impossible for me, because I can't get the needle back there properly. Would alternating each leg be fine? Or is it likely that I will one day hit the same wall I hit with my delts?

  2. #2
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    Which needle are you using?

    Are you spreading the skin where you inject?

    Are you tense while attempting to inject?

  3. #3
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    You need to alternate injection sites. Quad, Quad, Glute, Glute, Delt, Delt this will result in much less scar tissue build up.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    I've ran many cycles over the years, and have recently been put on TRT. Unfortunately, I only ever injected into my Delts, and as a consequence, I believe I've built up some serious scar tissue. Anyone else have a similar problem? I have 0 post injection soreness in there, but actually getting the needle all the way in, and pushing the plunger, is very difficult. I've recently started injecting into my theighs. As a bigger muscle, will they be able to resist the buildup of scar tissue better? Glutes is impossible for me, because I can't get the needle back there properly. Would alternating each leg be fine? Or is it likely that I will one day hit the same wall I hit with my delts?

  4. #4
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    Don't have the long term experience to answer for sure but if you rotate as said this will lessen the problem. Also on the larger sites like quads you can shoot in 3 different spots about an inch and a half apart and still be in the correct area, with glutes its two. I always utilize moving around as well as rotating sites. Naturally othe things that will help are warming (not hot that will actually cause the problem) the juice and injecting very slowly, stay away from any steroid that causes next day pain etc.

  5. #5
    I read up on some things to try, and surprisingly, ultrasound treatment seems to be mentioned in a few articles as a means to break up muscular scar tissue. Anyone have experience with this? If so, did you go in to the doctor, or use a home ultrasound machine? Which one did you use?

  6. #6
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    there is no way you cant reach the glutes but thats besides the point. Us a 25g needle tha twill help cut down on scar tissue. And rotate. You can inject bi's tri's pecs, quads.

  7. #7
    I assure you, there is a way that I can't properly hit the glutes. So the consensus is, even with weekly TRT injections and rotating between quads, it will not be enough? (One quad per week, so each spot only every other week?)
    Does anyone have any experience reducing scar tissue? IE: Ultrasound therapy?

  8. #8
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    if you are already having issues with your delts i wouldn't hit them for a very long time. why not the other spots i mentioned

    No offense your not that big that you cant do your glutes. If you are that inflexible you need to start stretching and training different. Being that tight isnt healthy and can end up causing an injury.

  9. #9
    It's not a matter of flexibility. I was involved in combat sports for 13+ years. A couple of years back I broke several of my ribs in a fight, tearing most of the connective tissue surrounding. Having no insurance, I didn't get proper medical care. As a consequence, I cannot torque properly and bend down at the same time. I could get the needle in, but I would not be able to aspirate, and I'm unwilling to risk that. I could do the other spots, and that was the original question, I suppose. I was curious if eow injections would be ok with the quads... if not, then I'll deal with pecs and possibly bis.

  10. #10
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    sorry to hear that. That would make sense. Sorry to "call you" on it but you get alot of guys just saying i cant do it.

    eow injections would be fine for the quads for a while. But since its is trt and for life i wouldn't do that for ever. I would add in other spots. If it was a 12 week cycle i would say no problem. More spots can only help not hurt

  11. #11
    No worries, I understand the need. "I can't inject!" is probably about as common as 'I eat all the time!" from 120lb guys in the gym. I keep trying to get my girlfriend to pin my glutes, but she refuses. Maybe I just need a new girlfriend. =)

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    No worries, I understand the need. "I can't inject!" is probably about as common as 'I eat all the time!" from 120lb guys in the gym. I keep trying to get my girlfriend to pin my glutes, but she refuses. Maybe I just need a new girlfriend. =)
    piss her off. She will be looking for a reason to jab you

  13. #13
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    no need to asperate ,use the glutes .
    This from a doctor:
    Overall, I agree with the presentation, particularly since it deals with PROFESSIONAL healthcare workers. I never use aspiration when injecting SC or IM. For IM, sites are restricted to deltoid, glute, and thigh. All of this must be taken within the context of anatomy knowledge. As for IV, I always use aspiration first.

    The study of this has more problems. How does one set up a proper study since there are so many parameters. This is one area where adverse effects are almost never reported, NEVER! When it comes to direct (contact) patient care, the questions on effectiveness are MANY! [For example, in the early treatment of hip implants, the patient was bedridden for a long time prior to ambulation. This same procedure was followed for post CABG. Now, there is IMMEDIATE ambulation.]

  14. #14
    I feel ya on the ribs man. I have also broken several via fighting. no fun. Fortunately I healed properly. are you on prescribed trt or self admin. I would think this would be a common issue for life long trt and the docs could point you in the right direction for fixing past damage, and best course moving forward.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    This is one area where adverse effects are almost never reported, NEVER!
    I find that sentence hilarious. "Almost never" followed by an all caps "NEVER!" Almost never is far from never.

  16. #16
    Prescribed TRT. However, the doctor is not very knowledgable, and unfortunately, there are no others in my area that my insurance will cover.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    no need to asperate ,use the glutes .
    This from a doctor:
    Overall, I agree with the presentation, particularly since it deals with PROFESSIONAL healthcare workers. I never use aspiration when injecting SC or IM. For IM, sites are restricted to deltoid, glute, and thigh. All of this must be taken within the context of anatomy knowledge. As for IV, I always use aspiration first.

    The study of this has more problems. How does one set up a proper study since there are so many parameters. This is one area where adverse effects are almost never reported, NEVER! When it comes to direct (contact) patient care, the questions on effectiveness are MANY! [For example, in the early treatment of hip implants, the patient was bedridden for a long time prior to ambulation. This same procedure was followed for post CABG. Now, there is IMMEDIATE ambulation.]
    marvellous advice, just marvellous. well done, take a bow

  18. #18
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    use your quads for a while then go back to delts, ive had the same prob and if you give that particular site a break for a month or so it seems to rectify itself. i could barely get a needle into my left delt, it was as if something was pushing the needle back out, left it for a month (did my trt in my traps) and was able to pin there during a cycle with no probs.

  19. #19
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    What is real funny is the people that think they know more than a doctor,There are really stupid individuals here that take steroids for a couple of years and think they are experts.Like the time i said i have done over 30 cycles and never aspirate and NEVER had an issue and they told me i was just lucky,yea i was lucky a thousand times.And oh yea that advice is from medical doctor that treats idiots who use steroids and their body wont recover with the advice his forum buddies gave him................

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    What is real funny is the people that think they know more than a doctor,There are really stupid individuals here that take steroids for a couple of years and think they are experts.Like the time i said i have done over 30 cycles and never aspirate and NEVER had an issue and they told me i was just lucky,yea i was lucky a thousand times.And oh yea that advice is from medical doctor that treats idiots who use steroids and their body wont recover with the advice his forum buddies gave him................
    blah blah blah. wise up

  21. #21
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    Hit a nerve did i,Ive done steroids for 30 years and i dont need replacement therapy how bout you i uderstand you one of the ones that is ****ed up from doing everything correctly.Its not me that has to wise up,im not the one on HRT.......

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Hit a nerve did i,Ive done steroids for 30 years and i dont need replacement theropyhow bout you i uderstand you one of the ones that is ****ed up from doing everything correctly.Its not me that has to wise up,im not the one on HRT.......
    well you give the most appalling advice ive ever seen for someone who's been on AAS for 30yrs lol. since when did longevity and TRT have a link? you dont hit any nerves with me pal, you're just a cranky old man set in his prehistoric ways

  23. #23
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    Everybody has their own opinion and your sucks,you are the last person to be giving advice.Yes and im not the one that has to take test for the rest of their life because they did something stupid by their admission,and barked about it on the forums for the whole world to read,good move genius...What other solid advice do you have....

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Everybody has their own opinion and your sucks,you are the last person to be giving advice.Yes and im not the one that has to take test for the rest of their life because they did something stupid by their admission,and barked about it on the forums for the whole world to read,good move genius...What other solid advice do you have....
    take a valium old man, you'll blow your BP up lol

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    Everybody has their own opinion and your sucks,you are the last person to be giving advice.Yes and im not the one that has to take test for the rest of their life because they did something stupid by their admission,and barked about it on the forums for the whole world to read,good move genius...What other solid advice do you have....
    then again you have done over 30 cycles. So how long have you really been off steriods at at time to really know how your body will react.

    And i agree your cycle advice is even horrible

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    What is real funny is the people that think they know more than a doctor,There are really stupid individuals here that take steroids for a couple of years and think they are experts.Like the time i said i have done over 30 cycles and never aspirate and NEVER had an issue and they told me i was just lucky,yea i was lucky a thousand times.And oh yea that advice is from medical doctor that treats idiots who use steroids and their body wont recover with the advice his forum buddies gave him................
    even if hitting a vein or artery is rare. Why risk it? it takes a second to do. So advising someone not to is dumb. 2 seconds to be extra safe

  27. #27
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    blah blah blah. wise up ..funny sh!t
    gixxerboy1 is undeniably right...why risk it. 2 second rule...rules

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    even if hitting a vein or artery is rare. Why risk it? it takes a second to do. So advising someone not to is dumb. 2 seconds to be extra safe
    So your saying a medical doctor whos practice is treating people with hypogonadism doesnt know what he talking about when he says it is not necessary to asperiate. and some one who hasnt asperated with himself and other people he has given 1000's of shots to and NEVER had a problem.What would i possible benifit from telling people you dont have to asperate after haveing done it myself for 30 years and not EVER had an issue with .You know this forum is the worst forum i have been to and i have been to a lot about bad information and full of parrots who just repeat something they have read or heard somewhere.I only post about my actual experiences with 30 years of knowledge and over 30 cycles and dont post about a steroid i havnt personally used.Just because someone has 1000 or 2000 post doesnt mean he knows what hes talking about,it only means hes on the forum a lot and makes a lot of posts and thats all. If you think you can give yourself a shot and not move the needle a milimeter in or out a little your dreaming.
    So this is bad information?

  29. #29
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    ^^^ and i'm saying fine you havent hit anything in 1000 shots? What if the 1009th shot you do? What is it hurting to aspirate? So if it takes 2 seconds to do. Tell me what the downside is? You wasted time?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    .What would i possible benifit from telling people you dont have to asperate after haveing done it myself for 30 years and not EVER had an issue with .You know this forum is the worst forum i have been to and i have been to a lot about bad information and full of parrots who just repeat something they have read or heard somewhere.I only post about my actual experiences with 30 years of knowledge and over 30 cycles and dont post about a steroid i havnt personally used.Just because someone has 1000 or 2000 post doesnt mean he knows what hes talking about,it only means hes on the forum a lot and makes a lot of posts and thats all. If you think you can give yourself a shot and not move the needle a milimeter in or out a little your dreaming.
    So this is bad information?
    I've seen guys say they run a ton of cycles and never did an pct and are fine. Would i recommend that to others? No
    I've put my dick in alot of places with alot of questionable girls. I never got an std. Do i advice others to do the same? no.
    I've partied alot and done a ton of shit. I never od and have great stories. Would i recommend it to someone else who asked? Nope.

    There is also the fact of giving responsible advice.

  31. #31
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    My advice is not questionable,i posted a link on proper Im injections and they also state it is not necessary to asperate.A medical doctor also says you dont have to asperate Im injections,my advice is not not iresponsible that is just your opinion.I can post 50 links stating you dont need to asperiate IM and that is not good enough for you.Does it hurt to asperiate no,is wrong not your reference to putting your dick in questionable places has no relavence at all to what we are discussing.I have done a lot of questionabe things also and wouldnt recomend them,but not asperating is perfectly acceptable procedure and you have nothing to prove otherwise,only your opinion. and everyone has their right to opinionate right or wrong...

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ^^^ and i'm saying fine you havent hit anything in 1000 shots? What if the 1009th shot you do? What is it hurting to aspirate? So if it takes 2 seconds to do. Tell me what the downside is? You wasted time?
    You are insinuating it wrong not asperate an IM injection,that is not correct medical literature even states it not necessary.

  33. #33
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    give up 10x, you are wrong and everyone can see it. funny im not the only one who thinks your advice stinks, what does that tell you?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    You are insinuating it wrong not asperate an IM injection,that is not correct medical literature even states it not necessary.
    and i've read litarature otherwise. Saying it is not necessary for sub-q injections. And depending on chemical molecule size it is necessary for IM. One substance is penicillin is required to aspirate IM. I dont know the molecule size of every steroid to compare it to penicillin. But again if it may be required why not? Why risk it?
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 09-23-2011 at 08:54 AM. Reason: wording

  35. #35
    Lol, when I left this thread last night and saw the advice posted about not needing to aspirate, I knew it would turn into this. =)
    For what it's worth, I've seen someone inject into a vein. I'll never risk it.

  36. #36
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    ^^^ Se what you started. Its all your fault

  37. #37
    Woe is me.

  38. #38
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    Don't neglect the pec's, and lat's. There are lots of websites that show all the spots you can pin with depth recommendations. You can almost do a 12 week cycle, twice a week, and never have to hit the same spot. Some spots are not as friendly as others, calves I will never do again

  39. #39
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    You can do glutes yourself easily. You dont have to bend over at all to do them. Look over your shoulder and stick your glute in the right spot. I use a pen to mark the quadrants off. Then use a shaving mirror on the edge of a table to view the syringe as you aspirate. It's easy once you figure it out.

    If you inject your right glute. Then hold the syringe steady with your left hand by putting that arm behind your back and then use your right hand to inject. The other glute is the opposite. When injecting the left glute you hold the syringe with your right hand (arm behind back) and inject with the left hand.

  40. #40
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    10x- seriously why would you post that, like the guys have said it only takes an extra 2 seconds to aspirate, why risk it? and yeah fair enough your "medical expert" has said its safe to im inject without asperating, but if its so safe then please explain to me the people that have pinned in a vein and have suffered the consequences what would you say to them?!

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