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Thread: Clenbuterol question, stats and diet macros included.

  1. #1

    Clenbuterol question, stats and diet macros included.

    Hey all, long time forum reader, first time poster. Appreciate all the great information provided on the website, so thanks to all the knowledgeable folks out there for contributing so much.

    About me:
    23 years old
    194 lbs
    12% body fat
    Training for two years
    Ecto-Mesomorph body-type

    So i've been training for two years like I said, and things have been great. Been through a few successful bulks and cuts since then.. originally started at 145lbs which as you know at my height is ridiculous. And now my goal is to try and strip down this last bit of body fat that's been more stubborn that the rest.

    I've been dieting very slowly for a couple weeks to get to where I am, and have decided to use Clen as my secret weapon in destroying (hopefully) this fat.

    I've been dieting successfully with about 2400 cals per day:

    250G protein
    250G carbs
    Remainder from misc fat through chicken, beef, fish, eggs, cottage cheese etc.

    Simple carbs post-workout, everything else coming from veggies.

    Fish oil, protein powder, Xtend, multivitamin, kre-alkalyn are my supplements.

    Training plan is a two day on, one day off split.


    Try to do cardio on my off days on an empty stomach, and every night for 30 minutes after last meal and before bed.

    Clen dosage starting at 20mcg, increasing by 20mcg ED or EOD depending on how the sides are effecting me. Have potassium and taurine at my bedside to cope with sides. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off protocol.

    Anyways, hopefully that gives a good snapshot of me; on to my question(s);

    How hard can I adjust calories with Clen? I'm not going to do something stupid and drop them down to like 1500 the first week of dieting, obviously slow adjustments are best but how great at the "Anti-catabolic" effects of Clen and what have your experiences been? Been dieting with roughly 25% off of maintenance calories so far with little or no muscle loss.


    I've read the "Clenbuterol handbook" (Fantastic thread), and it says not to take your dosage of Clen around your workout. So I plan on hitting the gym on my lifting days at 6 or 7 AM and taking the dosage after that, do I need to wait awhile post workout before taking it? Should I wait till after my PWO meals are in my belly?


    Cheat meals? What's the consensus on these bad boys along the forum and is it any different with being on Clen?

    Any critiques of my diet, training, supplementation and Clen usage are much appreciated. This is the first "Drug" i've used in my pursuit to beat the new Mr. Olympia Phil Heath (Well deserved, btw) so i'm trying to do things right and learn as much as I can before jumping into it.

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by WannaBeHyooge; 09-20-2011 at 12:52 PM. Reason: Spelling :S

  2. #2
    Shameless bump. :S

    I'm sure there are some gurus out there who are just dying to help out someone in need!

  3. #3
    2 day my 2nd day of Clen and damn am shaky hot , and heart is pumpin

    U can adjust cals as u want , Clen just will help you make the deficit bigger that's it
    and ur diet is looking gd to me
    If u r not losing at the rate u want eat less

    I take Clen b4 breakfast on empty stomach. And pre WO that's it
    It would. Great idea if u toke it and did am cardio 2 . But b careful and drink plenty of water
    Gd luck
    Last edited by fizzaall; 09-21-2011 at 08:41 PM.

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