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I think you misunderstood me on the doses. I want to do a normal test dose for the cruise. People have different idea of what that dose is, but mine will be on the lower side of the scale. Then when it comes time to blast, I want to bump the dose UP a bit, not bump it TO 100mg. So say blast at 100, maybe 200mg test a week MORE than the cruise, plus the orals.
I've done and recovered from two cycles just fine. Both oral cycles I admit, but I'm doing okay. The third one would have been a serious one, but the stuff I was taking was pretty much bunk. I start the PCT today. I might be new-ish to the drugs, but I've accomplished more in 5 years clean than most users do in a lifetime. I'm healthy and prime for this road, but I also have some serious ambitions, and I am pretty far behind my competition in terms of lifting on the juice. It's pretty much now or never.