I have be lifting for about a three years Being an older guy, 53 year old, gains are getting harder to make. I know that my diet has been good, and my rest is good. Now I don't want to be huge, but some tight muscle and 5-10 lbs gain with lower body fat is what I am shooting for. I am thinking about a Turanabol/Equipoise cycle. First, Turanabol being easy on the system, and second Equpoise also being easy, while giving me a better appitite and harder muscle is what I am shooting for. I am 6'0" tall, 180 lbs and estimate body fat to be around 10%. I do cycle and treadmill about three days a week, while heavy lifting 3 days a week. I haven't pounded the iron into submission yet, but as I stated, I really don't want to get really big, just some nice gains, harder muscle mass and a little more ripped than I have been. Any idea about this combo?