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Thread: Post injections issues.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Post injections issues.

    Hey guys,

    Just started the following cycle:

    500mg/week test e (10wks)
    300mg/week deca (8wks)
    40mg/ed dianabol (4weeks)

    I got arimidex if needed and 5000UI of HCG for PCT.

    Im doing 2 injections per weeks. Total of 1.5cc with 250mg of test e mixed with 150mg of deca thursday and sunday.

    My first week almost finish, i have done 2 shots, left and right delts. When i did my first shot in my left delt, everything went smooth... no pain at all, deeply massaged for 2-3mins and everything is sterile. I draw with a 20g 1inch and inject with 25g 5/8.

    After 24hours, i started to notice pain and then after another 24hours i got redness on my skin and it get worse during 2days. I though i did something wrong with my injection so i decided to try again for my second shot in my right shoulder, same thing happenned. Now on my sixth day from first shot (left delt), the redness is gone and the pain is much more tolerable. My right delt still hurt as **** though.

    Im having hard time to train upperbody parts with this pains and i have to sleep on my back all night which is unconfortable lol. Im afraid to get the same result if i shot in my glute because i cant afford to miss work...

    So here is my question, is 1.5cc (250mg test e + 150mg deca mixed) too much for delt? Will it be better if i do 2 shots instead of one?

    my gear is ltl (liqua-tech)
    I have done 1 cycle of injectable 2months ago but it was fake, i didnt gained anything from it but i experienced the injectable pain from oil which was much more tolerable then now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    how big are you? I do 1.5cc with out a problem. Also you might not have went deep enough for that much oil. I use a 1 in pin.
    Maybe you just got painfull gear. You ever use that brand before?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Actually, this suppose to be my first legit cycle. Never used the brand before but my buddy does. Hes using sus and deca, mixed and shot the coupounds in his thigh with a 1inch needle. He had no problem at all, but hes on juice since years...

    My left arm was that red too, but its gone now. Im clueless lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    if the redness is gone it just sound like a normal irritation. virgin muscle, decent amount of oil. no biggie

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Should i do rotation with my glute? i gotta do my next shot tommorow and i dislike shot in the legs...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    so basically you don't know if you having a reaction to the test or deca? If you buddy is using the same deca see if the batch numbers match, if there is numbers. If they are the same might be the test. Or try shooting each one in different places to see if one area reacts differently. Also try warming each loaded syringe with water and then inject

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    so basically you don't know if you having a reaction to the test or deca? If you buddy is using the same deca see if the batch numbers match, if there is numbers. If they are the same might be the test. Or try shooting each one in different places to see if one area reacts differently. Also try warming each loaded syringe with water and then inject
    I have heard about warming the oil but i though it woulnd do much better... I cant tell right now if its from the same batch, we received it at the same time so i suppose yes... Ill try deca in the left and test in the right glute tommorow...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    He is only 22 yrs old.Sorry Bro but do to the health risk we dont give cycle advice to anyone under the age of 25.You risk doing damage to your endo system.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Some juice hurts than others. I gave a bottle away before cause I just couldn't take it anymore. Your left delt looks horrible? Did the right look just as bad?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    Some juice hurts than others. I gave a bottle away before cause I just couldn't take it anymore. Your left delt looks horrible? Did the right look just as bad?
    Actually, its the right delt because of the mirror reflection but yes my left delt was almost identical... (first pic is my right and second my left)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    He is only 22 yrs old.Sorry Bro but do to the health risk we dont knowingly give cycle advice to anyone under the age of 25.You risk doing damage to your endo system.
    All fixed there song doggie

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