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Thread: If you had. Doc to write you any kind of script...

  1. #1

    If you had. Doc to write you any kind of script...

    My gf has a friend who has been writing her scripts for all kinds of drugs she wants, usually Xanax and I thought to myself what kind of perceptions should I tell her to have him write me. I have done a few cycles of deca and test, however since he is a doctor and not a pharmacist I don't think be can write me a script for a vial of test? And since I do not know much about the legal medical use of hormone replacement I thought this would be the best place to ask. I am 24 and as I said do have some experience with a few cycles under my belt but since the opportunity is there for ms to get some scripts wrote for me what should I ask her to ask him to write me?? I understand there are hormone replacement scripts you can get by simply going to the doc and having your test levels checked. So there should be something her can write me. Any ideas? And hormone/ estrogen blockers I can ask about? Obviously I am trying to take advantage of the situation so I'd like to get high doses so if you could please add those as well as what I should ask for I would greatly appreciate any input. Thanks. Blaze

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theblaze2011 View Post
    My gf has a friend who has been writing her scripts for all kinds of drugs she wants, usually Xanax and I thought to myself what kind of perceptions should I tell her to have him write me. I have done a few cycles of deca and test, however since he is a doctor and not a pharmacist I don't think be can write me a script for a vial of test? And since I do not know much about the legal medical use of hormone replacement I thought this would be the best place to ask. I am 24 and as I said do have some experience with a few cycles under my belt but since the opportunity is there for ms to get some scripts wrote for me what should I ask her to ask him to write me?? I understand there are hormone replacement scripts you can get by simply going to the doc and having your test levels checked. So there should be something her can write me. Any ideas? And hormone/ estrogen blockers I can ask about? Obviously I am trying to take advantage of the situation so I'd like to get high doses so if you could please add those as well as what I should ask for I would greatly appreciate any input. Thanks. Blaze
    what are you on about?

    and you seem as if you are looking for openings to scam ppl by posting all that drivel.........

  3. #3
    Basically I am asking for the names of hormone replacements that I can ask this doc to write me. I don't know the names of the medication for hormone replacement or estrogen blockers. I am in no way trying to scam anyone and in fact am not even offering to sell anything. Liken saibi have my own experience with Deccan and test cycles but an opportunity just arose for me to ask a doc to write me any script I want without having to actually go tonthe doc and get my test levels checked. so what are the names of the scripts I should have him write me.

  4. #4
    Basically I am asking for the names of hormone replacements that I can ask this doc to write me. I don't know the names of the medication for hormone replacement or estrogen blockers. I am in no way trying to scam anyone and in fact am not even offering to sell anything. Liken saibi have my own experience with Deccan and test cycles but an opportunity just arose for me to ask a doc to write me any script I want without having to actually go tonthe doc and get my test levels checked. so what are the names of the scripts I should have him write me.

  5. #5
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    HGH dude!!

  6. #6
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    Why do you need hormone replacement? (HRT)
    If you just want to have a cycle prescribed, just have this doc write you a script for whatever HG compounds you want (and can afford).
    If you don't know what you want, then don't bother.
    But yeah, I'd get HGH.

  7. #7
    Is that what I should really ask to get perceived I have always been kind of Leary of hgh like I said I only have experience with test and deca

  8. #8
    Well my question pertains to basically being that I was not sure if a doc can prescribe test and deca as I only go through friends at the gym and this is the dirt time I have ever had an opportunity to have a doc write me whatever I want and didn't know if they could even do that

  9. #9
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    Testosterone Cyptionate, 200mg/ml, 10ml vial

    is pretty typical for TRT purposes. Anything beyond straight test is sort of off-label for TRT. Tren has no approved human use AFAIK, and Var and Deca are rarely prescribed for anything by reputable doctors I believe.

    hCG is always good
    Anastrazole (brand name: Arimidex) and/or Exemestane (brand name: aromasin) are AIs prescribed for TRT too
    Clomiphene (brand name: Clomid) and/or Tamoxifen (brand name: Nolvadex) are SERMs prescribed now and then for who knows what


    Per below--Apparently deca is prescribed to HIV patients
    Last edited by funkymonk; 09-21-2011 at 11:45 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theblaze2011 View Post
    Well my question pertains to basically being that I was not sure if a doc can prescribe test and deca as I only go through friends at the gym and this is the dirt time I have ever had an opportunity to have a doc write me whatever I want and didn't know if they could even do that
    Yes, they can. HIV patients get Nandrolone all the time.

  11. #11
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    Oxandrolone (Var) is often prescribed for burn recovery as well as orthopedic spinal surgery.

  12. #12
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    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Quote Originally Posted by Theblaze2011 View Post
    Well my question pertains to basically being that I was not sure if a doc can prescribe test and deca as I only go through friends at the gym and this is the dirt time I have ever had an opportunity to have a doc write me whatever I want and didn't know if they could even do that
    Yes he can prescribe both Test-E and C and if deca is available through the US pharmacy then he can prescribe it as well. You might want to call around to some pharmacys and see if they carry deca or can get it in first before acquiring a script.

  13. #13
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    have him right you a script for birth control for your girl. you def dont need to reproduce

  14. #14
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    have him right you a script for birth control for your girl. you def dont need to reproduce
    Finally, some words of wisdom...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    have him right you a script for birth control for your girl. you def dont need to reproduce
    lol. i wonder how many ppl will get scammed with this guy offering 'cut price' products. i liked the way xanax was casually mentioned

  16. #16
    And if this doc really is risking his job, medical license, jail time, etc to write fake scripts not-for-profit for your girl-get a new girl. Shes suckin his dick!! lol

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