Hey Guys,
Have any of our experienced Tren users felt the need for a little more sugar in their diet while using? I'm having to "get a fix" at 10:00am every morning. And, it's not a hunger,like i need something to eat, it's a sugar fix that i have to have or i feel that i might pass out.
I've tried switching to ED injects, upping my carb intake in the morning and nothing seems to help.
So, at around 9:30 or 10:00 i'll eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich and that helps a lot! But, after lunch, around 2:00pm i have to have another fix. This time though it's a snicker bar or something of the sort. I haven't bought a protein bar in about 10 years and i don't think they'll help now.
I'm not diabetic....Anyone w/the same issues?
Thanks guys...