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  1. #1
    jeepfreak is offline Junior Member
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    put my mind at ease please.......

    Im about to start my very first cycle monday morning. I will be running 400mg eod test-p along with .5mg eod of arimidex . planning cycle to be 10 weeks, with standard PCT of Nolva and Clomid afterwards. im stoked ! ready to go ! just one problem.........

    ive have read a few stories about people pinning and then their arm or leg swelling to twice the normal size and having severe pain, sometimes to the point of not being able to walk. is this common ? I mean, i consider myself somewhat tough....i can handle some soreness, i enjoy soreness. it lets me know i had a good workout. but i need to be able to walk ! thats the only reason im waiting till monday. im off work mon-wed so if that does happen ill have 3 days to recover....(i cant be crippled over the weekend)

    Any vets out there have any last instructions or pointers? or just some simple words of encouragement ? thanks guys, ive learned alot on here over the last month or so and its much appreciated......

  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    I pin prop Ed and never had any of those issues

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    400mg eod?
    I've had prop that was painless and some that hurt like hell. Its really brand and the individual.
    Also being first cycle and virgin muscle it may hurt more then normal

  4. #4
    The Bishop is offline Banned
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    Last edited by The Bishop; 11-13-2011 at 11:35 PM.

  5. #5
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Now about that dose...

  6. #6
    RB3232's Avatar
    RB3232 is offline Associate Member
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    How much prop are you going to run per week?

    Also workout the body part the day that you pin. ex if i was shooting my quads, i would do legs that day to help disperse the oil. also massaging it after a shot with heat works well along with working out. but IMO shooting the muscle that you workout that day is the best thing to do accompanied by stretching after

  7. #7
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Just inject slow.. if you force the oil in too fast expect more pain.. My prop made me sore the first few times in each muscle but nothing unbearable n goes away after a few days.. Quads n glutes are least painful for me... I'm in my 8th week @.7 ed and kinda miss the soreness...
    Also, I found that if I jump on the excercise bike for 5 min when I'm real sore in the quads it helps a lot.. never got much soreness in my glutes even the first shots...
    About what the guy above me said, I never pin the muscle the day before the workout.. A couple times before I knew any better I pinned quads the day before, or earlier the day of, a,leg workout.. Worst pain I've had all cycle..

  8. #8
    jeepfreak is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    400mg eod?
    I've had prop that was painless and some that hurt like hell. Its really brand and the individual.
    Also being first cycle and virgin muscle it may hurt more then normal
    just checking to see if you guys were really reading the post.....

    i meant 400mg per week, my bad

  9. #9
    1000_DaysAsTheLion's Avatar
    1000_DaysAsTheLion is offline Junior Member
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    leg swelling twice normal size...isnt that what we want out of juice?

    lol sounds like bull - make sure you follow all saftey precautions while pinning and have a good source and you shouldnt have to worry about infection etc.

  10. #10
    FuzzyPeaches o.O's Avatar
    FuzzyPeaches o.O is offline Senior Member
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    if u ask u r fishing (%
    Any new muscle group will take a few times to get used to it. Be prepared for some extra soreness the first 2 or 3 times, after that it becomes used to it and much more tolerable.

    This has just been my experience and I poke just about every muscle group including calves and pecs. The etser does not really make any difference, at least for me.

  11. #11
    jeepfreak is offline Junior Member
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    Well, I had a last min change in gear, went with enanthate instead of prop....about 1.5 weeks into it, pinned 3 times so far....I feel great. I know its too early for the test to be working so maybe its all in my head or just due to improved diet and harder workout sessions but I've gotten stronger, in the last week I've gotten much stronger in all aspects of my workout....I've been in beastmode in the gym for 2 weeks now and I feel the difference. Can only imagine how I will feel in 2 more weeks ! I've pinned both glutes with little to no soreness, pinned my right quad Monday and its pretty freakin sore, way worse than my glutes, but nothing I'm not willing to go thru again...looking forward to the weeks to come......

  12. #12
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I have noticed that a physical act (injecting, taking ephedra when I was dieting) boosts my enthusiasm. I am sure that is just my way of viewing the placebo effect. Still, just knowing that I am doing things that get me closer to my goal makes me more focused and I work harder. Keep us updated.

  13. #13
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
    sir.solidarity is offline Associate Member
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    Odd dose but I guess that wasn't the question...

    First 2-3 shots are the worst.
    Soreness lasts 2-3 days.

    Nothing debilitating if you're doing it properly.

  14. #14
    qal92's Avatar
    qal92 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    400mg eod?
    I've had prop that was painless and some that hurt like hell. Its really brand and the individual.
    Also being first cycle and virgin muscle it may hurt more then normal
    Ill second that, there might be some swelling but not to the extent youre talking about, but since it is virgin muscles you will probably be sore but nothing intolerable

  15. #15
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    I've had prop that was painless and some that hurt like hell. Its really brand and the individual.
    Also being first cycle and virgin muscle it may hurt more then normal

    OP Ive had some nasty run ins with prop. Love it, wont run it. After a while my should knots up and once I couldnt walk for 2 days, had a red welt from my glute to the back of my knee. That was old school juice though, but man its a grap shoot with prop. Warm the syringe up under warm water before you inject and give inject locations plenty of time between shots.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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