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  1. #1
    foxbon is offline New Member
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    Tren & insulin - experiences ??

    i have just become a member here so " hey there everyone !!! " one of the first things i wanted to post was the question of using Tren & insulin together. i've used insulin quite a few times before with various other things such as Nandrolone & Test & at the moment im coming to the end of a cycle of Tri-Tren & Test E. its the first time i've used Tren & im impressed so after having a break for a few weeks im planning to give it a go with a bit of slin thrown into the mix ( again with a bit of Test E, been a staple of all my cycles as my body seems to enjoy it ! ) so info from anyone with any experience with a stack like this would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would expect the same results you've gotten before. I assume your cycle will be test/tren /slin. I've never messed with slin. What were your results from it with those other compounds?

  3. #3
    foxbon is offline New Member
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    results varied but when using insulin i tended to harden up. i've read about a lot of people that have gained quite a bit of fat on insulin but thankfully i wasnt 1 of those. the best results i ever had ( well, best in terms of muscle gain but not health ) was when i used slin with Nitrotain (ethylestrenol, Maxibolin ). i put on 18 kgs in 8 weeks!!! i was big, vascular & angry as sin !! i also suffered jaundice & was a nice shade of yellow but i got a good amount of Nitrotain from a horse trainer friend for free so was hitting it a little too hard. needless to say i let the body rest for a while after that & i never used that much Nitro again !! yes, my cycle will be Tren / Test E / slin. ive been using 400 mg Tri - Tren & 400 mg Test E p/w with good results & great strength gains. i've been reading different things about Tren / Test mix & what ratio to use them so am unsure wether to change this but over the years i've learnt that trial & error is the only way as everyones body reacts differently to different compounds so im thinking of upping the Tren to maybe 500 mg, dropping the Test E to 200 mg, throwing in the slin on top.... we'll see what happens, i guess !! 6 drops of essence of terror, 5 drops of sinister sauce...... :-)

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    ive used it with tren , no diff than with anything else.

    i wont ever touch slin again, ive been getting unexplained bouts of tiredness and lethargy since my last run and i hope i havent fvcked myself up in some way

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dec11 View Post
    ive used it with tren, no diff than with anything else.
    Yep, same here.

  6. #6
    foxbon is offline New Member
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    out of curiosity dec11 & D7M, ( or anyone..) what was your body weight, dosage & schedule when using insulin ? i always showed it the respect ( & fear !! ) it deserves by only using it post workout usually 3 days a week. never any more than that. at about 80 kgs i had a few scary moments when figuring out the right dose for me, i soon learnt that 10 units almost required me to hook up a drip full of Coke & Mars bars !! i eventually dropped it to 4 units. even now at a touch under 100 kgs i dont think id use more than 6 units & id stick to 3 days p/w max. ive read about people using it post w/o & the morning after, thats twice EVERY DAY !! dicing with death as far as im concerned, bye bye pancreas ! no point being the biggest corpse in the cemetary ! thanks for the input, btw. as a noob to these forums i appreciate it......

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