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Thread: Quite Late Gyno

  1. #1
    Loins is offline New Member
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    Quite Late Gyno


    I have a problem and was hoping someone who knows more than me about this sort of thing could help me with some friendly advice. I'm 22 years old, 5"10, 145 lbs; pretty lean.

    Three years ago I started my second anabolic steroid cycle. I say "started" because I stopped my cycle after two weeks. I had waited a good while in between my first and second cycle. My second cycle was twice the amount of testosterone and equigan, so I did two injections of each every week. My first cycle went amazingly (aside from increased acne) which is why I decided to have another go at it. Two weeks into the second cycle I wasn't enjoying myself and decided to cut the cycle very early, and stop taking steroids indefinitely. I knew of PCTs but didn't really know how much of my nolvadex I should take considering my rare situation of stopping so early. So I just took some of my 10mg nolvadex pills and then stopped.

    My problem is that a year later my right nipple got slightly puffy; not noticeable to anyone but myself. This kind of sucked but I decided to do nothing and hoped it would go away on its own. Well its three years later and it hasn't gone away. Quite the contrary, it has remained the same but over this past summer my left nipple got puffy similarly to the other, except this time a lump has grown behind it. So to clarify, my right nipple has remained simply a bit puffy but my left nipple has just recently gotten puffy but also gained a lump behind it. It is very noticeable only to the touch but is very sensitive.

    Only late in my hour have I finally sucked up the courage to seek out help. I went to the doctor and just did blood work. They're going to take a look at my testosterone levels . I'm going to see my doctor again in a few days, but I guess I'm a bit skeptical as to whether or not she'll be able to help me as she's a university doctor (works for my university).

    I'm sitting here with 11 10mg nolvadex pills left if that means anything. What do I need to do!?

    I know I'm a new member and the first thing I'm doing is asking for help. I sincerely apologize for this. I guess I’m quite panicky about this. I would deeply appreciate some informative help from you guys. (This really seems like a really fantastic community by the way)!



  2. #2
    Lift-Eat-Repeat's Avatar
    Lift-Eat-Repeat is offline Associate Member
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    Wait to hear what the doctor has to say and the results are in, other than that at this point there isn't a whole lot you can do. You should of never stopped at 2 weeks but you know that now. At 19 you were way too young, at 21 you still are. Do not touch aas for years if ever again. I got gyno also but after taking letrozole it went away but I did it immediately. Post results when you get em.

  3. #3
    Loins is offline New Member
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    Okay thanks for your reply. Will post results here later.

  4. #4
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    nolva wont do much for puffy nipples, but it will help with the lumps. if you are not on a cycle then dont take letro.

    i would go with 20mg nolva ED for 4-5 weeks and see how it goes, that should take care of the lump.

  5. #5
    cb714's Avatar
    cb714 is offline Member
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    So you started seeing symptoms a year after taking steroids ?

  6. #6
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    letro is great for killing gyno, its strong but it works.

  7. #7
    Lift-Eat-Repeat's Avatar
    Lift-Eat-Repeat is offline Associate Member
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    I took letro for my gyno and I took it like 2 months after symptoms started. I had no idea what I was up against, but after taking the letro it cleared up the next day and they weren't sensitive at all. Have ran a few cycles since and now have a solid AI and PCT and haven't had problems since.

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