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  1. #1
    belfort11 is offline New Member
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    2nd Cycle.... Suggestions?

    I am 25 years old and I finished my first cycle in July with great results. I was taking Test Prop (100 mcg's EOD) and EQ (100 mcg's every 4 days). I went from 167 to 203 in the 3 months I was on it. I learned quite a bit from my first cycle, mostly that I need to keep my diet a bit cleaner.

    Right now I am cutting (sitting at 180ish) and looking to get back down to 170 with single digit bf. I want to start my next cycle in December but am a bit stumped on what I should take. I really liked the EQ so I imagine I will run that again. I honestly don't mind injecting EOD so that does not bother me. I was thinking of maybe taking Test E or should I stick with Test prop since I already had good results with it the first time around? My goal once again is to hit around 200 pounds, with a much cleaner diet and hopefully be able to cut to 185 with around 7% body fat.

    My main questions are, should I add anything else to a Test P/EQ cycle and how much should I up the dosage?

    Thank you for any help... and if you need any other details I would be glad to lay them out.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    You mean MGs of prop/EQ, not MCGs right? lol.

    I don't like the prop/EQ cycle. EQ is such a long ester to use with prop.

    You have an awful lot of weight fluctuation there, you're better off leaning out like you said, then slowly, slowly adding some lean muscle to your frame instead of going from 167 to 200 then down to 170 again.

  3. #3
    belfort11 is offline New Member
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    Ya MG's! sorry about that, just waking up haha.

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    that was a pointless dose of a pointless drug tbh (EQ). just stick with the prop imo

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