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  1. #1
    freak1's Avatar
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    low libido on proviron

    not really experincinmg alot of libido on 75 mg a day of proviron .do you guys think i can be lowering my estro too much since im also running .25 dex ed as well ?? im also running 5oo test e. and 90 mg var

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    are you estro prone? or just running adex for precaution?

  3. #3
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by freak1 View Post
    not really experincinmg alot of libido on 75 mg a day of you guys think i can be lowering my estro too much since im also running .25 dex ed as well ?? im also running 5oo test e. and 90 mg var
    75mg of PROVIRON is my sweet spot. How long you been using it?

  4. #4
    freak1's Avatar
    freak1 is offline Member
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    dec11 i was just running dex for precaution cause i just didnt want to retain too much water on cycle (i was just lookin for soem quality gains vs just size from water fat etc since i was already a big boy to strt) and im already prone to acne .its my 1st cyle just ran test enth 500 wk and i started off just running .25 eod just in case and thn got bw done 6 wks into cycle and estro was high even though i wasnt gettin acne symptoms at all and was actually looking leaner than b4 i started my cycle and my doc recomended i increased to .25 ed.........**** i started proviron 3wks ago 75 ed.was really looing for increase of libido ive heard about.i read an old post and someone mentioned that proviron might lower e2 too much thats why you can get low libido from it (i guess if running dex as well doesnt help)

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