At this moment in time, im 210lbs (15 stone), with 16% bf, at 5ft 10inches.
i do consider myself to be quite big, but i want to have a wideness. i want to be wider. how do i do this??? i want to have a big wide width. how???
At this moment in time, im 210lbs (15 stone), with 16% bf, at 5ft 10inches.
i do consider myself to be quite big, but i want to have a wideness. i want to be wider. how do i do this??? i want to have a big wide width. how???
Checkout the workout sec. bro.
for me pull ups for breakfast lunch and dinner.
my back goes out wide, when looking at it from behind, but i mean the width between my shoulders. broadness.
Deads and shrugs work pretty good. Also try close grip (palms facing each other) low rows. Not to the stomach, to the solar plexis.
Upright rows, baby!
Military press works for me
widegrip upright rows? shoulders yea
more to do with genetics and the shape of your frame but im sure if you focus on certain types of workouts you can wider.
shoulder pads work for me lol
shoulders and wide grip lat pull downs. wide grip xyz exercises, but its largely genetic, but of course the bigger you get overall the wider you will get as well so any type of multi joint mass building exercise - deads squats etc. that and get two body builders to pull on each of your arms for rows. lol.
u r just hoping and i m sure he is joking how can it be hapen anyways thanks all of u to let me know how to get wide it is a informative thread thanks for sharing..............
seems like hgh would do that.
Development of the arms and body muscles like lats, but mainly shoulders will give the illusion of width but keep in mind that any exersizes that create depth or length like benches for depth or trap work for length will take away from this appearence.
As far as the use of any drugs HGH etc, sorry skeletal deminsions are not a variable in the adult physique.
small waist gives the illusion of wide shoulders / back ..No AAS in the world can make you wider than your genetics allow.
delts that look like pumpkins helps with width..
As far as using training to increase width, for sure shoulders will give the appearance of being broad. My personal favorite exercises for this are lateral raises, upright rows, and dumbell military press. I would lay off shrugs and other traps exercises as higher traps take away from the appearance of width. My .02
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