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  1. #1
    AlexZ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Talking Starting 4th Cycle...Help!

    I have acquired Test Cyp 200, Sust 250, Tren 100, and EQ 300, Dbol 10mg tabs. I also have Phentermine 30mg, Orlistat 120mg and T3/Clen ....Post your suggestions on doses and schedules for a 20 week cycle I am not limited on what I have. I am 6'2'' 255 16% bf diet is about 85% on point and been training for 4 years.
    Last edited by AlexZ; 09-28-2011 at 07:51 AM. Reason: take out email

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Wut r ur stats? Y did u buy gear & THEN try 2 figure out how much 2 use? After 3 cycles, u should know this stuff shouldn't u? 20 wks is a long time 2 b on, especially with the inclusion of Tren . But I'm goin 2 assume the danger doesnt matter 2 u, seeing as how u hav completed 3 cycles & ur just now 25. Edit out ur email, its against the rules & ur just askin 4 trouble by posting it like that 4 all the scammers 2 c.

  3. #3
    AlexZ is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I didn't buy it, source is a very good friend. I edited my orginal posts to answer your questions. DM me if you would like

  4. #4
    shooterdude is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    why two different types of test?

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