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  1. #1
    weightlifter79 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2008

    Question Question on TEST Cycle???

    I"m getting TRT 200mg of TEST E every 2 weeks, Due to Low levels of Natural Test. I'm also running 500mg Of Sust a week, 1c MON and 1 c Thurs. My question is, is it OK to mix Sust and TEST E like this? It would be like running 600 a week total with the 2 together is this OK? Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by weightlifter79 View Post
    I"m getting TRT 200mg of TEST E every 2 weeks, Due to Low levels of Natural Test. I'm also running 500mg Of Sust a week, 1c MON and 1 c Thurs. My question is, is it OK to mix Sust and TEST E like this? It would be like running 600 a week total with the 2 together is this OK? Thanks
    yes it is ok bro i just hope your doc isnt going to test your levels soon as they will be quite high obviously and you dont want to loose your script...

  3. #3
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i assume you been on TRT for along time now? If you just started its bad idea to get on cycle.

  4. #4
    weightlifter79 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2008
    Been getting treatment for about 8 months now. Blood work also over for now cause they figured out the proper levels. Can always say taking a pro hormone if they ask.

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