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Thread: First cycle newbie here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    NY, NY

    Lightbulb First cycle newbie here

    Hey all. Started my first cycle today wanted to get feedback.

    30 years old
    6-2, 225 lbs
    2-3 years natural bodybuilding experience

    Weeks 1-7
    300mg Sustanon
    d-bol 7 tablets daily

    Weeks 8-9
    325mg Decca

    Weeks 10-12 PCT

    I think there's a lot I don't know but I was recommended this cycle highly as my first cycle. The PCT is supposed to balance out post-cycle erectile dysfunction and gynecomastia, correct?

    I'm all ears for feedback on if it's good, what to expect, what I should do on my 2nd cycle later in the year, etc. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I had someone recommend a similar cycle to me for a first cycle. Test weeks 1-4 and then add Deca weeks 5-12.

    Most folks on this site will say Deca is a no-no on a first cycle. Logic being you want to see how your body reacts to one compound at a time, so start with Test only for first cycle.

    I have also read here that Deca should be run for 10-12 weeks minimum to get its full effect.

    So I'm curious to know if this cycle where Deca is introduced for a shorter time later in the cycle is an old-school cycle that is no longer popular, or where that comes from. Would like to know if anyone has had success with a cycle like that because the guy that recommended it to me is very knowledgeable about aas (and is also my source).

    Not to hijack your question. Hope vets will chime in and enlighten us.

    Best of luck...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    yea dont run the deca and def dont run it later in a cycle while dropping the test. Stick with the sust for 10 to 12 wks. Read up on pct before you start doing anything

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    NY, NY
    what's wrong with doing 2 weeks of Deca at the end?

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by UsKidsKnow View Post
    what's wrong with doing 2 weeks of Deca at the end?
    Because its pointless, it takes 5 wks+ to get to up and running at peak and you dont run deca like that, who ever told you to run that cycle dont listen to them again.

    If its your first cycle run a simple test only cycle for 10-12 weeks at 500mgs per wk with a solid pct. Check the pct section out and also read the profiles on the compounds this will give you more insight into how these work and are suppose to be ran.

  6. #6
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    Well crap! I've paid for the stuff now. Any idea why it would've been recommended to do two weeks of Decca at the end? My source is highly recommended from a few friends who have utilized him in the past. Now i'm getting nervous.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UsKidsKnow View Post
    Well crap! I've paid for the stuff now. Any idea why it would've been recommended to do two weeks of Decca at the end? My source is highly recommended from a few friends who have utilized him in the past. Now i'm getting nervous.
    Because its pointless, it takes 5 wks+ to get to up and running at peak and you dont run deca like that, who ever told you to run that cycle dont listen to them again.

    If its your first cycle run a simple test only cycle for 10-12 weeks at 500mgs per wk with a solid pct . Check the pct section out and also read the profiles on the compounds this will give you more insight into how these work and are suppose to be ran.

  8. #8
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    With my current cycle at the top would you suggest just going from the sustanon/d-bol straight into the pct then and totally skipping the decca at the end? What should I do with that decca, then?
    Last edited by UsKidsKnow; 09-28-2011 at 12:05 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    ah, what do you mean skipping the test? do you know what sustanon is?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Yes of course I do. I meant skipping the Decca. Mis-type

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Bro Marcus is giving you good advice.Now if you were to do a lil research and checkout deca you would see that it takes a long time to kick in.Sorry but your source is wrong.Sus is test run only that save the Dbol for another cycle.Reason being if you take 2 compounds and have a bad reaction you wont know wat caused it.And being your 1st cycle you will grow like a weed if your diet is right.Good luck.

  12. #12
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    I'm taking it all in! Could you think of any reason why he might have recommended this particular cycle?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by UsKidsKnow View Post
    I'm taking it all in! Could you think of any reason why he might have recommended this particular cycle?
    cause he is your source and thats probably what he had to sell. U never take advice from your drug dealer.

    Your pct timing is all off. And you dont say what your pct is
    Dbol comes all different strengths so 7 pills a day means nothing
    Marcus is correct about the deca

  14. #14
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    Bro, sources are there to make money and if they need to get rid of something, they will make it seem like it's the best out there. I made the same mistake my 1st time around; found a local source, told him i was thinking about doing my first cycle, he recommended a winny & deca cycle. To this day i still have his winny and deca, untouched yet i now have 4 cycles under my belt thanks to this forum advising me correctly.

  15. #15
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    I have the specifics written down in my journal at home. I believe the d-bol increases 25, 30 daily.

    I have done a fair bit of reading on this but you're right I shouldn't just buy what he has available.

    How long after finishing the d-bol/sust should I begin my PCT? I'm using tamoxifen as my PCT

    Actually, I see it says "18 days" after sust to start my PCT. Do you suggest that I just forego the Decca altogether on this cycle then?
    Last edited by UsKidsKnow; 09-28-2011 at 01:07 PM.

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