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Thread: New To Steroids Would Appreciate Advice

  1. #1

    New To Steroids Would Appreciate Advice


    I am 22 years old, 5'11, and 158 lb with a runner body type but have some decent noticeable muscle and very low body fat.

    I have decided steroids are something I would like to try. My goal weight is 176 lb (have never been over 165) and I currently lift about 3-4 times/week and do cardio 1-2 times/week.

    Could I please get recommendations for a routine of what steroids I should take

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by LittleOne; 09-29-2011 at 01:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    K I promise I am not attempting to be mean, im just going to be honest with you.

    Your too young, your too skinny and your too poor to start messing with steroids. Steroids dont just put weight on you, food does and if you are incapable of using food to gain weight now then you will not be able to gain weight by adding steroids into the mix. Furthermore, 160$ a month isnt going to cut it. I spend a good 80-100 dollars a week on food alone, there are more variables that cost money aside from the steroids themselves. AIs, PCT, Occasional DR visit, Support supplements, etc.

    Someone else will address your age.

  3. #3
    No need for the juice at 5'11 176lbs can easily be hit with solid training and half decent diet...sink that $160 into grocery's and you'll grow

    Side note: read rules no asking for sources

  4. #4
    Money on groceries is no issue for me the $160 is just approx what I wanted to spend on the steroids + supplements.

    For eating, is it still helpful to eat food from time to time that isn't a good source of protein? Or is that not helpful?

    Also what is some advice for me then ?
    Last edited by LittleOne; 09-29-2011 at 02:34 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    read the rules. We dont discuss sources here. Remove that link from your post.

    If you need to ask basic questions about food you dont need steriods

  6. #6
    The link is just to a guide, not a source.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by LittleOne View Post
    The link is just to a guide, not a source.
    its against the rules delete it. Its not a debate

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