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  1. #1
    Hulk54 is offline New Member
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    Test Prop question

    I've been considering trying Prop for sometime and have done some research on it. I know any form of testosterone will give you gains in strength but I see many people stacking Prop with Anavar and other cutting related agents.

    I'm going through a cutting cycle right now and I want to use Prop AFTER my cutting cycle to gain strength and due to its short detection time. If I were to use Prop, would I be able to make good gains like I would if I just used Test E?

  2. #2
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Yes, although don't expect to build much (if any) mass if you're cutting.

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Test is Test gains will be based on diet and training.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hulk54 View Post
    I've been considering trying Prop for sometime and have done some research on it. I know any form of testosterone will give you gains in strength but I see many people stacking Prop with Anavar and other cutting related agents.

    I'm going through a cutting cycle right now and I want to use Prop AFTER my cutting cycle to gain strength and due to its short detection time. If I were to use Prop, would I be able to make good gains like I would if I just used Test E?

  4. #4
    slimshady01's Avatar
    slimshady01 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Test is Test gains will be based on diet and training.
    Thats what i always thought. I thought less bloat on prop was BS?

  5. #5
    CoolStroybro's Avatar
    CoolStroybro is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by funkymonk View Post
    Yes, although don't expect to build much (if any) mass if you're cutting.
    Can you say any prove for that ?? I mean for obese people it is easy to cut and gain muscles because of insulin sensitivity of fat cells. And it is also easy for absolute beginners to gain muascles while losing fat. Thats theoretically.

    And practically there are hundreds of reports and pics of natural bblders that gained muscles and lost fat. So where did ur statement come from ??

  6. #6
    MR10X is offline Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Gaining strength depends on a lot of things,how you train,how you eat,how much rest the muscle gets. cutting calories if you arent eating enough will hurt strength a lot,lower body weight will hurt strength.Unless your fortunate enought to be be able to eat a lot and still loose weight you will probably lose strength or not not make any improvment.You can still overtrain even while your on steroids

  7. #7
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Thats what i always thought. I thought less bloat on prop was BS?
    I find at higher doses there is less bloat with prop. I live on a year around beach location and hate AI's, so I pretty much stick with prop only now.

  8. #8
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoolStroybro View Post
    Can you say any prove for that ?? I mean for obese people it is easy to cut and gain muscles because of insulin sensitivity of fat cells. And it is also easy for absolute beginners to gain muascles while losing fat. Thats theoretically.

    And practically there are hundreds of reports and pics of natural bblders that gained muscles and lost fat. So where did ur statement come from ??
    That school of thought comes from the FACT that when your at a reasonable low bf% and already have a fair amout of mucle added to your body it takes agressive diets to drop more bf or gain more muscle. These agresive diets will only give you one or the other.

    If your fat and out of shape yes you can build muscle and burn fat at the same time. Most of us are not it the noob catagory with our physique (at least you should be if your using AAS).

  9. #9
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoolStroybro View Post
    Can you say any prove for that ?? I mean for obese people it is easy to cut and gain muscles because of insulin sensitivity of fat cells. And it is also easy for absolute beginners to gain muascles while losing fat. Thats theoretically.

    And practically there are hundreds of reports and pics of natural bblders that gained muscles and lost fat. So where did ur statement come from ??
    I'd like to think that if OP is cycling, he is neither obese nor untrained.
    Sure it happens, but I said don't expect to gain much, if any, muscle mass. In other words, if OP is going about this cycle with the intent to muscle mass, he shouldn't be surpised if/when he doesn't.

    I wanted to point out that his "gains like Test E" are not attributable to the ester of test, but rather to his training and diet.

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