if you had this how would you turn it into a cycle?
750mgs of sust for 12wks
4g kit of fina (yes i have the fina)
if you had this how would you turn it into a cycle?
750mgs of sust for 12wks
4g kit of fina (yes i have the fina)
by the way this is my fifth cycle, but my first with fina.
Hey bro, well prop would be better to stack with fina. But if i was going to run a sust fina cycle id run it like this...
weeks 5 - 13 1cc fina ed
weeks 1 - 10 750mgs sust
Thats how id run it. But again ur better off with prop.
i like sust just fine with fina. shoot the sust EOD and fina at 75 mgs ED. you'll get great gains with a good diet and training, rest etc...
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