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Thread: testim gel + anadrol, and a question abt tamoxifen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    testim gel + anadrol, and a question abt tamoxifen

    very first cycle here and i guess i should've found this board first but oh well!

    i am currently on testim gel (apply it every night) and anadrol-50, taking 2 pills of those daily. seen some decent gains, no gyno yet but am thinking of getting some nolvadex and keeping it on hand just in case.

    i found tamoxifen here:

    and my question is, how the hell is it used? it says it's liquid, does that mean you have to inject it? or apply it? drink it? wtf i'm confused.


  2. #2
    Liquid research chems. are taken orally. That site is great. Your product will come with a 1ml no pin to measure. Im currently using Clen and Dex from them on my hermit crab research

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    You should stop taking the drol and do some research, drol isnt for a first cycle.

    how long have you been training?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    hi all,

    thanks for replying, i really appreciate it!

    @marcus300 - i just went off what my PT told me, i've done a good bit of research since then and now know that i should've just started straight off with some test

    anyway last night i ran out of the testim gel finally, tmrw i'm gonna get another supply of that and also pick up some test cypionate 10 ml...will be applying the testim gel every night (two tubes - one on each shoulder), and injecting the test cypionate once a week

    stats - i'm around 5'7", maybe 5'6", weigh abt 160, 28 yrs old. been weight lifting for many (around 10?) years now. bodyfat is around the 13% mark.

    i'm just lookin to put on some quality muscle and tone up a bit

    thanks, i'll buy some tamox and clen right away...i've heard using Clen with RPN eviscerate is effective in getting lean

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