Thread: keep the muscle!!!
10-07-2011, 10:38 AM #1
keep the muscle!!!
ok you professional gym rats whats the best way in your opinion to keep those muscle gains when you come off gear?
stay on test ....... Hit 1 ml every other week when off gear .......
10-07-2011, 10:44 AM #3
ok good start but we need time to recover ,this method would be called blasting/crusing right??
Last edited by motoxposse; 10-07-2011 at 10:46 AM.
10-07-2011, 10:49 AM #4
Keep your diet strong, and do not slack on training. Do an aggressive pct every time. NEVER slack on pct. Try to lower your cardio duration and frequency. Eat cleaner, but keep your calories the same if not higher.
Just make sure to eat, sleep and rest, just as you did on cycle.
Even cruising can bring you back down to zero if you slack on diet and training
10-07-2011, 10:50 AM #5
10-07-2011, 10:56 AM #6
ok good info but i read so much about time off the gear to let liver functions recoup your crusing on 300ml a week thats half of what i blast on
10-07-2011, 10:58 AM #7
Taking time off is the best thing you can do for your overall health. Nothing is better than hemeostasis. Or however you spell that.
10-07-2011, 11:00 AM #8
ok thanks bro
I wouldn't consider myself a professional but I have done three cycles and the only cycle where I barely lost any weight was when I started taking hgh. During my 2nd cycle I started taking hgh (40 mg per month 6 days on 1 off) and continued taking it through my time off aas and partially into my next cycle. I barely lost any weight and lost 2% bf (without a specific diet)
Important things to remember:
1. It's much easier to over train off aas (so take you work out volume down)
2. You body's metabolism WILL slow down (slightly lower you calories mainly from fat and carbs. I usually try and slightly raise my protein to keep my overall calories up)
3. TRT will work to keep gains but you run the risk of permanently shutting down your body's natural test production
4. PCT PCT PCT make sure you do everything you can to give your body a chance to fully recover (hcg during the last 2-3 wks of your cycle followed by clomid and nolvadex . I usually take 100mg of clomid and 40mg of nolvadex for two weeks then two weeks of 50mg clomid and 20mg of nolvadex and then another week or two of nolvadex only usually ending with a few days at 10mg)
5. After coming off aas your body will be in a catabolic state (I use clen to fight this)
6. There are many supplements that do not affect your recovery from aas. (igf-1, mgf, insulin , hgh, peptides, pgf2, and many more)
In times where I couldn't afford hgh I take peptides. I've only used ghrp 2 and cjc 1293 and they seem to work great. P.S make sure you get a GOOD research company, many are junk!!!!
My next peptide stack I plan on trying Sermorelin and ghrp 2. I'll post a log of my results and which I feel is better.
On a side note I've never taken Ostarine but a couple of my close friends have and they all seemed to feel it helped during there time off aas.
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