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Thread: Getting back on the gear - MAXPRO MX-197 is this a good blend?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Getting back on the gear - MAXPRO MX-197 is this a good blend?

    Im 28, 6'0 and 110kgs (242 pounds) and have been going to the gym for about 4 years now. About 1 and a half years ago ran a cycle of D-Bols, Test and Deca for 8 weeks with ok results, but stupidly didnt really know what I was doing and ended up with a little gyno which I still have today (I think it may need to be cut out as it has seem to have set.

    Just recently I have decided I want to get back on the gear, strip some fat but still keep or put on a little size. I thought maybe building up the chest may make the gyno a little less noticable as it isnt THAT bad. 2 weeks ago I started taking Letrozole tabs, once a day and have recently purchased some MAXPRO MX-197, a blend of 3 steroids to start off my cycle. 1ml - 3 times a week (Which I am yet to start). The contents say -


    75 mg Trenbolone 3 ml.

    250 mg Decanoate 3 ml.

    250 mg Sustanon 4 ml.

    Now I dont really know much about all this stuff and everyone I seem to ask, everyone seems to gives me a different opinion which makes it hard to know what to think.

    Do I need to take test with this cycle? Do I need to keep taking Letrozole the whole time while running this cycle to prevent the gyno coming on again? Does anyone know any better way to get the results I previously mentioned I desired?

    Please any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I just dont want to walk into this blindfolded like the last time.
    Last edited by Steve83; 10-08-2011 at 12:46 AM. Reason: Left out a detail

  2. #2
    OK, 1st, what is ur BF %? 2nd, Sustanon IS Test, & u not knowing that makes me kinda nervous 4 u. U really should do some research b4 goin any further, especialy considering this compound of urs includes the most powerful & dangerous steroid in the arsenal (Tren) Do u know the side effect of such a powerful AI as Letro? How long do u plan 2 run this cycle? What is ur PCT plan?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Hey Bear,

    Im not too sure but an uneducated guess would be about 25-30 BF% most only shows around my hips and belly. But I am a stocky fit looking guy (I say this just so you dont think Im just a fat bugger) haha

    Ive tried researching as much as possible but to be honest it all gets so confusing as information from place can contridict others information from others places. Then throwing into the mix what people I know think, it all makes my head want to explode!

    I started taking the Letro 2 weeks ago originally as I was told it was a good chance at reversing my gyno, but with not really any luck. And Im not too sure of too many side effects of it other than the the estrogen bounce you can get after stopping.

    As for the MX-197, the person I thought would know the most about gear and how to get my desired results recommended this.

    I was told to run it for 12 weeks and was told to run Letro through the cycle and Nolva after.

    As for the Tren again I hear mixed reviews. Mostly say it is great but has many side effects. But as a blend (which means in lower dosages) I dont hear or read much at all. Especially with the blend I have now.

    Getting what I need is no issue as what ever I want is available, its just getting the right thing, being given the right plan mapped out and how to take it all which is becoming the issue, hence why I start to wing it.

    Any advice on what I should take, when and how, PCT ect would be perfect!

    Thanks mate

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Hey Bear,

    Im not too sure but an uneducated guess would be about 25-30 BF% most only shows around my hips and belly. But I am a stocky fit looking guy (I say this just so you dont think Im just a fat bugger) haha

    Ive tried researching as much as possible but to be honest it all gets so confusing as information from place can contridict others information from others places. Then throwing into the mix what people I know think, it all makes my head want to explode!

    I started taking the Letro 2 weeks ago originally as I was told it was a good chance at reversing my gyno , but with not really any luck. And Im not too sure of too many side effects of it other than the the estrogen bounce you can get after stopping.

    As for the MX-197, the person I thought would know the most about gear and how to get my desired results recommended this.

    I was told to run it for 12 weeks and was told to run Letro through the cycle and Nolva after.

    As for the Tren again I hear mixed reviews. Mostly say it is great but has many side effects . But as a blend (which means in lower dosages) I dont hear or read much at all. Especially with the blend I have now.

    Getting what I need is no issue as what ever I want is available, its just getting the right thing, being given the right plan mapped out and how to take it all which is becoming the issue, hence why I start to wing it.

    Any advice on what I should take, when and how, PCT ect would be perfect!

    Thanks mate

  5. #5
    Well 1st things 1st, u gotta lose some weight brother, u should b under 15% BF before u cycle, otherwise u run a greater risk of gyno, & in ur case it will most likely b much mor severe seeing as how ur already battling a case. When u come off that Letro, there is gona b an estrogen "rebound", u will want 2 combat / block that with Nolvadex for 2 -3 wks, @ a dose of 40/20 or 40/20/20.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    blends are a mess dont use them
    is it tren e or tren a?
    Decanoate is an ester not a chemical. So its what?

  7. #7
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    Sep 2011

    I know I have to lose weight but I guess that was the reason I wanted to cycle. To help strip the weight off. So you advise not to cycle at all trying to lose weight? I will definitly go get some Nolva though. The Letro isnt really doing he job on reversing the gyno, so I think I should stop now and start Nolva. What do you mean 40/20 or 40/20/20 though? Sorry to sound so uneducated and I do appreciate all the help you give me.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve83 View Post

    I know I have to lose weight but I guess that was the reason I wanted to cycle. To help strip the weight off. So you advise not to cycle at all trying to lose weight? I will definitly go get some Nolva though. The Letro isnt really doing he job on reversing the gyno, so I think I should stop now and start Nolva. What do you mean 40/20 or 40/20/20 though? Sorry to sound so uneducated and I do appreciate all the help you give me.
    40/20 means 40 mg everyday during week one / 20 mg everyday during week two & so on & so on. Get it? Like I said, if u cycle @ that high of a BF%, u will hav much bigger gyno problems then u already do. I noticed SlimmerMe was in the Q&A 2nite, if u could get her attn, (either here or in the diet section) she could help u a great deal with ur diet bro. Good luck. And keep ur head up, it takes time, but you'll get there.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2011
    Hi Gixxer,

    I was told Per 10ml : 3ml Trenbolone Acetate, 3ml Nandrolone Decanoate, 4ml Testosterone Compound (Sust). But when googling it, I found 1 place say it has Nandrolone Undecanoate instead of Nandrolone Decanoate. Does this make much difference?

    Thanks for your help!

  10. #10
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    I definitly will. I live in Australia and I have my GF that lives in the States coming to live with me here in January so Im just trying to look good for when she gets here. Mate your an absolute legend!! Thanks Bear!

  11. #11
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    Sep 2011

    I get the 20/40 thing now so thanks for that. But just so im not confused about this, do you still have to lose weight even to start using a steroid to help you lose weight..?

    Thanks again

  12. #12
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    Do the blend I put up make sense..?

  13. #13
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    most dont list as ml but how much of each compund mg/ml

    i still wouldnt use a blend. you are stuck at the ratio they make. Also if you have problems the whole vial is shot. you cant stop 1 chemical or adjust the dose

  14. #14
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    Sep 2011
    Well it said Content.

    Trenbolone Acetate 3 ml.

    Nandrolone Decanoate 3 ml.

    Testosterone Compound (Sust) 4 ml.

    Im assuming as a blend it means there are not high dosages of Deca or Tren.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve83 View Post

    I get the 20/40 thing now so thanks for that. But just so im not confused about this, do you still have to lose weight even to start using a steroid to help you lose weight..?

    Thanks again
    Short answer.......Yes. But out of curiosity, wut gear r u wanting to use 4 weight loss?

  16. #16
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve83 View Post
    Well it said Content.

    Trenbolone Acetate 3 ml.

    Nandrolone Decanoate 3 ml.

    Testosterone Compound (Sust) 4 ml.

    Im assuming as a blend it means there are not high dosages of Deca or Tren.
    im highly confused, tren and deca in the one blend?! amd blends are measured in mgs not mls

  17. #17
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    Well from what I could find anywhere on the net it says

    75 mg Trenbolone Acetate 3 ml.

    250 mg Nandrolone Decanoate 3 ml.

    250 mg Testosterone Compound (Sustanon) 4 ml.

    Im confused too now!!

  18. #18
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    From what my source has told me is that this will strip my fat and help me put on, or at least keep my size.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve83 View Post

    Well from what I could find anywhere on the net it says

    75 mg Trenbolone Acetate 3 ml.

    250 mg Nandrolone Decanoate 3 ml.

    250 mg Testosterone Compound (Sustanon) 4 ml.

    Im confused too now!!
    ml is a volume measurement, mg is the contained in that volume. Example 500 mg of Testosterone contained in 2 ml's of oil. Get it?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve83 View Post

    From what my source has told me is that this will strip my fat and help me put on, or at least keep my size.
    He's probably referring to Tren being most commonly used in cutting cycles. Stay away from the gear for now bro, do this the rite way, 1 step @ a time, you'll get there.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve83 View Post

    Well from what I could find anywhere on the net it says

    75 mg Trenbolone Acetate 3 ml.

    250 mg Nandrolone Decanoate 3 ml.

    250 mg Testosterone Compound (Sustanon) 4 ml.

    Im confused too now!!

    If this "blend" hadn't been created by a complete idiot, it would have read:
    22.5 mg/ml of Tren A
    75 mg/ml of Deca
    100mg/ml sustanon

    Assuming you only have a 10ml vial, that's only going to last you maybe 2 weeks.
    Oh, and the compounds chosen and dosages are just awful.
    It sounds like some tard had a handful of different leftover vials of stuff and decided to mix them together for no good reason.
    I wouldn't touch that with a 10-foot pole, and neither should you.

  22. #22
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    I was going to get enough of what ever I need for a 12 week cycle.

    But from some strong advice I think that I need to just diet hard and get my BF% down before I should even think about taking anything other than Clenbuterol.

    Can anyone give me advice on how to take that through a diet?


  23. #23
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    Content. Sorry I am soooo late on this, but this is how it is described on a site I found.

    75 mg Trenbolone 3 ml.

    250 mg Decanoate 3 ml.

    250 mg Sustanon 4 ml.

    MX. 197. contains the above mix, you can click on the individual steroids to read their properties, this is a blend of probably the most common blend in a cycle, thats why Maxpro made it in response to the many requests for this product.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris J View Post
    Content. Sorry I am soooo late on this, but this is how it is described on a site I found.

    75 mg Trenbolone 3 ml.

    250 mg Decanoate 3 ml.

    250 mg Sustanon 4 ml.

    MX. 197. contains the above mix, you can click on the individual steroids to read their properties, this is a blend of probably the most common blend in a cycle, thats why Maxpro made it in response to the many requests for this product.
    Thanks for the uhhh...information?
    I already listed it as it should have been listed in post 21.

  25. #25
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    Hey Chris,

    How is it a common blend? From everyone that I have talked to they say that it is a thrown together cocktail that seems to be really bad..?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve83 View Post
    Hey Chris,

    How is it a common blend? From everyone that I have talked to they say that it is a thrown together cocktail that seems to be really bad..?
    Her was quoting the source.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Thanks mate haha

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    flying from the ashes
    Listen to bear Steve, he has been giving you good advice. Keep going with your thread in the diet section. Stay well away from AAS, even the clen(it's useless above 10%bf) No AAS can match diet and cardio. Get some nolva asap for when you stop the letro. Its going to knock you around a bit(letro and nolva).

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Thanks Auzzi,

    Yeah I agree. I actually wish I was on a site like this a few years ago so I wasnt so stupid with taking what I did then and now having gyno.

    Everyone on this site have been so positive in getting natural gains and unreal in being so happy to help and give advise! (considering the site is called

    Well I just found out my BF% is 27 so I guess I got a long way to go before I think about it yet.

    Thanks everyone!

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