The name is Nate, im 19yrs old 6'2, 207lbs. I've been working out for 2 years.
I currently workout about 4-5days a week for an 1hr-1.5hr.
I take Whiteflood (Pre-Workout) right before workouts, mixed with Arginine and Creatine for an extra dose since Pre-Workout blends do not usually contain enough.
I've wanted to do Steroids (Test Cyponate) for awhile now, but i value my health...and mainly sex life more than a big pair of traps.
Since i decided not to take AAS i started looking into ...(What i thought i was a better alternative)....PH's. Tri Methyl 3.15 to be exact. However after some reading it seems like these are just as bad, if not worse at 19.
All i am asking is for some good ideas of a good supplementation that is safe, but still good enough to give me that boost im looking for.
Please do not tell me to eat more or better, i already have tried that. And yes i have switched up my workout routine.
I am looking for a good/strong supplement to take in conjunction with my workouts/eating habits. Like a safe PH (If their is such a thing), or some type of booster.
Any suggestions?!?