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Thread: Clen after test e cycle help

  1. #1

    Clen after test e cycle help

    Ok so im in 7th week of test enan

    Gained about 6 kilos so far, anotha 3 weeks left.

    But i wanted to cut down for summer, do yous recomened me using clen while on pct ? And i also want to keep the muscle im gaining (if its not all water)

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I personally would wait till gains were solidified before started to cut but I don't have any actual experience with it so I don't know how helpful that will be lol.

  3. #3
    There is nothing Clen can do for u that u cant accomplish on ur own without it. Clen is dangerous & the risk is not worth the reward, especially since u can get the same results without it.

  4. #4
    Its dangerous? Ok if so, will i lose much gains if i attempt to cut after cycle? Since i know i have to keep the calories up to maintain after cycle, but i really want to burn my excess fat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    I personally would wait till gains were solidified before started to cut but I don't have any actual experience with it so I don't know how helpful that will be lol.
    I do have experience with it. DO NOT try to cut right after your cycle ends. You'll lose a lot of your gains. Play it safe and wait a while. Keep your food intake where it is and lift as heavy as possible. Try to keep that hard earned muscle and worry about cutting at least 2 months after the cycle ends.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by Lebolion View Post
    Its dangerous? Ok if so, will i lose much gains if i attempt to cut after cycle? Since i know i have to keep the calories up to maintain after cycle, but i really want to burn my excess fat.
    You could be burning fat while on cycle. You know that right? You don't have to gain a bunch of weight to make your cycle a success.

  7. #7
    Really?? Thanks for the help mate... Ive been doung cardio 20 mins everyday after training aswell trying to keep fat gain to a minimum..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    Quote Originally Posted by Lebolion View Post
    Really?? Thanks for the help mate... Ive been doung cardio 20 mins everyday after training aswell trying to keep fat gain to a minimum..
    There really shouldn't be a need to add any fat at all with 20min cardio pwo unless your diet is down right terrible.

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