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Thread: Please help me disprove information in this steroid profile

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Please help me disprove information in this steroid profile

    I have been reading steroid profiles on another board and have a disagreement with a member on the factual information stated within the profile, it has no been brought to public debate and I would like some assistance providing factual information on anything you find wrong with this profile (I am only starting with one then may do others)

    I have highlighted some points I disagree with, please comment on those (if I am correct or not) and anything else you find.


    While Finaject itself is no longer available, in some cases injectable preparations from Finaplix have been made. The substance is the same: trenbolone acetate.

    Trenbolone is a steroid having the advantages of undergoing no adverse metabolism, not being affected by aromatase or 5alpha-reductase; of being very potent Class I steroid binding well to the androgen receptor; and having a short 1) half life, probably no more than a day or two though I don't believe this has been measured. Fifty milligrams per day is a good dosing for someone on his first cycle or someone who is as yet less than, say, 20 pounds over his natural limit; while 100 mg/day may be preferred by the more advanced user who has already gained more than this. These doses are assuming that trenbolone is the only Class I steroid being use. 2) There really is no need to stack another -- testosterone being the only sensible exception -- but if another is stacked then the amount of trenbolone may be reduced accordingly.

    There is no evidence in the literature, nor I think practical evidence, that trenbolone acetate has a "special role" in burning fat. Rather, it is an extraordinarily potent AAS, 3) being about three times as effective per milligram as testosterone esters. This seems to apply only to Class I activity, however. To obtain good anabolism from non-AR-mediated mechanisms, a Class II steroid such as Dianabol or Anadrol should be stacked.

    There used to be a myth that trenbolone was "hard on the kidneys." I have found no indication in the scientific literature of particular kidney toxicity with trenbolone. I know a number of users, at doses of 50-100 mg/day, who have experienced no problems. It seems to me that the claims that have been made were from athletes stacking an incredible amount of drugs, and how the blame could have fairly been laid at trenbolone (actually at Parabolan, not trenbolone acetate) is not clear.

    It is also not clear that trenbolone results in any greater degree of increased aggression for a given amount of anabolic effect than testosterone itself does, despite another myth to that effect. The increase in aggressive tendency -- which does not mean the act of aggression -- is moderate and entirely controllable, if noticeable at all.

    Trenbolone is a steroid having the advantages of undergoing no adverse metabolism, not being affected by aromatase or 5alpha-reductase; of being very potent Class I steroid binding well to the androgen receptor; and having a short half life, probably no more than a day or two. Fifty milligrams per day is a good dosing for someone on his first cycle or someone who is as yet less than, say, 20 pounds over his natural limit; while 100 mg/day may be preferred by the more advanced user who has already gained more than this. These doses are assuming that trenbolone is the only Class I steroid being use. There really is no need to stack another -- testosterone being the only sensible exception -- but if another is stacked then the amount of trenbolone may be reduced accordingly.

    Since Finaject is the acetate form of trenbolone, its effect lasts only a short time and frequent administration is necessary. Most athletes inject I ml (30 mg) every second day. Higher dosages such as, for example, 30 mg/day or 60 mg every two days, however, were not unusual since an enormous strength gain and also a strong but still high-quality muscle gain was obtained.

    Finaject does not aromatize since its substance is not changed into estrogens. In combination with Winstrol it has a dramatic effect on the body's appearance. To achieve a gigantic strength gain bodybuilders used to combine 4) 30 mg Finaject every 1-2 days and 50 mg Winstrol Depot every 1-2 days (also known as Strombaject) during preparation for a competition and the buildup phase. No other combination gives the athlete such an incredible hardness and such a defined muscle gain. The possible physical change obtainable in only a few weeks is enormous enough to shock some non-involved observers. Believe us, competing bodybuilders love this combination especially.

    Finaject was also part of probably the most effective stack for mass buildup. Together with Dianabol or Anadrol 50, and testosterone, "Fina" builds up strength and mass in record time. Another way of administration which is far less dangerous, can be prepared as follows: the ground pellets are mixed with a mixture of 50% water and 50% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide). Then the mixture is put on the skin and allowed to soak in. Dimethyl sulfoxide is used to transport the substance trenbolone through the skin. Using this method approximately 40 mg of the substance can get into the blood without much harm.

    Doses: 50 - 100 mg/ED or EOD
    5) Side effects: Medium
    Strength & Mass gains: Solid
    Stack: Great for pure mass in combination with any test
    Cutting: Good in combination with Primobolan depot or Winstrol

    1) 48-72 hours? I have seen a chart on this site with blood levels, anyone know where?
    2) There is need to stack another ESPECIALLY testosterone to combat fina/dick
    3) Scientifically on paper test has an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 100:100 while tren Ace is 500:500, that would make it 5 times more powerful (on paper)
    4) Im sure there is 100 other combinations that would give the user “such an incredible hardness and such a defined muscle gain” please name as many as you like, ill start with 100mgED Tren A/100mg ED Test Prop/100mg ED Mast/100mg ED Winny
    5) The testosterone profile states medium side effects, and so does this one, I believe the side effects of tren are much more extreme than test and should be classed high. Including but not limited to: Acne, lack of endurance, Extreme sweating, night sweats, night terrors, irritability, insomnia, please continue

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Agreed on all counts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    how do I see the graphs in this post?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    bloodpressure and hairloss

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Replace "lack of endurance" with "bronchioconstriction".

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    i also like the line about "To achieve a gigantic strength gain bodybuilders used to" what the fvk do bodybuilders care about a giganitic strength gain?

    But you really gotta love "Fifty milligrams per day is a good dosing for someone on his first cycle" Tren for a first cycle,,,,Oh hell why not ;-)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by oznog6183 View Post
    bloodpressure and hairloss
    I have done 4 cycles with tren and hairloss was not a problem for me,now masteron is a different story.While my BP is a little higher while on a cycle with tren/test,it is not high.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    obviously sides vary from person to person but hairloss is a common side effect with tren for some users

  9. #9
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    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by oznog6183 View Post
    obviously sides vary from person to person but hairloss is a common side effect with tren for some users
    You were asking to disprove some of the sides,hair loss was not a problem for me or my son with tren. I have done 4 cycles with tren and hairloss was not an issue....I did start loosing hair when i added Masteron to one of the cycles,so you have to look at everything you are taking during the cycle...So will you loose hair when you take tren,maby and maby not.....

  10. #10
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    i dont agree with the side effects part, i wasnt too bad on it but i personally know one guy who has a terrible time on the stuff. diff strokes for diff folks

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    completely agree that everyone is different but tren does seem to give quite severe side effects to many.

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