Thread: First time blast
10-13-2011, 02:33 PM #1Member
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First time blast
I am currently on TRT at 200mg of Test Cyp a week, 3 mg AI, and 600iu of HCG (sublingual) a week. Also taking B12 injections once a week. I am looking to possibly doing a blast around the first of January and was wanting to get opinions on what to put with my Test. Also dosages would be helpful to, and your opinion on why you picked what you did pick to go along with my Test.
Here are my stats
20-22% BF...Had it checked back in March and it was 18% but I haven't had it checked since so I am guessing. I pretty much look the same, just added strength which I assume means more muscle. Just a guess.
My goals
Trim up some unwanted fat, and look more cut up. Not going for bodybuilder show look, just want to look good. If I add muscle obviously that is a plus.
YES I DO KNOW THAT I NEED TO DROP THE BF% DOWN. I want to lose a minimum of 20 lbs. before I blast(AND NOT BE MUSCLE). Plan on starting more of a cardio/maintain muscle workout first of November after I reach my goal of 405 bench press at the end of October. I am currently lifting pretty heavy right now and doing no cardio in order to reach my goal. Once I reach my goal I will pursue the fat loss part of it. Then the blast. Then start working on adding more muscle. My main scare of stopping lifting heavy is losing muscle mass. I am not looking for just the scale number to drop by 20 pounds but actually drop 20 pounds of fat.
Here is what I have looked at and read about that think they fit closest to my goals of the blast. And I really only want to blast about 4-6 weeks my first time then go back to my TRT dosage.
DECA ...Only because this is what I see alot of people add for a blast. Not sure it meets what my goals are
Winstrol ...NO ORAL
So if you have an opinion please let me know why and what kind of dosages you suggest. I don't want anything complicated since this is my first time. Just a blast that will help me with my goals.
So thanks for the opinions and advice ahead of time.
10-13-2011, 02:47 PM #2
well if you only want to do 4-6 weeks that really limits you. Most of the items you listed that that long to start working
10-13-2011, 05:25 PM #3Banned
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How old r u?
10-13-2011, 08:05 PM #4Member
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I am 34 years old. Never done a cycle in my life. I have been on TRT since April 2011. How long would I have to blast with the ones that I listed above. I really seemed to be prone to bacne so if there any that kind of limit that as a side please let me know. I really would like some help guys. I am trying not to be stupid about this. I want to do it right.
10-13-2011, 08:12 PM #5Banned
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Well if u hav never cycled b4, then those compounds r not 4 u. Stick with just Test. 4 now. Try 400 - 500 mg/wk, not including ur TRT dose, bcuz that dose is intended 2 bring ur low test. levels up 2 normal. Get it? BTW, April is pretty recent, I'm not very experienced in TRT, but arent the Docs still fine tuning ur dose? I could b rong, but I'd rather b rong than advise u how 2 cycle & end up screwing u outa ur script, know wut I mean...................
Last edited by The Bear 79; 10-13-2011 at 08:16 PM.
10-13-2011, 08:20 PM #6Banned
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TRT at 34... is that common ?
10-13-2011, 09:52 PM #7
HCG Sublingual-undertongue is a new one on me!
I blast and cruise through choice so I may be able to help a bit here
But in realtion to your post a 4-6 week blast is really limiting in terms of compounds, add new cycler to the mix and well we have a bit of fun on our hands don't we?
Bear there is no need in disregarding the TRT dosage in the cycle amounts, as think of it from a non TRT patient stand point say you are producing around 200mg total test a week (this is wrong but is an easy figure to grasp) that will be suppressed through the introduction of a test injection, so you are left with what you inject. sorry if i sound patronising.
But anyway as its your first cycle test only is the way to go and due to the length of time you wish to blast fot test prop is your only option really at 125-150mg eod(every other day) which will give a weekly average of about 450mg. or you can go the more traditional route of a 12 week test enth or cyp blast at 600mg ew.
10-14-2011, 08:24 AM #8Member
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I started in April and I have had blood work done 4 times already since I started. I have it right about where I need to. I will probably schedule another blood draw in December to check my levels and then I should be good for about 6 months before he wants me to come back in. First couple of times my test and estrogen shot through the roof. Adjusted test and AI and it got better. Last time was damn near perfect to where he wanted it. So I am just about right in my sweet spot. I know I definately don't want to blast if I know I have blood work coming up so I will be careful to check when he is going to want to do bloodwork again before I blast.
10-14-2011, 08:25 AM #9Member
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10-14-2011, 08:27 AM #10Member
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Thank you for the response, but is Test only cycle going to help with my goals? Plus I am pretty prone to bacne even at 200mgs Test Cyp a week so I would assume at 125-150mg EOD I would really have some problems with bacne, correct. By the way are you on TRT? What is your age and how long have you been on if you are on TRT?
Last edited by NOSUPERMODEL; 10-14-2011 at 08:31 AM. Reason: Added to comments
10-14-2011, 08:38 AM #11
10-14-2011, 08:44 AM #12
No worries. Test only will help you towards your goals yes, but more importantly it is a reference point for sides. As most cycles you do will involve test so you can see which compound is causing what sides and so can treat them.
If backs is an issue then up your AI dosage, if it's arimidex go to 0.5mg Ed or if aromasin 12.5mg Ed. That would control it if not increase dosages.
Not necessarily, how often are you injecting with the cyp? Sides are often due to hormonal imbalance due to unstable blood levels so injecting every other day may not give more sides.
No I'm not on TRT, I choose to blast and cruise so essentially I have resigned myself to TRT, as I want to compete at a high level. I'm 22 and have been blasting and cruising since I was 17-which is why I will never say someone is stupid for taking gear young, if you are well informed and know the risks there is no reason you cannot do so.
10-14-2011, 08:45 AM #13
Why use a different compound? It's no different to a normal cycle.
10-14-2011, 09:33 AM #14Banned
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The very moment the OP asked how old u were, I KNEW u were gona lie (cant wait 2 hear the BS excuses, maybe you'll hav som new 1's that haven't been heard 100 times over)..................... And u better get over that "young user advocate" BS, or u wont last long here, just cuz u weren't smart enuf 2 heed good advice doesn't mean these other kids aren't, don't rub ur stupid off on them.
Last edited by The Bear 79; 10-14-2011 at 10:39 AM.
10-14-2011, 10:35 AM #15Member
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10-14-2011, 10:37 AM #16Member
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10-14-2011, 10:38 AM #17Member
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Okay so can somebody really help me here? For some reason I am thinking that if I just cruise Test Cyp at 400-500mgs a week all I am going to do is blow up and retain water. I want something that is actually going to help me get to my goals. I don't want to blast just to say I did a blast.
10-14-2011, 10:42 AM #18Banned
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10-14-2011, 10:43 AM #19Banned
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Double post.............
10-14-2011, 10:50 AM #20Member
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Thanks. Do you think I should put in the TRT section? I was thinking that those guys might not have as much experience with different compounds.
10-14-2011, 10:56 AM #21
If you're only looking at doing 4-6 weeks you're best bet would be a short ester, like Test Prop... otherwise it's kind of a waste.
10-14-2011, 11:00 AM #22
Yeah posted a BS age. I mean who's going to listen to an 18yr old right? None of you. You would automatically ignore what I have to say regardless of what I know. Juicing young can be a problem and can not be a problem. If you are aiming to be a pro BB then really the risk is acceptable. If you just want to get a little bigger it's not. Other than the false age and hence cycle lengths not one iota of what I have said has been bs. Take it as you like.
10-14-2011, 11:08 AM #23Banned
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10-14-2011, 11:26 AM #24
Your goals are pretty mild. I would bump your test up to 400 and add winny or anavar . That will get you to your goals, then drop back down to your 200mg trt
10-14-2011, 01:11 PM #25Member
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Thanks Gixxer. What does do you suggest on the Winny. I don't really want to do Anavar since its an oral.
10-17-2011, 08:18 AM #26Member
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Gixxer can you help me out on the dosage of Winny injectable?
10-17-2011, 08:22 AM #27
i would do 50mg ed for 4-6 weeks
10-17-2011, 09:20 AM #28Member
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10-17-2011, 09:40 AM #29
10-17-2011, 09:49 AM #30
no. trt at 34 is not that common. another thing i didn't like is the dose is too high. a very standard dose is either 200mg cyp/enth eow OR 100mg ew. if you truly just want to optimize your test levels, 200 is too high. My doc put me on 100mg cyp ew, then after a few blood panels, we dropped it to 80mg cyp ew where i am still on the very high end of the optimal scale. the problem is this, with test, more is NOT better. 200mg cyp/enth forever could eventually bring on some other health problems like high blood pressure, too high rbc amongst other things. if you want to blast, then bump it to 500mg ew for 12 weeks. if you want to cruise, then keep it as low as you can and still in the optimal range. 200mg does neither... too low for a cycle, too high for trt.
my .02
10-17-2011, 10:10 AM #31Member
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10-17-2011, 10:13 AM #32Member
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I seem to be doing pretty well on 200mgs EW, but yes I do know several people that are on less. I have had my blood work checked regularly since starting and I have always been toward the high end of the scale, but never completely way above it. Except for one time it read over 1,000 on a 800 something scale, but the next 6 weeks it went back in the 700 range. So the doc doesn't know what happen with that one blood test.
10-17-2011, 10:48 AM #33
I am on 200mg/week Cyp for TRT. If your body is changing, I would focus on your diet and see how you do for a while. If you really want to blast, I would research beginner/starter cycles. "Blasting" is nothing more than a cycle with no PCT since you simply go back to your TRT dose. Keep it simple, keep it small. I know it is easy to want to go heavy because you are already jabbing yourself, but I believe guys on TRT should have the same caution as a guy that is just doing his first cycle.
10-17-2011, 10:52 AM #34Member
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I definately want to take it easy my first time. Thats why i even considered just upping my dosage of test. But I don't want to just get all bloated, bigger than I already am. I want something that is going to help me look better overall. I can always add size at another point in time. My diet is in check and will be even more in check after the end of October when I start cutting for 2 months prior to this cycle.
10-17-2011, 10:59 AM #35
If you don't want to get bigger, I wouldn't blast if I was you. The 200mg/week will continue to help you add muscle and cut fat along with a good diet. When I look in the mirror, I cannot believe it is the same guy that looked back at me ten months ago. I know a lot of it is getting back to the gym and finally tightening my diet, but there is no doubt having decent Test levels helps.
If this is your first cycle, and if it was me, I would just up my Test dose. Nice and simple. If I were to blast, it would be at 600mg/week. Cyp if you want to wait four weeks for it to kick in, or Prop if you want to get started right away (and can take injecting every other day). Others with cycling experience can give you better advice than me, but I did do a lot of reading about beginner cycles.
10-17-2011, 01:41 PM #36Member
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Thanks for the response JohnnyVegas. I still have some time to think through the blast and do some research. Thats why I put the thread up here. Hoping I would get a lot of suggestions from the veterans.
I don't mind adding muscle at all, I just don't want to get extremely HUGE. I am already a big guy as it is. I am not looking to be a professional bodybuilder. I just want to look great this summer and lose some weight and maybe add a little mass to what I already have.
I can handle the injections every other day. I would have to find a source for the prop but I could probably do that pretty easily.
10-17-2011, 01:49 PM #37
your goals dont warrant a blast,, just stick with 200mg wk of what your prescribed.
10-17-2011, 03:08 PM #38Member
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10-18-2011, 02:44 AM #39
10-18-2011, 04:06 AM #40Junior Member
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I don't mean to be rude here, but this is just too much writing. Keep it simpler in the future and more people will help.
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