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Thread: Cycle. Test E, EQ, Anavar. PCT questions

  1. #1

    Cycle. Test E, EQ, Anavar. PCT questions

    Hey guys,

    I just started week 1 of my 4th cycle. It looks like this

    Week 1 - 12 EQ @ 500mg PW
    Week 2 -13 TEST E @ 600mg PW
    Week 7 - 15 ANVAR @ 60mg ED

    So i was thinking with pct i have hcg, nolvadex and was going to grab some clomid. I can also get letrozole but its f#@kin expensive $100 for 10. So i was trying to avoid it but if its best i will grab it.

    So my pct at the moment looks like this:

    weeks 8 - 13 HCG @ 500mg a week split into 2 injections
    weeks 50-19 Nolva and clomid

    I heard if you run hcg though, you have to run nolva with it.. is this true?
    Will this pct be enough? I mentioned b4 i have run 4 cycles before, my pct was terrible.. nolva only for last 2 but the first 2 i didnt even do pct(I know im an idiot) But this time round i want to do it right and keep i solid amount of gains and try and not crash.

    My stats are 5'9 180lbs have been training for about 5 years.

    Any help would be much appreciated thanks alot!!!

    ps. How do you mix the hcg?? i have 5000mg but its just in a snap off?? haha it looks complicated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    what dose for your pct? everything else looks good,, i cant comment on HCG cause i dont use it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    letro is very strong i like to run exemestane during cycle, my favorite ai.

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