Hi guys,
I always use testosterone as a base of every cycles I have run. But never use sustanon 250.
I've heard that sustanon will give less water retention & kicks-in faster due to the prop & phenylprop esters in it, but should be run at least every other day (EOD) or every day (ED).
I don't mind injecting EOD or ED.
This time I am curious about sustanon 250 and want to try it.
In my country, test enanthate (schering testoviron depot brand) is more expensive than sustanon 250 (organon brand).
I can get 2 ampoules of testoviron depot at the same price as 3 ampoules of sustanon 250.
Which one will give better result?
i.e : 500mg of Test Enanthate (Testoviron Depot) per week or 750mg of Sustanon 250 per week?
or maybe 1000mg of Test Enanthate (Testoviron Depot) per week or 1500mg of Sustanon 250 per week? (still the same price tough)
What do you think I should go with?
Please don't treat me like a newbie... I had many cycles under the belt (more than 10 cycles in the past). I have been using steroids for 4 years.
and have been training for 8 years (being natural for the first 4 years).
I am an athlete & competing also...
Any opinion and input would be highly appreciated..
Many Thanks Guys..