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  1. #1
    cubano is offline New Member
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    want to know if i can start steroids

    Hey all. I wanted to start a beginner cycle and wanted to know ny risks.

    Im 18 and have finished growing. Im 5'7 and weigh 210 pounds. I use to weigh much more and lost alot of fat with a bit of cardio and lifting weights 5d/wk. I had my gallbladder removed 6 months ago so I know orals will hurt my liver more. I know how to diet properly and lift. Im at a 50:30:20 (p/c/f) caloric daily ratio. I drink casein before bed and midnight to keep constant protein synthesis and whey post workout. I looked up all the cycles on novice and read about all the #2-1 roids on the cycle given as a suggestion on this website.

    400-500mg cypionate per week for 11 weeks
    200-400mg deca per week for 10 weeks
    35mg d-bol per day for 4 weeks
    10-20mg novaldex per day for 16 weeks
    200mg vitamin b6 weekly for 16 weeks
    pct of clomid therapy for 3 weeks

    Im determined to keep lifting and eventually using roids. I just want to know if my weight is maybe an issue or lack of gallbladder etc. Please and thank you.youth

  2. #2
    Mythos's Avatar
    Mythos is offline New Member
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    You need to wait. Even if you finished growing it doesn't mean your body is done maturing.

    Everyone else will tell you the same. Do some reading and when you think you know enough, read some more.

    You have plenty of natty test right now...use it

  3. #3
    cubano is offline New Member
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    Then let's say hypothetically im 25 with the same stats?

  4. #4
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubano View Post
    Then let's say hypothetically im 25 with the same stats?
    then hypothetically you wont get an answer, your gonna do way more harm than good,, if your 18 and want to do a cycle youll have to research on your own

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubano View Post
    Then let's say hypothetically im 25 with the same stats?
    Welcome to the board Cubano,
    There is alot going on in your body right now at 18. Physically, you are about as tall as you are going to get, maybe an inch or so taller. But internally, your still growing and maturing. Especially your hormonal system. By taking steroids now, you cut short this maturation process, and you are opening the door wide open for health problems down the road. I know if you are dead set on doing steroids, no one here can stop you. But in good conscious, we (me) are not going to encourage it either.

    Some of the symptoms you may experience from taking steroids to young are:
    high blood pressure
    increase cholestoral
    erectile deficiency (ED or limp dik)
    loss or reduction of libido (losing interest in sex)

    Our standard response is for you to wait until your endocrine system is fully mature, and that usually happens around the age 25.

    Having said all that, your own body is ramping up it's own testosterone production, and will continue to do so for the next few years. Take advantage of it!

    I hope you understand our position. I do encourage you to check out our diet and exercise sections. Take the next few years and build up a natural foundation, and when the time is right, and your body is ready, then you may consider taking steroids.

    Sorry mate. No disrespect intended!

  6. #6
    cubano is offline New Member
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    Thanks for warning me. But the question wasn't answered. I want to know what you would tell me if I was 25 instead. Its not me being hard headed. Im trying to educate myself. So again based on the current stats, would I (age25) be able to take steroids safely

  7. #7
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome cubano...

    Please take your edge with all the natural TONS of hormones you have now. Many here wish they had what you have. It is not worth messing with your endocrine system since you could develop a negative feedback loop by relying on the synthetic test thus shutting your own test down.

    Hope you hang out and read and learn. Enjoy the site~
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  8. #8
    sir.solidarity's Avatar
    sir.solidarity is offline Associate Member
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    I stopped reading at "I'm 18", please don't.

  9. #9
    cubano is offline New Member
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    Still unanswered

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Thats beacuse we dont advise the under age.

  11. #11
    SufferToReturnHarder's Avatar
    SufferToReturnHarder is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cubano View Post
    Still unanswered
    No one here is going to advise you mate.

  12. #12
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    I will, because you're gonna do it anyway and because I myself am extremelly pissed when no body wants to answer me because of my young age (21).

    Dont do test deca and dbol as a first cycle. if you get side effects you wont know which component is causing the problem. stick to just test, you dont need more to grow for a first cycle.

    you weigh 210 lbs, but this number is useless without a body fat %. the higher your BF%, the more side effects you will get. a high bf% also indicate a lacking diet so you should head to the diet forum before touching steroids if that is the case.

    Combining deca with nolvadex will worsen the prolactin bitchtits. if you want something to counter bitchtits go with an AI like arimidex . don't run a progestin with nolvadex.

    Use that nolvadex in your PCT along with clomid, and i also think 3 weeks is too short. do 4.

    Hope it helps.
    Last edited by Exilus; 10-18-2011 at 02:44 PM.

  13. #13
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus;5***064
    I will, because you're gonna do it anyway and because I myself am extremelly pissed when no body wants to answer me because of my young age (21).

    Dont do test deca and dbol as a first cycle. if you get side effects you wont know which component is causing the problem. stick to just test, you dont need more to grow for a first cycle.

    you weigh 210 lbs, but this number is useless without a body fat %. the higher your BF%, the more side effects you will get. a high bf% also indicate a lacking diet so you should head to the diet forum before touching steroids if that is the case.

    Combining deca with nolvadex will worsen the prolactin bitchtits. if you want something to counter bitchtits go with an AI like arimidex . don't run a progestin with nolvadex.

    Use that nolvadex in your PCT along with clomid, and i also think 3 weeks is too short. do 4.

    Hope it helps.
    First of all, he's still a kid and shouldn't be advised on how to cycle. Secondly, he said his gallbladder was removed. You don't know why, yet you're helping him sort a cycle out.

    OP why did you have your gallbladder removed?

  14. #14
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus;5***064
    I will, because you're gonna do it anyway and because I myself am extremelly pissed when no body wants to answer me because of my young age (21).

    Dont do test deca and dbol as a first cycle. if you get side effects you wont know which component is causing the problem. stick to just test, you dont need more to grow for a first cycle.

    you weigh 210 lbs, but this number is useless without a body fat %. the higher your BF%, the more side effects you will get. a high bf% also indicate a lacking diet so you should head to the diet forum before touching steroids if that is the case.

    Combining deca with nolvadex will worsen the prolactin bitchtits. if you want something to counter bitchtits go with an AI like arimidex . don't run a progestin with nolvadex.

    Use that nolvadex in your PCT along with clomid, and i also think 3 weeks is too short. do 4.

    Hope it helps.
    The blind leading the blind

  15. #15
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    As everyone said, you're are too young..
    Now for your question, if you were 25 would you be ready? no
    @ 5'7 210lbs without many solid years of training, I'm guessing your bodyfat % is too high and your risk of sides is much greater. Growing tits isnt worth getting bigger arms imo. If your bf is in check, you're genetically gifted and don't need gear.

  16. #16
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exilus;5***064
    I will, because you're gonna do it anyway and because I myself am extremelly pissed when no body wants to answer me because of my young age (21).

    Dont do test deca and dbol as a first cycle. if you get side effects you wont know which component is causing the problem. stick to just test, you dont need more to grow for a first cycle.

    you weigh 210 lbs, but this number is useless without a body fat %. the higher your BF%, the more side effects you will get. a high bf% also indicate a lacking diet so you should head to the diet forum before touching steroids if that is the case.

    Combining deca with nolvadex will worsen the prolactin bitchtits. if you want something to counter bitchtits go with an AI like arimidex . don't run a progestin with nolvadex.

    Use that nolvadex in your PCT along with clomid, and i also think 3 weeks is too short. do 4.

    Hope it helps.
    PLEASE do not take this advice quoted above. Many new members come hear wanting to hear what they want to hear. And just because this post is giving you HORRIBLE advice does not warrant taking steroids. YOU COULD MESS YOURSELF UP FOR A LIFETIME taking steroids. This is serious business.

    Do you have any idea how many members come back begging for help regretting they cycled? And I mean begging on their knees desperately not knowing what to do with:

    Acne all over place
    ED and their girlfriend left 'em because of it
    LOW test for the rest of their life thus having to take TRT for the rest of their life

    and more.

    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

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