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  1. #1
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    Feeling Tired and sluggish.

    yo guys... seeing if you can help me out. im on week 3 of my cycle [test e 500mgs/week]. and while i do feel like i have a little more energy overall, by about 2-3 pm in the day, i am just tired. like i just want to lay around [if im home..and before this i was not like this..always doing something all the time] and i also dont feel as strong as i would think i should at this point. [as far as on lifting days..prior to lifting]. if i take superpump gives me a boost and makes me feel like i get more out of my workouts. but when i don't, i feel sluggish until i get going with lifting. i have been reading numerous things /reasons why i could be more tired....and two that stick out to me are elevated rbc's or high estrogen. i am just not sure what is going on but after all the $ i spent on this cycle i want to make sure i get the most out of it. i have put on about 5-7 lbs so far. my nipples also do feel slightly sensitive but only when i get cold. i started the arimidex monday night at 0.5mgs. just did 2nd shot of hcg monday too.

    i just thought i would have alot more energy than I have. i dont remember feeling sluggish like this on my cycle last time...[t-400]. i know my body is working alot harder and all that good stuff, but is this normal??

    what can you help me with here guys. thanks alot.

  2. #2
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'd check your diet. How many cals are you taking in? What are the macros on that? I would suspect not enough complex carbs, but only guessing until better information. Water intake ok? Anytime you attempt to trouble shoot any problem, always check the easiest things first, and in this case, your diet.

  4. #4
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman;5***993
    I'd check your diet. How many cals are you taking in? What are the macros on that? I would suspect not enough complex carbs, but only guessing until better information. Water intake ok? Anytime you attempt to trouble shoot any problem, always check the easiest things first, and in this case, your diet.

  5. #5
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    i thought my diet was ok. drinking shakes at least 1-2 times a day. ive also been getting headaches and the last few days they have been worse. i only took one dose of the a-dez so far so can't imagine it would be that.

    thinking of asking my doc to run some bloodwork....i feel like shit

  6. #6
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    anyone else got any suggestions to help me. im seriously thinking about stopping if i dont start to feel better. cant get in doc until tomorrow for appt and bloodwork. gonna check my bp when i get off work.

  7. #7
    The Situation is offline Associate Member
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    It could be how you react to the esther. I would get the blood work done and go from there. You know your body the best. It's your call.

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Too many variables...Doubt it's the juice though. Post up your diet like Times mentioned. That's my first thought as well.

  9. #9
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    dont have time to post up my diet right now but my buddy was telling me to cut back on the carbs since i was retaining water weight. but i thought carbs are fuel for energy and needed when lifiting/juicing? i was drinking cytogainer 1-2 times a day on workout days and non work out days, mixed with milk and a banana. maybe i need to go back to drinking those.

    ive also been getting headaches but figured out its probably from my b/p. went to doc and bp was 140/98 and 138/88. going for blood work in morning wont have results till monday at earliest. asked him to run my test and estrogen as well as a full panel. i told him everything so he knows. also thinking of lowering my dose of test ...maybe it is just too much right now for my body since i just started week 3 and am already up almost 8 lbs. [im sure most of its water]. hoping the a-dex starts to kick in soon to help with all that.

  10. #10
    raptorws6 is offline New Member
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    I had the exact same thing happen to myself when I started my cycle and the research I came across said it could be the AI. I'm in week 6 now and it's gotten better but I do still feel tired sometimes but not as much as before or what your experiencing. I'm taking .5mg adex E3D. On a separate note BP is a more serious subject, your seeing a physician now which is good but I personally don't feel that BP would cause headaches. there's a ton of other possible associated causes. Tho BP can cause it and 140/98 or 138/88 is a little high that's usually not enough to have serious side effects. But either way check out the blood work results and that should tell you what's going on, good luck.

  11. #11
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Headaches and feeling tired, how much water are you consuming?

  12. #12
    maxwell78 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest View Post
    Headaches and feeling tired, how much water are you consuming?
    probably not enough water as i should. brought a gallon jug with me to work today. gonna try my best at minimum to drink at least that if not more. i have only take 2 a dex pills so i cant imagine it would be that causing the headache already.

  13. #13
    raptorws6 is offline New Member
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    I wasn't referring to the adex causing the h/a's just the fatigue. The headaches could be caused by a multitude of different systemic issues, it's actually one of the most common side effects of all sorts of bodily problems such as bacterial/viral infections, stress, uncorrected refractive error, photophobia, etc...

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