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Thread: Question about cycling off in this situation.

  1. #1

    Question about cycling off in this situation.

    Started a cycle of TestE250/DECA250 1cc every Wednesday and Sunday that only lasted 3 weeks. I had some medical issues that made me stop "cold Turkey" which I know is totally not recommended. I have been seeing a doctor that has been monitoring me and everything is good so far. I asked about the PCT and she said she wouldn't do it because my body will naturally come back to normal. The problem is I feel anxious and actually had a panic attack this past Friday. I've pretty much stopped all caffeine consumption and the only pills I take are a multivitamin and a fish oil pill. My question is, is this symptom of being anxious and panicky because my hormones are all out of w hake. I have done a cycle once before back in 2008 so i am not a continuing user just recreational every couple of years. I feel like my body should come back fast because I only did 3 weeks, but this anxious thing has me a bit on edge which the doctor says is part of my problem lol, lose lose but any advise, experience, help will be appreciated. thanks

    oh today has been a full week since last shot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    deep left field
    I would agree that there is no need to a p.c.t. Anxiety is a mental issue. I dont mean that in a bad way, but for some reason you are causing yourself to panic. Like fear of the unknown or how some with phobia's get all worked up over certain issues. Only you can walk yourself through that and try to remain calm and breath slowly when you fell it coming on. I am slightly claustrphobic if thats how its spelled. I remove myself from the situation or focus on something else.

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