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  1. #1
    fatluke_nofx is offline Associate Member
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    Potential 2nd cycle

    Hello all, I was thinking of doing a 2nd cycle and looking for advice:
    Im 28, 220lbs and 6'3

    Sources are hard to come by and as such Im using some leftover gear from my last cycle about 1 year ago.

    Heres my problem, I have 2000mg of test-enth and 1500mg of test-prop, I wanted to run a test cycle at 400mg a week for 8 weeks while weeks 2-8 run 50mg winny ed.

    So how can I make a proper amount of the test stay in my system seein as how the prop. will need shots eod and the enanthate will only need 1 or 2 a week? Which should I start with, etc... any ideas would be great. Thanks

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
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    I would start with the test e, you have 5 weeks worth there and the three weeks worth of prop at 500mgs ew. So yes for the first 5 weeks you inject the test e x2 ew and weeks 6/7 and 8 you inject the test p eod....

    Thats about the best i can do with what you have and thats how i would run it, what do you have for pct???
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  3. #3
    fatluke_nofx is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the reply... Im workin on gettin pct right now and I wont dare start until I do. Im thinking A-dex while on the cycle, then nolva and clomid when I am done for pct. I believe clomid would be 50mg ed for 4 weeks and nolva at 40/40/20/20, correct?

    Also what amount of arimidex would you recommend while on the cycle, .5eod?

  4. #4
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatluke_nofx View Post
    thanks for the reply... Im workin on gettin pct right now and I wont dare start until I do. Im thinking A-dex while on the cycle, then nolva and clomid when I am done for pct. I believe clomid would be 50mg ed for 4 weeks and nolva at 40/40/20/20, correct?

    Also what amount of arimidex would you recommend while on the cycle, .5eod?
    all correct, use the adex only if you know you're gyno prone, otherwise wait for the tale tell itchy nips

  5. #5
    fatluke_nofx is offline Associate Member
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    thanks man!

  6. #6
    ata1979's Avatar
    ata1979 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    I would start with the test e, you have 5 weeks worth there and the three weeks worth of prop at 500mgs ew. So yes for the first 5 weeks you inject the test e x2 ew and weeks 6/7 and 8 you inject the test p eod....

    Thats about the best i can do with what you have and thats how i would run it, what do you have for pct???
    Matt, since he has a limited amount of test wouldn't it be better to start off with the faster acting prop and then switch to the test e afterwards. He only has 5 weeks worth of test e. It takes 3 to kick in. That's only 2 weeks of gains. Or a frontload with the Test e switch to the prop and end with the test e.

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    either way, it's going to be a short, mild cycle.

  8. #8
    ata1979's Avatar
    ata1979 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    either way, it's going to be a short, mild cycle.
    It is, but if planned correctly atleast he an get optimum results from what he has.

  9. #9
    fatluke_nofx is offline Associate Member
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    well I also have 10ml of andropen 275, but I wasn't planning on running it because it seems complicated to have all those different test esters, however if you guys think it is posible to mix all 3 Im interested to see what you have to say.

    Would you run the Andropen at the very begining because of both its short ester but still building up with other long esters, followed by test-e then finally test-p or does that sound just way to complicated?

  10. #10
    ata1979's Avatar
    ata1979 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatluke_nofx View Post
    well I also have 10ml of andropen 275, but I wasn't planning on running it because it seems complicated to have all those different test esters, however if you guys think it is posible to mix all 3 Im interested to see what you have to say.

    Would you run the Andropen at the very begining because of both its short ester but still building up with other long esters, followed by test-e then finally test-p or does that sound just way to complicated?
    That's how I would do it

  11. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ata1979 View Post
    Matt, since he has a limited amount of test wouldn't it be better to start off with the faster acting prop and then switch to the test e afterwards. He only has 5 weeks worth of test e. It takes 3 to kick in. That's only 2 weeks of gains. Or a frontload with the Test e switch to the prop and end with the test e.
    Well by week 3 he should be feeling the test e kicking in and seeing results so that would give him 5 weeks. The problem i have with the prop first is the fact that its out of his system in 3 days and he's then waiting 3 weeks to feel the test e..
    Quote Originally Posted by fatluke_nofx View Post
    well I also have 10ml of andropen 275, but I wasn't planning on running it because it seems complicated to have all those different test esters, however if you guys think it is posible to mix all 3 Im interested to see what you have to say.

    Would you run the Andropen at the very begining because of both its short ester but still building up with other long esters, followed by test-e then finally test-p or does that sound just way to complicated?
    However this changes everything, and looks a good plan...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  12. #12
    fatluke_nofx is offline Associate Member
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    thanks again for the information everyone.

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