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  1. #1
    70sAesthetics is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Exclamation Why does it not make sense to start Small?

    testosterone should be the base for every cycle

    "not for a beginner man, you wont put someone who barely knows how to drive in a mercedes. why do you think a lot of amateurs peak so early? because their first cycle is test, the receptors get used to something strong, its all about taking it step by step, if you do 500 grams a week, next cycle, you'd have to go to 750. then what? 1000 on your third cycle? if you start winny tablets for your first cycle, at 50 mg a day, second cycle, you could add primobolan , and thats how it goes..."

    And quoted from William LLewellyn's Anabolics 9th Edition: "AAS should be limited to the minimum dosage necessary to achieve the next realistic training/performance goal".

    Is there a lot of truth to the first quote? I am aware the most popular first cycle seems to be testE/Cyp at 500 mg/wk. But does it not make sense to start smaller, take smaller steps? I know that some people feel testosterone is a huge first step, and they really just need a "boost". Just to pack on a few pounds of lean, dry muscle that will remain after cycle. And repeat this maybe a few times over say a few years. And then at that point jump to testosterone? Does that not make more sense?
    Last edited by 70sAesthetics; 10-19-2011 at 06:33 PM.

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