I tried steroids for the first time in my life April this year or so I believe.
I ran 250mg Test E / week
But as you guys can see in my previous posts I had depression problems (maybe aggravated by the steroids) so I aborted the cycle at week 7. Got some gains, and can say I kept most of them. Had some gyno symptoms but took tamox. My balls however were the size of peanuts after those 7 weeks. So I had serious testicular atrophy.
I ran the PCT suggested by swifto's PCT thread and everything went smoothly. I recovered fine, my balls and semen volume went back to normal.
Now, here comes the weird part.
1. 3 weeks after I finished the PCT I checked my weight. I was up about 5 KG. So I gained more during the PCT than during the cycle. Almost 5 KG of muscle mass (I have very low body fat). And I have the same weight now.
2. And this is my problem actually. Almost three months have passed since PCT, balls were normal, everything was fine. And now, since a week or so, I have symptoms of testicular atrophy again. I don`t have ED, but have low libido and when I ejaculate my semen volume is ridiculously low. I used to have that sort of seminal volume when I was on steroids and had testicular atrophy.
It`s clear that my body doesn`t produce enough testosterone.
But why?
Could this be related to my steroid "cycle"?
How could it rebound like this? I mean, I was fine after PCT, got bloodwork done 3 weeks after PCT and I was in the normal range. Now it seems I`m in the dumps again.
Should I try PCT once again? Go to an endo? I`m not ashamed to admit I used steroids. But meh, don`t want to make a fool out of myself.