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Thread: New Member looking for advice

  1. #1

    New Member looking for advice

    I'll lay out my history real quick so you know where I'm coming from. I'm 38yo male, 5'7, 180lbs. I'm in good phyical shape, not big by any means, but in shape. I recently starting taking shots of Test, Cypionate 2,000mg/10ml. that was subscribed to me from my doctor for low T. I took 1cc a week for about 5 weeks, 1 1/2cc for 4weeks, and back to 1cc last week. I've been drinking plenty of protein and have seen a really good increase in my workouts and body. (First time I've ever taking a steriod).
    My questions is, how long should I continue taking the shots without taking a break for a few weeks or month? I've noticed some shrinkage in testicals, but have been told thats completly normal.
    And what should I take when I come off the shots? How long should I stay off? etc.
    Any help will be appreciated. I'm not looking to bulk way up, just want to keep having good strong workouts. I'm not against adding size at all, I've been happy with my gains so far, just saying I'm not looking for massive gains. Again thanks

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    Welcome to the Forum!
    Please take the time to read and follow the rules (
    There is a ton of information on every topic here combined with great members, vast experience, and a helpful staff .
    We look forward to your contributions and participation!

    As far as your post I think you would make out better if you posted it in our Hormone Replacement Therapy forum ( . There are some great guys like gdevine and jpk and bass and many others that will def give you great inpout! Again welcome.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENG22INE View Post
    I'll lay out my history real quick so you know where I'm coming from. I'm 38yo male, 5'7, 180lbs. I'm in good phyical shape, not big by any means, but in shape. I recently starting taking shots of Test, Cypionate 2,000mg/10ml. that was subscribed to me from my doctor for low T. I took 1cc a week for about 5 weeks, 1 1/2cc for 4weeks, and back to 1cc last week. I've been drinking plenty of protein and have seen a really good increase in my workouts and body. (First time I've ever taking a steriod).
    My questions is, how long should I continue taking the shots without taking a break for a few weeks or month? I've noticed some shrinkage in testicals, but have been told thats completly normal.
    And what should I take when I come off the shots? How long should I stay off? etc.
    Any help will be appreciated. I'm not looking to bulk way up, just want to keep having good strong workouts. I'm not against adding size at all, I've been happy with my gains so far, just saying I'm not looking for massive gains. Again thanks
    You're on TRT right? That's basically a "for life" thing meaning you take it like once a week for life. Your doctor should've gone over this with you before you made the decision to go on TRT. As far as the testicles go, since you're replacing your natural testosterone with synthetic, so they're not producing testosterone of their own so the atrophy is normal.

    TRT doses aren't meant to get you yoked, they're there to make you feel like normal.

  4. #4
    Well I'm not sure. I have to set another appointment and go back in a couple of weeks. When I first saw Dr. they gave me a shot that day and wrote out a perscription for 3 bottles. They called back a few days later and said I was on the edge of their cut off for being able to write me a script. So I went ahead and finished the bottle I started on, probably a shot or so left. Then I was going to come off for a few weeks and go back in for another test. I will repost this in the forum you suggested also. Thank you.

  5. #5
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Seems like you are doing a TRT dose. 200mg/week (1cc) is pretty standard, but higher than many guys take. You are in trouble if the doctor now tells you this is a temporary thing. TRT is forever. Your natural production of Test will be shut down after injecting for even a short period of time. If you stop now you will be in worse shape than you were before you started. If you are already experiencing testicular atrophy, you need to talk to your doc about getting hCG soon. It will trick you body into telling the testicles to keep working even though the feedback loop is telling them to stop. Most of us are on hCG for that very reason.

    I wouldn't delve into this much further if I was you. Keep it simple: stick to 200mg/week, get some hCG and make sure your doctor is going to keep you on this regimen forever. Tighten up your diet by talking to the guys in the nutrition section and you will see great changes if you hit the gym hard.

    Definitely migrate over to the TRT section.

    ...and welcome!

  6. #6
    thank you, I assume hcg is by persciption only? setting up appointment tomorrow to get this figured out.

  7. #7
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    These kind of post makes me wonder how the hell some doctors get hired...To not inform a patient about every aspect of TRT is ridiculous.

  8. #8
    your right, because reading these blogs and threads I've learned I have a lot of questions to ask my doctor in a week or so when i go back in.

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