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  1. #1
    Addictive's Avatar
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    Radical question about oral before / after test cycle.

    Would this be 'cycle-able' I guess safely.
    say you wantes to run an oral steroid / PH.
    1-4wks superdrol
    1-12 test-e
    12-16 d-bol
    (These are just random orals not actually what I think someone would run)
    Now, with so much going on do you think that you'd run nolva or something all the way through so you don't get the hint of gyno? Or just when you feel an itchy/sore nips?

    Also, would you run HCG 13-16wks? And PCT after last pill?

    Too young, not actually cycling. Coming up with radical questions for future references, getting more knowledgeable about aas. I'm not asking for dosage or anything.
    Thanks for the help in advanced.

  2. #2
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Thats like asking your girlfriends dad how to talk a girl into anal sex saying you were just curious about about it?

  3. #3
    SufferToReturnHarder's Avatar
    SufferToReturnHarder is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Thats like asking your girlfriends dad how to talk a girl into anal sex saying you were just curious about about it?

  4. #4
    Addictive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Thats like asking your girlfriends dad how to talk a girl into anal sex saying you were just curious about about it?
    I did, and it worked!

    No seriously though, just educating. I've asked plenty of threads like this; even a thread about how teens should not do steroids .
    Rather be knowledgeable now then start asking these questions when I'm 25, amirite or amirite?

  5. #5
    Addictive's Avatar
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    Double post*

  6. #6
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    R U asking if you could run a oral at the start and finish of a cycle and then you want to know if you should use any anti estro during cycle? Just clarifying what you are asking here sorry. HCG is good in my opinion on any PCT add 500mcg B-12 with HCG and it helps you body metabolize and uptake nutrients better.

  7. #7
    SufferToReturnHarder's Avatar
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    Okay, so then why would you be wondering about such a complicated cycle? Why not run a simple 12 week cycle of test when your old enough and ready? It would be silly for you to run random sh*t your first cycle.

  8. #8
    Addictive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coot589 View Post
    R U asking if you could run a oral at the start and finish of a cycle and then you want to know if you should use any anti estro during cycle? Just clarifying what you are asking here sorry. HCG is good in my opinion on any PCT add 500mcg B-12 with HCG and it helps you body metabolize and uptake nutrients better.
    Would it be safe to run it before and after( (liver wise) with that 8 week break in-between.
    Also, would it be beneficial to do over just running an oral at the beginning?
    Would the anti estrogen be safe to do throughout? Sense HCG promotes it?

  9. #9
    Addictive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SufferToReturnHarder View Post
    Okay, so then why would you be wondering about such a complicated cycle? Why not run a simple 12 week cycle of test when your old enough and ready? It would be silly for you to run random sh*t your first cycle.
    Not saying I would run this, but if anyone in the future would ask about a cycle like this I would know the answer.

    Knowledge is power!

  10. #10
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    Depends on goals. I like to run
    d-bol wk 1-4
    Test 1-15
    deca 1-15
    aridex .25 EOD

    Everyone is different my first cycle ever and I had just as good gains as anytime was:
    Test E 250mg/x2 wk (500mg) 1-10 wk
    novadex on hand
    And pct
    nova, clomid

  11. #11
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    Myself if I was to use a oral on the back end of a cycle it would be Winny, anavar other then that I only use D-bol or anadrol for a kick start at the beginning of cycle.
    First timers should stick to just test 500mg a wk to see how the body reacts

  12. #12
    Addictive's Avatar
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    why aridex over nolva during cycle?
    Did you do HCG ?

    Thank you again!

  13. #13
    SufferToReturnHarder's Avatar
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    Save the nolva for your pct, and run an AI instead.

  14. #14
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    I have done a few cycles and have tried almost all different compounds. When I go above 500mg wk of test I need armidex over nova to combat estro sides like sore nips and bloating my favorite cycles are.
    Mass cycle 3000-5000 Cal diet
    d-bol wk1-4
    test blend 600mg wk 1-15
    Deca 300 600mg wk 1-15
    armidex .25mg EOD
    HCG 200 iu aday plus 500mcg B-12
    My Cut Cycle 1000-2000 Cal ED
    test prop 400 wk 1-12
    Tren act 400 wk 1-12
    HCG 200iu ED and B-12 500mcg ED wk 1-25
    nova 10mg ED
    PCT Wk 13-25

    Use Liv 52 if you worry about liver
    I use on cycle supplement to add nutrients that are good while on cycle

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